Rebirth of science and technology academic master

Chapter 584: Everyone is rich in the new year

Australian mainland, National University

National University is located in Canberra, the capital of Australia. It is a world-renowned public comprehensive research university in Australia. It is also a member of the Alliance of Pacific Rim Universities, the Alliance of International Research Universities, the Alliance of Eight Universities in Australia, and the Association of Commonwealth Universities. It is the highest university in mainland Australia. The university ranks 30th in the world university rankings.

Of course, what Chinese people are most familiar with about National University is that it is a university favored by Chinese international students. Many Chinese people will choose to study at National University in Australia, and then return to China and become turtles.

Although the value of Turtle is far less than it used to be, it is still the choice of many people, because except for the truly top students, for most students, it is too difficult to go to a well-known famous school. Among the top ten famous schools in China It is also very difficult to continue studying for further studies, but as long as you have money to study abroad, it is much less difficult. Even if you have enough money, you can enter a university to study abroad even if you are a scumbag, and you will be a turtle when you come back. Nowadays, people have little regard for overseas studies. Universities still don’t know much.

International students from China are a major source of income for many overseas schools and have even saved hundreds of universities. The Australian Continental National University is one of the best, with international students from China bringing it hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue every year.

"Professor Lewis, the official website of the 2026 World Congress of Mathematicians has announced new news. Professor Qin will participate in the World Congress of Mathematicians and has also been invited to give a one-hour report. The topic of the report is the Hodge conjecture!" A very young and immature person He entered an office and spoke respectfully to a middle-aged white man.

This immature young man is called 'Huang Qingrui'. He is from Xiangjiang and is studying as a graduate student under Professor Lewis. His field of study is algebraic geometry.

There are two popes in the field of algebraic geometry, one is Grothendieck and the other is Qin Yuanqing.

This is the Pope and God in the minds of all scholars in the field of algebraic geometry. They are grateful for the gift of the Pope, which allows them to have access to the most wonderful things in the world.

"Professor Qin is going to attend the World Congress of Mathematicians? Is the news confirmed?" Professor Lewis couldn't help but stand up.

At the beginning, he also went to Huaxia Shuimu University to participate in an academic lecture on Goldbach's conjecture. At that academic lecture, he personally witnessed the handover of the papal scepter and saw the old mathematician handing the scepter to the twenty-year-old mathematician. Next year, a young man who is a little too young, and within a few years, that young man has become the new Pope of Mathematics, surpassing Grothendieck and becoming the number one person in mathematics. He is the heart of many mathematicians. God of Mathematics.

Professor Lewis is best at the field of algebraic geometry. He is very aware of the special status of Hodge's conjecture in the field of algebraic geometry. He has been looking forward to it ever since the news that Qin Yuanqing proved Hodge's conjecture came out, but Qin Yuanqing only announced it a few years later. Since then, after he got the paper proving the Hodge conjecture, he has been focusing on the research of the paper. However, he has spent nearly ten years and still cannot fully understand the proof of the Hodge conjecture. Thesis, the mathematical verification group of the Australian National University that he leads has yet to announce the completion of the demonstration work of the proof of the Hodge conjecture.

Now when he heard that Qin Yuanqing was going to participate in this World Congress of Mathematicians, and the report he was giving was about the proof of Hodge's conjecture, Professor Lewis couldn't bear it.

"The news is absolutely true!" Huang Qingrui nodded and gave a definite answer.

"Huang, go and book three air tickets to the Magic City of China. You, Jack, and I will go to the World Congress of Mathematicians together. If we miss Professor Qin's academic report, it will be a lifelong regret for us. Unforgivable regret!" Lewis said.

Lewis made a decisive decision. Although the air ticket from mainland Australia to China was not cheap, Professor Lewis felt it was worth it to listen to the sacred music, even if he could not reimburse himself and had to pay for it.

"Okay, Professor!" Huang Qingrui said excitedly.

Although he is only a graduate student in the field of algebraic geometry and can only be said to have just stepped into the field of algebraic geometry, it does not affect Qin Yuanqing's status in his heart. He is full of admiration for Qin Yuanqing, the Pope in the field of algebraic geometry, so he has always wanted to Go on a pilgrimage.

Thousands of miles away from China, in Germany, in Europe, in a slightly dim office, a slovenly man with a long beard was holding a pen in one hand and grabbing his hair with the other. In fact, the hair on his head was gone. A few.

"Schulz, Schulz, big news!" A voice sounded outside the house, and a middle-aged man in a suit opened the door.

"Dirk, what are you doing, yelling? Do you know that just now, I was looking for a touch of inspiration, and now the inspiration has been lost by you!" The sloppy man said angrily.

