The latest website: Today's third update, the typo has not been corrected, please read after 0:15, and the third update will be later.

Wang Xiang also didn't want to talk nonsense with Zhou Hong. With his team of auditors, he directly expressed to Zhou Hong that he was willing to acquire 3721.

Such a sudden surprise surprised Zhou Hong very much.

And after letting Zhou Hong know that Wang Xiang is actually from Changtian Technology and is a business, he is even more emotional.

Zhou Hong jokingly said to Wang Xiang: "If there is no Changtian Technology, I can guarantee that my 3721 assistant's installed capacity can reach more than 70 million. Our 3721 navigation website must be more profitable than your 11181."

Wang Xiang completely believed what Zhou Hong said.

Because the 3721 plug-in is a rogue plug-in, he uses both the ways that can make money and the ways that can't make money.

After users accidentally install this plugin, various advertisements will pop up endlessly.

The ie home page will also be locked as 3721 navigation page. Once the navigation page is entered, of course, there are all kinds of messy things.

The most important thing is pornography.

The 11181 website pays more attention to the user experience. Even if there are advertisements, they only appear in the appropriate range and will not flash on the screen.

Advertisements such as pornography, gambling and drugs do not appear on the 11181 website at all.

Zhou Hong and Chen Xiao in this era are two completely different personalities.

What Zhou Hong wants is a one-shot deal, harvesting more leeks in the fastest way and earning more money.

And Chen Xiao, whether he founded 11181 King or Yinghuo os, pays attention to the smooth flow of water, making the Internet environment of Xia Guo better.

Zhou Hong also knows his current situation. It is better for someone to buy than no one to buy.

"10 million." Zhou Hong made a bid.

Wang Xiang smiled, "If I come to you in a year's time, 3721 may not be here."

Zhou Hong was a little embarrassed, and what Wang Xiang said was indeed the truth.

Wang Xiang said: "We have already done enough engineering before looking for you. The current market value of the 3721 website is about 35 million, but if it is actually listed at this price, I am afraid there will be no capital willing to take over."

Because the 35 million is just a valuation, with 3721's current profitability, next year's profits will plummet, and the valuation will shrink further.

No one wants to buy a company whose foundation is losing money.

Wang Xiang said: "So at present, we are willing to buy 3721 at a price of 10 million, which is 10 million in cash."

The price of 10 million is too low, and Zhou Hong is very reluctant.

But Wang Xiang immediately drew a big cake for him.

"After we fully acquire 3721, we will carry out equity restructuring of 3721, which will be divided into Class A shares and Class B shares. You can hold Class B with dividend rights, over 10% of the shares."

"And continue to hire you as the CEO of 3721, the basic salary is 500,000, and you will be given a dividend of about 372110% at the end of the year."

The cash of 10 million is indeed very low, but if you add 10% of the Class B shares after the acquisition, and the possibility of better development brought by Changtian Technology to 3721.

The reason why Chen Xiao is willing to give Zhou Hong 10%

3721 shares, the most important thing is to take a fancy to Zhou Hong's marketing genius.

To talk about antivirus software technology, Changtian Technology definitely has it, and Zhou Hong is not needed at all.

But a talent like Zhou Hong, who can counterattack in desperation time and time again, and become a rogue leader, is definitely at this price.

This deal is still a good deal.

"x!" Zhou Hong was immediately excited.

He did make a lot of money doing 3721.

But all the profits in the past two years have been invested in advertising and marketing by major Internet companies.

But because the expansion of the 11181 website is too rapid.

Zhou Hong is not only not making any money, but also losing some money.

And Zhou Hong is currently struggling to support.

To be able to get 10 million cash, this is a very good ending for 3721.

And there is still a 10% dividend at the end of each year, Zhou Hong currently feels quite satisfied.

But Zhou Hong now has two problems.

"Am I acquired by Changtian Technology?"

"What kind of tasks will 3721 undertake after being acquired? How can we guarantee dividends at the end of the year?"

Wang Xiang smiled and said to Zhou Hong: "In private, the 3721 website was indeed acquired by Changtian Technology, but on the surface it was not the case."

"On the surface, the 3721 website was acquired by a company called Xunjie Network (Changtian Technology's leather bag company)."

"You have to ask, in what way will 3721 make money in the future? Now I can tell you - free antivirus software."


Zhou Hong was surprised.

Having been on the Internet for so long, Zhou Hong certainly knows that antivirus software is a fragrant bun.

At present, the way to make money from antivirus software is still based on payment.

But almost all computers need anti-virus software, and the price of each anti-virus software ranges from dozens to hundreds of yuan.

Taking the minimum consumption price of 50 yuan per year as an example, Xia has 80 million users, even if only 1/100 of users use your product.

Then there are 800,000 households, and the annual sales is 40 million!

This profit is quite scary.

Now Wang Xiang actually wants to say that he is a free antivirus software.

Today, when payment is rampant, if free antivirus software comes out, it will surely occupy the entire market very quickly.

But what is free to rely on to make money?

Zhou Hong asked this question.

"We won't be profitable in the first few years, so Mr. Zhou, you can only get a basic salary of 500,000 in the first two years."

"But two years later, we have occupied all the windows system and antivirus software market. You can make any profit at that time!"

Zhou Hong is not a fool, he reacted immediately.

Antivirus software is a window for manufacturers to intervene in client computers.

This principle is the same as the original 3721 assistant.

If free antivirus software can occupy more than 50% of the market of all users.

At that time, whether it was promotion or advertising, each one was huge profits.

Zhou Hong was originally from rogue software, and he really knew how to do it.

But Zhou Hong has one last question.

"Is our antivirus engine purchased from abroad?"

Xia Guo's antivirus software companies, including Jingshan, are indeed developing their own antivirus software engines.

However, the effect is not very good, so the domestic antivirus software commercially available on the market has been using foreign engines and technologies.

Wang Xiang replied with a smile: "We don't need to buy any Changtian Technology has all the core technologies."

So far, Zhou Hong has nothing to say.

On the same day, the company's financial team cooperated with the audit team of Changtian Technology, and the two parties completed the acquisition agreement.

Xunjie Technology, the leather bag company of Changtian Technology, acquired the dying 3721 company with 10 million RMB in cash.

In addition to the acquisition agreement, Zhou Hong also signed a non-disclosure agreement with legal effect.

He immediately accepted the antivirus software engine provided by Changtian Technology, and planned to package it for a week, and then go online immediately.

Zhou Hong was stunned when he saw such a rich and technologically advanced antivirus software engine.

[Influence +50]


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