Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 585 Inspection of the production base

Qin Yuanqing had no idea that his acceptance to attend the 2026 World Congress of Mathematicians and give a one-hour lecture would cause such a big shock around the world.

At this time, Qin Yuanqing was in a base. At this time, the base was starting to build an anti-gravity device. It took two months to build an anti-gravity device. This time, three anti-gravity devices will be built for testing.

After all, a brand-new device must go through a series of tests and improvements before it can be applied to aerospace aircraft and truly used in practice.

This secret base, numbered 92701, is a very high-density base with specialized defense forces stationed here. It was originally a secret military equipment manufacturing facility. As the anti-gravity device entered a new stage, the secret military equipment manufacturing here was moved. Go elsewhere and switch to producing anti-gravity devices.

The entire production base is located 100 meters underground. It can be said that it is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Even if thousands of troops want to attack the anti-gravity device production base, they cannot conquer it.

The core part of this anti-gravity device was designed by Qin Yuanqing, and the rest was improved by other researchers in the anti-gravity technology project. It can be said that only Qin Yuanqing has the entire anti-gravity technology in his hands, and others only have a superficial understanding of it.

The same is true for the plasma engine. The plasma engine is also built in a secret base in Sichuan Province. Compared with the anti-gravity device, the manufacturing of the plasma engine is more complicated and more difficult. After all, as an aerospace vehicle The main thruster of the aircraft, the plasma engine is definitely not the extremely small plasma engine of the previous experimental nature. This plasma engine is almost the same size as an aerospace engine.

Qin Yuanqing looked at the anti-gravity device that was about to be completed, and his heart was filled with excitement. Such an anti-gravity device can provide 0~10g of anti-gravity. In the cockpit, the gravity of the cockpit can be adjusted according to the switch, so that the gravity in the cockpit can be adjusted. It is the same as the earth, so that the physical fitness requirements of astronauts do not need to be so high, and the service time of astronauts is also increased.

The most important reason why astronauts’ physical fitness requirements are so high and their service time is so short is that during the launch of a manned spacecraft, the huge rocket thrust will put the astronauts under tremendous pressure, and their physical fitness will soon deteriorate. He fainted directly and his body was severely injured. When in space, you are in a state of weightlessness. Under such circumstances, you need a very strong physical fitness to resist the cruel environment in this weightless state.

But with this anti-gravity device, it is different. Whether during the launch process or in space, it is no different from the earth, which greatly lowers the threshold for astronauts and greatly extends the time in space.

Soon, Qin Yuanqing came to another place in the production base. There was also a group of engineers here who were building an anti-gravity device that was completely different from the one just now. This was specially used to provide anti-gravity for spacecrafts, that is, the Anti-Gravity No. 2 device. .

The Anti-Gravity 2 device allows the spacecraft to possess 0~10G vertical anti-gravity technology, which is enough to allow the aerospace aircraft currently being built to take off directly vertically. After all, this aerospace aircraft weighs 50 tons. , uses electric propulsion and abandons traditional chemical propulsion. Under such circumstances, whether the aerospace aircraft takes off and breaks through the first speed of the universe, the second speed of the universe, or the aerospace aircraft enters the atmosphere at extremely high altitudes from space Speed ​​requires strong anti-gravity as support, rather than plunging directly into the embrace of the earth.

In the future, aerospace planes will be the standard equipment for aerospace planes and star battleships. Any fourth-generation aircraft will be scum in front of an aerospace plane.

"Academician Qin, you can rest assured that the construction of these two anti-gravity models will be completed within the specified time with high quality and quantity, and there will never be a day's delay!" the person in charge of the production base said categorically.

This production base is under complete military management. Even the establishment of engineers is a military establishment. The military has a characteristic that it is its bounden duty to obey orders and execute orders to the letter.

"I also believe that you can complete this arduous task. This is related to the future of the country and must not be lost." Qin Yuanqing said.

Anti-gravity devices, plasma engines, aerospace aircraft body construction, and avionics systems are all built by special departments, and none of them are handled by private enterprises.

Firstly, private enterprises do not have such strong technology; secondly, China's private enterprises are mainly concentrated in the civilian field, while in the military and aerospace fields, even if they keep talking, to be honest, state-owned enterprises still occupy an absolute monopoly. , This is true whether it is in terms of technology monopoly or talent monopoly.

Thirdly, and very importantly, private enterprises emphasize flexibility and making money. As for confidentiality, it is simply a sieve, leaking everywhere and being constantly penetrated.

These major technologies are all related to China's future. The most important thing is not the speed and quantity of construction, but confidentiality.

Once the secret is leaked, the damage caused will be absolutely staggering.

