< Courage to become a hero >

The South American Commonwealth Army eventually couldn’t cross Texas, and it came at a cost.

The fledgling United States, the United States of America Syndicalism, poised and cut federal supplies across Texas, then began marching toward the Commonwealth of South America.

Eventually, Central America collapsed and the Confederation of South America was defeated throughout Gran Colombia.

After capturing the federal capital of Caracas, the U.S. Army bypassed the Amazon and occupied Peru and Brasilia, Chile, resisting using rough terrain such as the Andes and Patagonia, and Amazonia, where they could not properly attack some sparsely populated cities because of the jungle. They occupied all the territories except for the region.

At that point, negotiations were attempted to end the war, but the South American Federation rejected the conditions proposed by the United States and called for a decisive war, and the negotiations broke down.

However, at the end of a siege, the whole of Chile was also taken over, and the whole country was completely destroyed with the exception of a part that was engaged in guerrilla warfare in the Amazonia region.

The United States declared victory and formally established the Federation of Syndicalist Republics.

The Union of New Continent Syndicalisom Repubics, abbreviated as UNCSR, declared the whole of the New World a territory, and actually sent troops to take control of the area.

across North and South America, Oceania and Antarctica.

The Hawaii and Oceania regions naturally protested, but were occupied through the use of force.

Surprised by the birth of a syndicalist federation in response to Afro-Eurasia, where the Russian Empire has an absolute influence, Russia urgently convened the UN General Assembly, declared the end of the United States of America, and deprived the Security Council of voting rights and veto rights. , he was not in a position to intervene in the military because he was trying to solve the Middle East problem, which is his front yard.

In the end, there was no other way than to continue supporting the guerrillas, but even that was on the verge of collapse due to the harsh repression of the syndicalist regime.

“0-4, 2-1 here, motion is captured in front.”

In an instant, the Vz.24 submachine guns headed forward. When the command was given, the .41 caliber rounds were fully automatic.

“Do not shoot.”

It rustled and some men appeared.



“Put the gun down.”

After a while, the man approached and opened his mouth.

“You are late.”

“Comrades are dying, those damn gangsters annihilated our comrades, although the situation isn’t too different up there.”

They seemed to be having a friendly conversation, but neither side relaxed the tension. Some looked like they had guns on their backs, but they were aiming invisibly for a Colt 44 caliber revolver.

There was no reason not to trust him, but it was because he wasn’t sure if he really was.

The guerrillas could not be sure that the men belonged to the Vostok regiment.

“Take care of the business, here.”

The Spetsnaz threw in waterproof paper.

“If you just use paper, it all melts. It’s so humid, it must be incinerated.”

“A weapon?”

“I buried the beat on the map there. How much is it, do you carry it all? then come on We will never meet again in the future. The details are written there, so you can take care of it.”

Then the masked men quickly disappeared.

“I feel bad. Maybe the information was leaked.”

“… Spetsnaz are not easily defeated. Still, there’s nothing wrong with being careful.”

The guerrillas broke through the jungle to find the location on the map, and found traces of recent backfilling.

“……It’s strange.”

“What else?”

“Do you think Spetsnaz make beats to look like this? No matter how thick it is…”

That was the last time.

It was a low-flying fighter jet dropping a bomb.

Explosions, and flames.

A great fire and storm raged.

As the ashes stormed in all directions, squalls began to pour.

Like the tears of Mother Earth weeping over the death of her children dying in a meaningless fight.


Anna Kim Base, Vostok-Irina Petrovna Regiment Garrison, Moscow.

“This is clear information that the Red Army has violated the UN Convention on Chemical Weapons. To date, at least 3 tonnes of CIF3 (chlorine trifluoride) gas have been deployed, and satellite reconnaissance information and eavesdropping information have been obtained indicating that one ton of that gas is certain to have been used.”

There was evidence that at least 150 tonnes of chlorine trifluoride was used in Indochina during the Southeast Asian War.

However, production and stockpiling were banned in the name of being too destructive, and the US military has brought it back.

“Evidence has been obtained that three 1-ton containers were shipped to South America, and at least one of them was dropped. Send the video.”

read at https://readwn.com

Moments later, two pictures popped up on the conference room screen.

The dense Amazonian jungle and the faintly visible people beneath it, and in the second photo, blackened traces of burning through the middle of the jungle. Not even a corpse was visible, and only the metal wreckage of the car made it clear that the two photos were taken at the same location.

“Is it possible to show something like that without using tactical nukes?”

