Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 429: Win win means win 2 times

After receiving Yang Fei's exact time reply, Chen Xiao was very relieved.

The current technical team of Changtian Technology is built by Chen Xiao.

The technical staff are very strong in character and strength.

This is the current confidence of Chen Xiao and Changtian Technology.

Even if the number of installations of Firefly os has plummeted, and some users who have already installed Firefly os immediately replace their computer systems with Windows XP, Chen Xiao is not worried at all.

Chen Xiao asked Yang Fei to ensure that the Cangjie office software was safe.

At this time, the Shenzhen market.

Wu Jun, CEO of Shenchuan, was more anxious.

Some time ago, when Firefly OS was relatively popular, it did greatly promote the sales of Shenchuan Computer.

Wu Jun is also preparing to strike while the iron is hot and launch the Ark Star laptop as soon as possible.

Where did you know that Jingshan suddenly asked to remove the office?

This brought the growth rate of Firefly os to an abrupt halt.

In the after-sales center of Shenchuan, some users of the updated Firefly OS have come to the after-sales center and asked the after-sales staff to help them replace Windows XP for free.

Suddenly, the situation became worse, but Wu Jun didn't get any news from Changtian Technology.

Wu Jun could only grit his teeth and persevere, and he had to postpone the launch of the Shenchuan Ark Star laptop to the back.

After all, Ark Star is only equipped with Firefly os system.

Released at this time, it must be against the market environment.

There began to be some unsteady voices inside the divine ship.

Someone suggested Wu Jun, whether to change the pre-installed Firefly os to the pre-installed Windows XP.

This proposal has been approved by many sales of Shenchuan.

After all, due to the fact that Firefly os cannot carry Office, many consumers lose their desire to buy when they see that the ship is actually Firefly os.

In response to this internal proposal, Wu Jun still refused.

Wu Jun was able to create Shenchuan and become the CEO of Shenchuan to lead Shenchuan through one difficulty after another. This moment is not only about luck, but his unique vision.

Wu Jun has been paying attention to the computer and Internet market during this time.

Of course, the two negotiations between Shenchuan and Jingshan were also closed.

He found that the antivirus software market had undergone violent turbulence, and saw that Changtian Technology was very calm in the face of the crisis of the operating system office, and did not panic.

It was also learned that Jingshan offered relatively favorable conditions for Changtian Technology, but the two sides still did not reach a cooperation.

This shows a very important problem - the difficulties that Changtian Technology is currently encountering are only temporary, and Chen Xiao is still very calm.

Therefore, Wu Jun has been waiting for the call from Changtian Technology.

At this time, his cell phone rang. It was a familiar number, from Wang Xiang.

Wu Jun quickly picked up the phone.

Wang Xiang: "I don't know when President Wu will release the Shenchuan Ark Star laptop. School will start in less than two weeks."

Wu Jun said: "It was originally planned to be released next week. Of course, for some objective reasons, it was planned to be postponed until September."

Ark Star laptop, because of its relatively high cost performance, the consumer group is not only those urban white-collar workers, but also university students.

If you miss the peak sales season before September and move it to release after September, then the sales of this computer from Ark Star will definitely be affected.

Wang Xiang smiled and gave Wu Jun a reassurance. He said to Wu Jun: "The office problem of Firefly OS has been solved, and the press conference on Mr. Wu's side can be scheduled."

"Really?!" Wu Jun was excited and couldn't believe it.

Wang Xiang said with certainty: "Waiting for good news!"

Wu Jun immediately cheered up and arranged for the staff of the Ark Star Project Department to pre-install Firefly os on all the laptops that have been produced as soon as possible to prepare for the press conference.

At the same time, in the entire Internet technology industry and the PC industry, most people have no idea what Changtian Technology is doing.

Changtian Technology actually gave up the cooperation with Jingshan on the initiative, which has been scolded by many people as a fool.

Including President Qian of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences also called Chen Xiao personally.

"Chen Xiao, I didn't tell you, we tried our best to facilitate the negotiation between Changtian Technology and Jingshan."

"No matter how you say it, Changtian Technology is also a very mature commercial company. Who knows how to negotiate and negotiate, it must be negotiated through negotiation. How can it be negotiated at one time?"

"Now Jingshan has made concessions and agreed to use Jingshan Office for Yinghuo os, but you directly rejected them. What do you mean?"

Mr. Qian said earnestly: "Yinghuo os has been listed as a national-level strategic operating system, and Jingshan is also a company of Xia Guo. The cooperation between you is a matter of course, why should you refuse?"

Mr. Qian said: "Cooperation is a win-win!"

Chen Xiao smiled.

If Jingshan is willing to cooperate with Changtian Technology from the beginning, then Changtian Technology will cooperate with absolutely no reservations.

He is even willing to assist Jingshan in promoting Jingshan office to intelligence.

But it is a pity that Jingshan's current executives have no foresight and are hesitant to go to Firefly os or continue to stay in Windows, which eventually led to the breakdown of the cooperation between the two In the face of such an unreliable cooperation Buddy, now you can stab you when you are most dangerous, what about the future?

Chen Xiao said to Dean Qian: "Changtian Technology still believes that it is more reliable to master key technologies in its own hands."

"Just now, Dean, you said that cooperation with Jingshan is a win-win situation. I think that, given the current situation, if Changtian Technology is a win-win situation, it can only win twice."

"Win once in the antivirus software market and once in the operating system market."

Hearing Chen Xiao's words, Dean Qian was stunned.

"You mean that 306 antivirus software was created by Changtian Technology?"

Chen Xiao smiled and didn't speak, in fact, it was a default.

"Good guy!" Dean Qian immediately asked again: "So, in terms of Office software, Changtian Technology has also made important progress?"

Chen Xiao just laughed and didn't speak, which was considered a default.

[Influence +20]

Dean Qian took a deep breath on the phone and nodded, "Okay, since that's the case, then I'll wait for your good news! Our Xiaguo Academy of Sciences has purchased Shenchuan computers in large quantities. The Firefly os system has also been used a lot, and now Jingshan’s office has been removed from the shelves, and our students can’t even write papers.”

"Don't make me wait too long!"

Chen Xiao replied affirmatively: "President Qian, you can rest assured."

While Chen Xiao was talking with Mr. Qian, Zhou Hong's 306 had turned the antivirus software market upside down.

After the emergency meeting, the western antivirus software alliance is ready to try the quality of 306 software?

After all, 306 had already touched their fundamental interests in the Xia Kingdom.

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