The latest website: The acquisition agreement will be completed soon by both parties.

In addition to paying Zhou Hong's personal 10 million RMB.

Changtian Technology also immediately injected 20 million start-up capital into 3721.

This is indeed urgent for Zhou Hong.

At least the wages of employees can be paid on time, and some bank loans can also be repaid on time.

Zhou Hong is indeed a marketing genius.

At the same time as the restructuring, he also changed the name of 3721 to 306.

Wang Xiang asked Zhou Hong why he changed his name to this name?

Zhou Hong's answer is very comedic.

"306 is a bit more cheeky than 304. We have to be thick-skinned in our line of work."

Wang Xiang was speechless for a while, it turned out to be 306 stainless steel.

Just kidding, the main purpose of changing the name is to erase 3721 from the entire Internet impression.

After all, 3721 is a rogue company, and users have a bad impression of him.

When Wang Xiang reported what happened in Yanjing and the merger of the two parties to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but be happy.

Zhou Hong is indeed Zhou Hong.

Even in parallel world history has changed a lot.

But the name 306 still appears in the history of the Internet.

But what is very amazing is that now Chen Xiao is actually the boss of 306.

If Zhou Hong knew, in another parallel world, because there is no 11181 website of Changtian Technology, and there is no such website to continuously drain the whiteness, the final valuation of his 3721 has reached 120 million US dollars. I wonder if he will vomit blood. .

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Importantly, free antivirus software is packaged and ready to go online.

At this time, Chen Xiao realized that the money he spent looking for Zhou Hong was really worth it.

306 antivirus software, free for life, maintenance and upgrades for life, such a slogan is out.

In addition to encouraging users to download through the 11181 website, Zhou Hong immediately used his contacts on the Internet and turned on the rogue mode.

For example, the user clicks to enter a certain h website through some secret channel.

With a click, a pop-up window pops up.

"Warning, there is a high risk of Trojan virus when changing the website! 306 free antivirus software helps users to be safe online and download with confidence."

This is a pop-up window advertisement.

The user was startled and quickly clicked on the green advertisement pop-up window or clicked to close.

But close is invalid, click close is click download.

Pop-ups are still pop-ups, hooligans are still hooligans.

At this time, the 306 free antivirus software has been silently installed in the background through Zhou Hong's very mature shameless plug-in technology.

Not only will it install it silently, but it will also directly knock out the user's original antivirus software.

This is why Changtian Technology acquired 3721 in the name of the leather bag company.

After all, such a shameless practice cannot be done by Changtian Technology.

When users reacted, they found that their antivirus software had been replaced.

However, the technology of Changtian Technology is indeed very good. The 306 antivirus software occupies less computer resources, is lighter, and has a wider range of virus defenses.

User look.

Hey, this antivirus software is not bad.

Don't uninstall it, use it directly, and then download the pictures and videos you want on the h website with confidence.

Of course, the users of some of the colorful websites above are a minority after all.

Some users still click on Xinlang, Huohu and other news and then accidentally click on the advertisement, and then 306 will be installed automatically.

Of course, most users still see ads like 306 free for life and maintenance for life, click on it by themselves, and then are directly bound by this rogue software.

In order to prevent Microsoft from paying attention to 306 again, it is impossible to find out that 306 is a subsidiary of Changtian Technology at any level.

Even if the 11181 website is attracting traffic, in the eyes of others, it is just that 306 spent a lot of money to find 11181 to attract traffic.

The 5 day period has expired.

Firefly os consciously removed Jingshan's office from its own application market.

Immediately afterwards, it was announced to the public, and Firefly os would immediately put the corresponding pudding on the files in word in the system.

Users can view and read word documents, and perform simple editing on such documents.

Firefly os said: "Our technicians are hurrying to develop new office applications, and I hope Firefly os users will be patient."

After learning this news, the entire Internet market was in an uproar.

As we all know, Yinghuo os still did not hold on to it after all.

At the most critical time, Jingshan gave up the cooperation with Changtian Technology and stabbed a knife in the back.

This also means that domestic software companies represented by Jingshan do not believe that domestic operating systems can occupy the mainstream market.

Xinlang: "Without an office operating system, it is equivalent to a human without hands. Although he can walk, he cannot do anything."

"Computer News": "Even though Firefly os claims that their technicians will immediately develop a new generation of office applications, in terms of professional technology, this is not realistic."

Industry insiders commented: "Without Office, the performance and image of Firefly os will be greatly affected. Even if they develop a word plug-in on time, which allows users to read Word, it cannot replace Office after all."

It is indeed affected by the absence of office applications, and many users suspend the upgrade of Firefly os.

In the United States, companies such as Microsoft also sighed in relief, which is considered revenge!

Dell's engineers commented: "In the era of Windows dominance, it is difficult for other computer operating systems to surpass it."

Michael was also thrilled when he saw the war that took place in the Xia Kingdom.

From the current point of view, Changtian Technology's domestic operating system plan has been seriously hindered.

Even at some point in the future, Firefly os finds other office applications as alternatives, but there have been problems in word of mouth and user trust.

In the future, if users want to update and upgrade to Firefly os again, they will need more courage and trust.

But judging from the performance of Changtian Technology this time, Michael clearly felt the terrible research and development capabilities and combat effectiveness of Changtian Technology.

Michael is also very clear that there has been Western capital during this period of time, and began to contact Changtian Technology to ask whether Changtian Technology needs more research and development funds, and some capital companies can inject capital into Changtian Technology.

Capital's sense of smell is the most When Changtian Technology is in the most critical time, it injects capital into Changtian Technology, although it has obtained more equity at a low price, such a behavior of eating tofu.

But this also shows a very important thing. Many Western capitals are actually optimistic about the future development of Changtian Technology.

Even if Changtian Technology fails to develop an operating system, in other fields, Changtian Technology still has the capital to make money.

At the same time, Microsoft seems to have taken the initiative to throw an olive branch to Jingshan in order to reward Jingshan's performance, listing Jingshan as one of Microsoft's officially designated antivirus software brands.

At the Jingshan headquarters, the senior management also breathed a sigh of relief. At least this time, they won the bet. Not only did they win the bet, they also gained the trust of Microsoft.

Zou Hai is in a meeting to inform the relevant situation of Microsoft's announcement.

The assistant walked in in a hurry, "Mr. Zou, there is an urgent call from the marketing department!"


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