“The enemy deployed bombers and used a fighter-bomber loaded with a container during the air strike to drop a gas tank and explode it from 300 meters above sea level, and that’s the result.”

Remnants of rifles from the Resistance who were in the truck were still lying in the luggage compartment. Together with the skeletons of bones that seemed to have been eaten by an invisible monster.

The barrels were melted and bent in super high temperature, and the minerals in the soil were melting and shining like quartz. It was a disaster caused by a high fever of 2400 degrees.

“Regularly, squalls are poured into the Amazon to halve the effectiveness of existing incendiary bombs, but CIF3, also known as substance N, explodes when it comes into contact with water. As a result of laser measurement, all rocks, gravel, and soil up to a depth of at least 1.2 m were burned and melted. This is clear evidence that the U.S. Red Army violated the 1988 United Nations Convention on the Ban on the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction.”

Politically, since the United States no longer exists, it would be grounds for denying the communist regime’s claim to succeed to the United States and expelling it from the United Nations, but at the same time it was also a security threat.

Fortunately for the United States, there was no means to deliver weapons such as poison gas to Russia, but it was only a matter of time.

“Your duty is to strike. Destroy American weapons of mass destruction technology by any means and methods, and destroy all paper media, electronic media, and biological recording media on which the technology is recorded, making it unusable.”



“It might be better to incorporate Saengryeon into the international order and prevent nuclear development.”


“The Syndicalist Federation.”


“Of course, I doubt that it will last long.”

Americans are a racist race when it comes to state control.

Of course, times have changed.

Commonly called Big Brother.

What if the entire nation was monitored in electronic space, as China did in the past?

In order not to oppress the people on the basis of that, the Russian Empire allowed only artificial intelligence to read it.

However, AI technology in the United States is not as advanced as that in Russia.

Of course, there is a lot of potential for development itself. It just ran into a number of practical challenges.

It was also a problem that Russia made a huge investment in AI and a lot of development manpower escaped.

The United States is not yet convinced of the need for artificial intelligence.

Since the Russian Empire was research on artificial intelligence conducted by order of Emperor Victor, all budgetary requirements were justified. Of course, if the opponent was his father, the United States would have rushed into research.

But Victor was just a kid who couldn’t prove his abilities.

There is a saying that tigers do not give birth to cats, but the saying that they are a good-natured dog is nothing for nothing.

Rather, there must have been more people who scoffed at the fact that Russia went out of fashion after seeing that it was making huge investments in new technologies that had not yet been tested and had no particular results.

However, when the gas shock occurred, the US also tried to create a national economy-led AI, but an immediate backlash erupted, and it could not do anything more than computerize the main system of the federal government.

Fundamentally, Ogas is an AI that is effective only under the premise that the central government has great power and can intervene in the economic activities of companies and financial institutions, allowing artificial market manipulation and exchange rate manipulation, and even possessing a level of national power that cannot be left behind.

In other words, if you want to reorganize the economic system centered on Ogas, you must start with Wall Street and fight head-to-head with the liberals in the United States.

Southern American Christian fundamentalists assert that Ogas is the mark of 666, correlating the antichrist of the apocalypse, the tracking system she uses to gather information, with the neuro-computer synchronization system from which the basic concept emerged in Russia at the time, Starting with the prodigal Babylon, they put everything together and downgraded the Russian Empire to Babylon.

And as long as 10% to 20% of Americans believe in such a sound, there is no way any institution can openly pursue such a thing.

In the end, for the United States, AI research was cut off and it was self-reliant that it was absorbed by Russia.

In any case, the Russian style is impossible, so the Chinese style of the original history spreads a facial recognition system all over the new continent, monitors the Internet, monitors the thoughts and desires of all populations, filters out impure elements and blocks the possibility of rebelling against the system?

It is possible, but it is difficult to develop such a program, and the moment the project is announced, it is certain that the backlash from the Americans, who have a bone marrow in their bones, will be met. There is no such thing, and the controversy over invasion of privacy is aggravated, so it is obvious that firewood will be added to the backlash.

If such a system cannot be established, the regime cannot achieve stability, but if it tries to build such a system, it will face enormous resistance and will inevitably collapse.

Of course, like Milgram’s obedience experiment or the Stanford prison experiment, people are surprisingly easy to submit to authority. It’s not for nothing that I chew on the public’s longing for domination while they cry for freedom.

So maybe we can build such a system successfully.

maybe not though.

There are very few people who can be role models who challenge the system.

But because of such heroes, others also have courage. The courage to be a hero.

Is there anyone out there with such courage?

As for me, I don’t know.

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