As for private enterprises, as long as they have enough profits, even if they put a rope around their own neck, they will not hesitate to tighten the rope and hang themselves.

Qin Yuanqing inspected this base for two days and then left.

Qin Yuanqing then took a special plane and arrived at a highly confidential production base. Although this production base was not underground, it was located in a hollowed-out mountain. It was built in the 1960s and was originally a production base. It is a missile production base specifically used as a backup factory. Once other missile manufacturing plants are destroyed, this production base can also produce complete missiles.

With the opening of the 'Jinwu Project', this missile production base officially withdrew from the stage of history and was exclusively dedicated to the production of the 'Jinwu Device'. After various materials and devices were constructed elsewhere, they came to this production base for final assembly to form The complete 'Golden Crow Unit', or formed into modules, can be transported to site for final assembly.

The miniaturized ‘Jinwu Device’ is also produced and constructed here. After all, the production process, production technical requirements, and materials are the same, but some key parts have been modified.

"Commander-in-chief. Academician Qin!" The person in charge of the production base personally greeted Qin Yuanqing. At first, he called Qin Yuanqing the commander-in-chief, because this production base was converted to produce the 'Golden Crow Device' and was under the direct jurisdiction of the 'Golden Crow Project' headquarters. Because the 'Golden Crow Project' came into being, the people in charge of the production base all called Qin Yuanqing the commander-in-chief.

Then after he said it, he realized that Qin Yuanqing was no longer the commander-in-chief of the 'Golden Crow Project' headquarters, and even the 'Golden Crow Project' headquarters had been officially abolished.

Qin Yuanqing saw the person in charge of the production base giving him a military salute. Qin Yuanqing also returned the military salute, and then shook hands with him: "Mr. Deng, there is no need to alarm other people during this inspection. I just came to see the production situation and production progress." , see if you encounter any technical problems and need my help to solve them."

The person in charge of the production base is called Deng Ronghua, and Qin Yuanqing is an old acquaintance with him. He is a loyal soldier. He may not have the most outstanding management talents, and may not be the most proficient in technology, but he is definitely for The country is loyal, and this loyalty cannot be shaken by external forces.

"Academician Qin, I know! Please come this way!" Deng Ronghua took Qin Yuanqing into a military vehicle. The military vehicle's license plate number was a special red number.

But it still went through numerous inspections, and the inspections became more stringent the further inside. At the last level, there was even a DNA test, which can be said to be the highest level of inspection intensity.

As of now, not one of the 'Golden Crow Devices' has strayed abroad. Overseas countries still know nothing about the internal structure of the 'Golden Crow Device'. It can be said that such a strict confidentiality system is inseparable.

The production personnel and troops here have all undergone special training. They have abandoned all honor and shame and worked silently in the mountains and forests. However, the outside world knows nothing about their names.

Maybe one day it will be decrypted, and the outside world will know that there is such a group of people who have silently contributed to the great cause of China.

This is like the technical personnel who participated in the research and development stage of the 'Golden Crow Project'. As of now, only those who have been commended are known to the outside world. Others are unknown to the outside world, and no one has gone abroad or leaked secrets. Although China It has been two years since the 'Golden Crow Project' achieved a historic breakthrough and mastered the real technology of controllable nuclear fusion. However, major overseas countries have still not been able to achieve a breakthrough even though they have increased their investment in controllable nuclear fusion.

Behind China's great rejuvenation are a large number of unknown people who have always persisted in making silent contributions.

Afterwards, Qin Yuanqing came to a workshop, which was building a miniaturized 'Golden Crow Device'. This Golden Crow Device may not look big, but it can output more than 50,000 kilowatts of power. In the future, it can not only be equipped on aerospace aircraft , can also be installed on ships.

However, it is obvious that it will be applied in the aerospace field first, and will be applied to ships in the future, because the lithium-air batteries normally loaded on ships are enough.

This small 'Golden Crow Device' is actually not exclusive to aerospace fighters, but is suitable for all major models of aerospace aircraft. In fact, most of the energy of the 50-ton aerospace aircraft currently produced is unused. Among them, only the 400-ton aerospace aircraft can make greater use of the energy it generates.

"Academician Qin, these three 'Golden Crow Devices' are expected to be completed next month and delivered to the space center for testing. At that time, we will also send a technical team to participate in the testing to ensure that problems are discovered and solved in time." Deng Ronghua said.

Qin Yuanqing made an estimate and found that the production of the small 'Golden Crow Device' was much ahead of the given timetable. It was obvious that after producing a large number of 'Golden Crow Devices', the production base had mastered the production technology of the 'Golden Crow Device'.

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