Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 427: I have the initiative

Zou Hai never thought that Yang Fei would answer him like this.

He was able to come to Jiangzhou today and to Jiangcheng in person because he came with sincerity.

Its purpose is to be able to reach cooperation with Changtian Technology.

Zou Hai smiled awkwardly and said, "Mr. Yang, are you kidding me? We all know that the deep optimization related systems are products of Changtian Technology, and we also have definite evidence to prove that the hotter 306 antivirus software on the market during this period is also expensive. The company is connected."

"This time I came to Jiangzhou, and I sincerely hope to reach a cooperation with Changtian Technology."

"As Mr. Yang said to me when he came to Yanjing some time ago, whether it is Jingshan or Changtian Technology, we are Xia Guo's technology companies, and what we are pursuing is also to be able to independently develop domestic computer and Internet technology."

"Since this is the case, the two sides should support each other."

"The senior management of Jingshan highly admires the efforts and achievements of Changtian Technology in the independent research and development of the operating system."

"After the last meeting between President Yang and me, I immediately reported the spirit of the meeting to the company's senior management and the board of directors."

"The board of directors of Jingshan Company has decided to reach a strategic cooperation with Changtian Technology. We also hope that Jingshan's office can bring convenience to more users on the domestic operating system."

Hmm, that sounds very nice.

But Yang Fei thought it was a little funny.

Because when he went to Yanjing to negotiate with Jingshan a while ago, Zou Hai was also very polite on the surface, but he did not give in in the negotiation.

But there is no such attitude today.

Yang Fei is also very sure that if Changtian Technology hadn't exerted such a strong pressure on Jingshan on antivirus software.

Jingshan will never send its CEO to Jiangzhou to negotiate with Changtian Technology.

Now that Mr. Chen has said it, the two sides have no room for negotiation.

Yang Fei will not give Zou Hai any chance.

Yang Fei took a sip of tea and said very politely: "Jingshan company can reach such an important strategic consensus with Changtian Technology, which is of great significance to the entire Xiaguo computer and Internet technology production sites."

"We very much welcome Jingshan's office to return to the Firefly os system again."

"But it's still the same sentence, Mr. Zou, the deep optimization of the operating system really has nothing to do with Changtian Technology, and we don't know the 306 antivirus software on the market now."

Yang Fei was also very rogue, and asked his assistant to come up with a five-year cooperation agreement.

"Mr. Zou, take a look, this is a cooperation agreement we formulated after detailed research. We hope that Jingshan's office can run stably on the Firefly os system within 5 years, and can guarantee its timely maintenance. and updates."

Looking at the "full of sincerity" agreement, Zou Hai suddenly felt that he could not step down from the stage.

He was put together by Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology is not only unwilling to compromise, but also forcibly eats itself.

Zou Hai looked at Yang Fei embarrassedly and politely, but couldn't get off the stage at all.

If this cooperation agreement is signed, Jingshan will not only gain no benefits, but will also offend Microsoft in the backhand.

If the agreement is not signed, Jingshan is likely to face a financial crisis in the next month or two, and it will lose everything in the antivirus software market.

Sweat had soaked Zou Hai's clothes, and Zou Hai could only play Tai Chi and said, "We are deeply grateful that Changtian Technology can propose such a detailed cooperation plan."

Gu"But because this involves important cooperation between the two parties, I can't make the decision alone, so I hope Mr. Yang can give me some time, and I will immediately report the relevant content of this agreement to the company's board of directors ."

Zou Hai was very embarrassed and returned to Yanjing with the agreement.

Yang Fei also successfully completed the negotiation task, although nothing was negotiated this time.

But the second negotiation between Changtian Technology and Jingshan really caught everyone's attention.

In the eyes of many industry experts and commentators, this time the two sides will definitely meet.

Jingshan will definitely compromise with Changtian Technology on office, and Changtian Technology will also make concessions to Jingshan on antivirus software.

But to everyone's surprise, the two sides did not reach anything.

"Did Changtian Technology give up Firefly OS?"

"Without office software, the installed base of Firefly os has plummeted during this period, and there are still many users of Shenchuan who have changed the operating system that has been upgraded to Firefly os to Windows XP."

"The two sides didn't reach an agreement, and we really didn't expect it, but this antivirus software called 306 is so powerful that it took less than half a month to acquire other antivirus software companies. There is no way to get market share.”

Zou Hai returned to the company and reported to the board of directors the situation of the negotiation between the two parties very depressed.

Jingshan's board of directors was shocked and very angry.

They didn't expect Changtian Technology to play with themselves like this.

Let's not say whether the 306 antivirus software is a product of Changtian Technology's affiliated company, let's say that the operating system is deeply optimized, which is definitely the work of Changtian Technology.

The obvious thing is that Changtian Technology is pretending to be deaf, blind, and ignorant. Isn't this what Jingshan is doing?

Jingshan had no choice but to ask Microsoft for help, and urgently contacted his past opponents, including Jiang Min, Rising, etc., hoping to find a way to fight the expansion of 306.

A past opponent, now a grasshopper on a jump rope.

In fact, before the domestic anti-virus software realized the seriousness of the matter, foreign anti-virus software companies had already begun to act, and an emergency meeting was held to discuss Foreign anti-virus software companies made money in Xia Guo. There are two parts.

Part of it is to cooperate with PC companies and calculate the price according to the number of pre-installed machines, so as to obtain benefits.

The other part is to sell the antivirus software engine and virus database to Xia Guo’s agency companies (including Jiangmin, Ruixing and Jingshan, which are also agency companies in a certain sense), and according to the requirements of Saiguo Company, regularly check the antivirus software. Virus database and some technologies are maintained and upgraded to obtain long-term profits.

Now, as soon as the 306 comes out, it is madly occupying the market.

Following this trend, most PC companies in Xia Guo will not choose to pre-install the paid version of the operating software. After all, cost saving is what capital likes to do most.

And if Xia Guo's domestic anti-virus software loses the market or even disappears completely, then these foreign anti-virus software companies can't even sell anti-virus software engines and virus databases.

If you can't sell anything, how about profit?

Yang Fei has promptly reported the negotiation with Zou Hai to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao just gave Zhou Hong an order—roll up his sleeves and work hard to occupy more than half of the antivirus software market as soon as possible.

At this time, most of Chen Xiao's energy was still in the company's headquarters, and Changtian Technology's office research and development progress had made an important breakthrough.

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