Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 586 Opening Ceremony of the 2026 Mathematicians Conference

Before you know it, the 2026 World Congress of Mathematicians is about to be held.

As the host country of the 2026 World Congress of Mathematicians, China attaches great importance to this. All work has been completed in advance. For the smooth holding of the conference, a total of more than 5,000 volunteers have been recruited.

According to statistics from the official website of the 2026 World Congress of Mathematicians, a total of more than 30,000 mathematicians have signed up to participate. This means that at this conference, more than 30,000 mathematicians from more than 100 countries around the world gathered together to review and summarize the St. Petersburg Congress. The progress in various branches of mathematics in the past four years has raised new questions.

At the same time, according to the invitation list announced by the 2026 World Congress of Mathematicians Organizing Committee, at this conference, 20 mathematicians were invited to give a one-hour conference report, 175 mathematicians were invited to give a 45-minute report, and 1,135 mathematicians were invited to give a 45-minute report. Invited to give a 30-minute presentation. These reports not only cover various branches of mathematics itself, but also explore the relationship between mathematics and other sciences, mathematics and applied technology, mathematics and various aspects of society, as well as mathematics education and talent training.

As the economic center of China, Magic City has accumulated a lot of rich experience in hosting international events and conferences over the past thirty years. Conferences such as the World Expo, the China International Import Expo, etc. have all been held in Magic City. But even though Modu has rich experience, he also takes this World Congress of Mathematicians seriously, because there are more than 30,000 mathematicians from all over the world, each of whom has a considerable influence, and some of them are world-famous mathematicians. Home, once it is done well, getting praise from these mathematicians will be a great improvement to the positive image of the city. On the contrary, if it is not done well, the negative image of the city will spread throughout the world.

Even in security work, the Magic City has also invested a huge amount of effort. After all, more than 30,000 mathematicians are gathered here. If an attack is carried out here to kill all these people, the development of world science and technology may be greatly delayed or even reversed. .

This kind of thing is absolutely intolerable.

Qin Yuanqing's special plane landed at the Magic City Airport at 12 o'clock in the evening on July 5. Under the protection of security personnel, Qin Yuanqing did not stay in any hotel, but stayed in an official guest house not far from the venue.

"Academician Qin, this place has been inspected three times and is safe! If you operate at night, there may be gunshots. I hope Academician Qin will not panic." A middle-aged man in military uniform saluted Qin Yuanqing and said loudly.

"Well, thank you for your hard work! It's better to eliminate these shady rats!" Qin Yuanqing nodded and said.

This time, some people and forces with ulterior motives learned that he was going to attend the conference, so they planned an operation to assassinate him.

It is a pity that the development of the times has reached the current point. Under the huge information network composed of the Internet, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and quantum computers, there is actually no secret. Whoever controls the information network has absolute initiative. Whoever wants to investigate It's really easy to understand the situation.

Unless those intelligence agents, killers and mercenaries don't use mobile phones or computers, they can't hide anything.

At one o'clock in the morning, the rat eradication operation officially started

In an express hotel, special service personnel immediately occupied the entrance and exit, and then snipers took advantage of the position. Other personnel quickly arrived at the target room without checking the water meter, and kicked the door open violently, followed by smoke bombs. Entering the room, heavily armed special service officers rushed into the room and subdued the suspects in less than two minutes. Although each of these suspects was tall and powerful, under the hands of the special service officers, there was no resistance at all.

In a private house, the special service personnel did not enter through the door, but directly followed the wall, broke open the window, and quickly attacked.

In hotels dedicated to housing mathematicians, special service agents also began to arrest suspects disguised as mathematicians or assistants to mathematicians. Most of these people were targeted when they entered the country, just to avoid alerting the snake. The security department Just no action.

In the early morning of the day before the conference, people are most likely to relax, and they can just finish it all in one pot.

When Qin Yuanqing had just taken a bath, gunshots rang out outside. The gunshots seemed light and a silencer was obviously installed. Qin Yuanqing did not panic at all. The place was heavily guarded. Unless the opponent had a large number of men and heavy weapons, otherwise, just with a few It's impossible for a bedbug to break in.

What's more, he carries eight bodyguards with him, each of whom comes from the special department. These eight bodyguards are another line of defense, enough to ensure his safety.

Qin Yuanqing ignored the slight gunshot, turned off the lights in the room, and lay on the bed. Tomorrow morning would be the start of the conference. He had to ensure that he had enough sleep and was in good condition to welcome mathematicians from all over the world.

Early the next morning, Qin Yuanqing arrived at the venue of the 2026 World Congress of Mathematicians. At this time, all mathematicians had arrived. Because there were so many mathematicians attending, a single venue was not enough, and a total of five venues were opened. , linking the venue through holographic projection technology.