If other people saw Schultz, who was once a well-dressed, wise and elegant man, transformed into a sloppy, balding middle-aged man, they would be surprised.

In order to mathematically solve the difficulty of controllable nuclear fusion, Schulz racked his brains and exerted all his strength. He didn't even have time to shave his beard, which made his beard grow long, like a bearded grandfather. His originally thick hair had basically fallen out, leaving only three or four hairs.

"Schulz, this is the year of the Philippine Prize. The World Congress of Mathematicians will be held in the Magic City of China." Dirk said.

"Isn't it just the World Congress of Mathematicians? It's not like I haven't participated in it and I haven't published any papers. It's none of my business!" Schulz said angrily: "You might as well let me do more research while you have this time. Alas, The phenomenon of turbulence, the phenomenon of turbulence, always eludes me."

Schulz plunged into research related to controllable nuclear fusion, only to find that it was as if he had entered a quagmire and found it difficult to struggle. The knowledge he had learned seemed so weak. The relevant information collected by the German intelligence agency made him see I always feel confused, always feel like I am right, but I just can't understand the true meaning.

"Schulz, this World Congress of Mathematicians is different. The conference invited Professor Qin to give a one-hour report. Professor Qin agreed, and the topic of the selected report has been announced, which is about the Hodge conjecture. Now the entire European mathematics community is It’s such a sensation that every mathematician has chosen to go to the Magic City of China to attend the World Congress of Mathematicians. You see how good I am to you, I will tell you the good news as soon as I get the news.” Dirk said.

Schulz's eyes suddenly became sharp. He is involved in many fields of mathematics. Algebraic geometry, number theory, representation theory and analysis are all his specialties. But the field he is best at is definitely the field of algebraic geometry. !

As a world-class leader in the field of algebraic geometry, Schultz is definitely among the top three in the field of algebraic geometry.

When Qin Yuanqing officially published the proof paper of Hodge's conjecture, Schulz got the paper as soon as possible and then devoted himself to the research of the paper. Unfortunately, to Schulz's regret, Qin Yuanqing's proof paper of Hodge's conjecture Uncharacteristically, it is not as detailed and easy to understand as before. Qin Yuanqing's proof paper on the Hodge conjecture appears mysterious and difficult to understand. Schulz has been studying it but has never been able to understand the whole paper.

He was on an academic visit to the Shuimu Institute for Advanced Study and had met Qin Yuanqing and asked Qin Yuanqing for advice in person. Unfortunately, Qin Yuanqing smiled and refused to communicate.

He did not expect that Qin Yuanqing would choose this World Congress of Mathematicians to give an academic report on Hodge's conjecture.

"Dirk, I think I need to thank you properly. I'll invite you to dinner tonight!" Schultz said, and then asked his assistant to help him book a ticket to Shanghai for July 5 this year.

Across the Pacific, America

"I never expected that Qin would choose this time to reveal the mystery contained in Hodge's conjecture. If I were a few years younger, I would definitely go to Shanghai to attend the World Congress of Mathematicians and witness history in person." Although Witten lives in seclusion in the countryside, he has passed He lived a peaceful and leisurely life in his later years, but after all, he was a student and had many friends, so he quickly learned the news.

"Unfortunately, I am now a 75-year-old man. Both of my feet have stepped into the coffin. Except for my head, the rest of my body has been buried in the ground. My brain's thinking has become very slow, and it stops from time to time. I sleep every night. , I always dreamed that I heard someone calling my name." Witten did not plan to attend this mathematician conference because he was too old, and his thinking was very slow and paused. He could easily do it before. I understand the article, but now I can’t understand it even after studying it slowly for three days.

Witten was very unwilling, but what could he do if he was unwilling? He was exactly the same as those great mathematicians and physicists in history. Facing the erosion of time, he was powerless and unable to resist.

Aging is a terrible and sad thing.

The entire United States, not only Witten, but also many famous mathematicians who once dominated the world but are now old, want to go but can't. They can only roar and struggle from the bottom of their hearts in the face of the erosion of time, but it's a pity that it's useless. of.

Other mathematicians, regardless of the influence from other aspects, if it were before, the World Congress of Mathematicians would be like that anyway. If you don't participate, you won't participate. It doesn't matter.

But as Qin Yuanqing was about to participate in the World Congress of Mathematicians, the meaning suddenly changed. It would be to witness history with his own eyes. Therefore, these seemingly lonely and aloof mathematicians broke through all layers of resistance, even if they lost their research funds. I would not hesitate to go to the Magic City of China to attend the World Congress of Mathematicians.

This also allowed some people outside academia to personally experience Qin Yuanqing's huge influence in academia. This kind of influence was unimaginable to them. But it also makes some special people want to take risks and take this opportunity to eliminate this huge threat.

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