Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 428: Adhere to the road of independent innovation

The Jiuzhang compiler independently developed by Changtian Technology is indeed quite powerful.

With the addition of the Jiuzhang compiler, the technicians of Changtian Technology worked almost 24 hours a day, and this was a major breakthrough.

And according to Chen Xiao's definition of Firefly oS equipped with self-developed office.

The office of Changtian Technology is definitely not just as simple as writing text, making tables or making PPT.

It must have a corresponding intelligence function.

This set of office software of Changtian Technology was named Cangjie Office by Chen Xiao.

It can be seen from the naming that the office software independently developed by Changtian Technology will be absolutely different from Microsoft's office and Jingshan's office, and must take the road of independent innovation.

In order to study their own office software.

The technical staff of Changtian Technology did not work behind closed doors. In addition to understanding Microsoft's office and today's office, it is more important to go deep into the office site to understand the most troublesome places for office workers to use office.

In 2002, computers were just beginning to become widespread on a large scale.

Computer software, including office, has just begun to become popular, and many users still don't know how to use it.

Therefore, in the major cities of Xia, computer training institutions are blooming everywhere.

Some shops that were originally used for printing and photocopying have also opened computer training institutions part-time to make money from training.

The major enterprises, institutions and some private companies in the country also regard employees' proficient use of office software as the evaluation rules.

Teachers and other occupations also need to take a computer skills test if they want to evaluate their professional titles.

When researching the market, the technicians of Changtian Technology found that users' use of office is the most troublesome.

It's a headache to use office, this is not to say that it's a headache to simply type in the word interface or make a table.

But some cumbersome adjustment format, macro commands and so on and so on.

Even some computer veterans are not able to understand these things, let alone those who are new to computers.

However, in the actual office, you can master these skills, which are very useful to users, and can greatly save work time and enterprise costs.

But if the user is not proficient with these techniques, it will be a huge waste of time.

For example, if the user wants to make a table and filter according to certain conditions, it is necessary to set some functions and even set some macro commands.

Unfamiliar users may have been tinkering with the computer for a long time and don't know what to do.

It is possible that the manual sorting may be done one by one by mechanical means, and the operator has not yet done so by using the computer.

If it is this kind of efficiency work, then the office has no meaning to exist.

After getting these research results, the research team of Changtian Technology immediately determined the main direction of Cangjie office software - more intelligence, so that users can use office software more conveniently.

The reason for the major breakthrough this time is that the team has made a major breakthrough in the intelligence of office software.

Yang Fei's subordinate, Liu Hao, showed Chen Xiao and Wang Xiang, who were not very mature Cangjie office software.

Liu Hao said: "President Chen, President Wang, Brother Fei, this time I will demonstrate our text office table file and slideshow file respectively."

"In the text office, we collected some data from a large number of office documents on the market, collected some functions commonly used by users, and then combined with our Firefly os system to develop a more intelligent text office software."

After Liu Hao opened the text office interface, he randomly copied and pasted a paragraph of text on it, and then demonstrated it.

This text is all the situation reports of Changtian Technology last month. According to Chen Xiao's requirements, these situation reports must be accompanied by appropriate pictures and tables for description, and they must be adjusted according to the standard office document format.

These procedures are not a big deal for quite skilled employees, but for most employees, especially older employees, there is no problem in using word to type text, and they need to be inserted in word. A picture or adjusting paragraph formatting, text spacing, text size, etc., it is very nerve-racking.

After Liu Hao entered the text, he directly opened Xiaoying Smart Assistant.

Conversation with Xiaoying Smart Assistant in the form of a text box.

"Xiaoying, I now need to adjust this document into a standard format. The title is Song type 2, the title of one question is imitation Song 3, and the second-level title is italic type 3."

"Paragraph formatting, text spacing, etc. are adjusted according to my file manager's file named Canonical Document Format."

"Today, I am the pattern in the pattern folder required by the current official document. I inserted it into the first paragraph and the last paragraph in a better-looking way..."

If others do not understand the operation of the document, just these rules and formats will confuse people, let alone operate on the software.

But there is no way, no rules and no rules, no matter whether it is in an enterprise or a private company, the format of the document still needs to be standard.

Otherwise, you write something in a mess on the document and print it out for the boss to see, and the boss is very tired looking at the eyes.

After Liu Hao communicated some details to Xiaoying, Xiaoying replied happily: "Good master!"

Xiaoying soon began to automatically generate documents according to Liu Hao's orders.

In less than a minute, the new document was generated.

Liu Hao opened it and saw that the format, font size and paragraph spacing were all done according to his requirements, absolutely perfect.

The only drawback is that the location of the illustration is not very Liu Hao pointed at the image with the mouse, and then clicked on the position to be inserted, and said to Xiaoying in the dialog box: "The image should be obtained. This position, you should be able to see the position where I clicked with the mouse, there is a lot of text in this place, and I hope that the typesetting of the text will be more regular after adjustment.”

Xiaoying immediately controlled the mouse and adjusted the format of the picture in one step.

Documentation is complete.

Later, Liu Hao demonstrated the production of tables and slides. The same intelligence is also used, and the user's operation is also very simple.

Seeing the cooperation performance of Liu Hao and Xiaoying, Wang Xiang couldn't help applauding, and said very excitedly: "The ultimate purpose of Microsoft and Jingshan banning our use of office software is to encourage us to develop a domestic office!"

"If our Cangjie office software comes out, it's obvious what choices users will make!"

Yang Fei said: "The most important thing is the cooperation between office software and Xiaoying's assistant. When we use Jingshan office, Xiaoying will also make some adjustments to the office, and the depth cannot be as deep as Cangjie's."

Chen Xiao now only cares about one question: "When will the Cangjie office software be released?"

This question was answered by Yang Fei, "One week at most!"


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