"Qin, we haven't seen each other for a long time!" As soon as Qin Yuanqing arrived at the venue, he saw a strange white man with a long beard.

"Are you Schultz?" Qin Yuanqing looked at this strange man. Why did he feel like he was the same Perelman again? After thinking about it, Qin Yuanqing said with some uncertainty.

Schulz stroked his beard and said with some embarrassment: "After I returned to Germany, I vowed to solve the mathematical problem of controllable nuclear fusion. If I don't solve this problem, I will not shave or get a haircut."


Qin Yuanqing looked at Schultz's bald head. Why did he feel weird that he still had a haircut like this? Isn’t this embarrassing the barber?

"Schulz, welcome to the Magic City of China!" Qin Yuanqing and Schulz gave him a warm hug. In any case, after Faltings officially retired, Schulz officially became the leader of German mathematics. The flag-bearer is also regarded as the flag-bearer of the European mathematics community in the near future.

Although Schulz's current achievements in mathematics are not as good as Faltings', there is no doubt that the still young Schulz is still full of potential and room for development.

"This is Suman, this is" Schulz introduced several young mathematicians around him. These mathematicians are all emerging mathematicians in Europe in recent years.

"Hello, welcome to China!" Qin Yuanqing shook hands with them one by one.

"Hello, Professor Qin, it's our honor to see you!" Each of these mathematicians showed admiration.

Although they are about the same age as Qin Yuanqing, and even one or two years older, there is nothing they can do about it. Qin Yuanqing became famous in the world of mathematics as early as 16 years ago, and within a few years he was already the most famous mathematician. When I was doing research, all I read were the relevant theories of Qin Yuanqing.

Now, Qin Yuanqing has been hailed as the "God of Mathematics". He has unparalleled influence not only in China, but also in Europe. There are many mathematicians who admire Qin Yuanqing, including Grothendieck and Faltings. , Wiles cannot compare with Qin Yuanqing.

Only John Bull, the group of people in Britain who were still immersed in the glory of the empire where the sun never set, could think that Wiles was the greatest mathematician, or that Newton was proud to be more than three hundred years ahead of his time.

"Perelman!" Qin Yuanqing just turned around and left. After taking a few steps, he saw Perelman. Perelman seemed to be a maverick. Although he was Russian, there was no Russian mathematician around him. , but Perelman didn't feel anything was wrong at all.

Russia is rich in mathematicians and has given birth to many great mathematicians. If it were not for some political factors, there would be at least 10 to 20 more Russian mathematicians among the Fields Medal winners. Even now, Russia still has many famous mathematicians. Mathematicians are known all over the world. They are full of creativity and can always open up new horizons in mathematics from unimaginable angles.

It is a pity that although Russia is a big country in mathematics and a powerful country in mathematics, there are many factions, and no one obeys the other. So far, there is no banner figure who can unite the Russian mathematics community.

It stands to reason that based on the achievements Perelman has made, he is the most suitable banner figure in the Russian mathematics community. Unfortunately, Perelman is a maverick and has a weird personality. Although he got married and started a career in China, his personality has not changed much. He doesn't have many friends. He is serious and strict about mathematics, but he doesn't like to bring mathematics into life, so his friends in life are not mathematicians, but gourmets.

"Qin!" Perelman and Qin Yuanqing hugged.

"Perelman, congratulations on your new baby!" Qin Yuanqing said with a smile, but not long ago, Perelman's wife gave birth to another son for him. Since coming to China, Perel has Man already has two sons and a daughter.

After saying hello to a group of old friends, other mathematicians also came over to greet Qin Yuanqing. Unfortunately, as 9:00 was approaching, the host of the venue began to ask the mathematicians to go to their respective places, because the 2026 World Mathematicians The opening ceremony of the conference is about to begin.

As 9:00 officially arrived, all the mathematicians at the venue sat in their respective seats, and beautiful music played. The President of the World Mathematical Union presided over the opening ceremony, expressing his welcome to more than 30,000 mathematicians from all over the world. , indicating that this conference of mathematicians set a record, that is, the largest number of participants! From this point of view, it can also be seen that the world's mathematics has flourished in the past two decades, and the golden age of mathematics is worthy of the name.

At the same time, he also expressed his gratitude to the host country of this conference, China and the host city, and spoke highly of their efforts for the smooth holding of the conference.

Then he invited relevant leaders from China and Shanghai to deliver a speech. The speech by the relevant leaders lasted about five minutes. It was not a long speech, but short. Then with warm applause, the World Congress of Mathematicians ushered in The first climax of the conference was the announcement of the winners of each award.

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