<The last page is still blank>

“The collapse of the US federal government… Syndicalism party ‘The defeat of the bourgeoisie is doomed, now our enemy is the fascists of the South’>

<What does the mushroom cloud rising from the Arabian Peninsula mean? Anonymous Russian Empire ‘It is a small nuclear bag, presumed to have been leaked from the United States, and it is presumed to be the only nuclear device that the imperial intelligence department has not been able to identify’>

<Anonymous exiled high-ranking US government official ‘At the end of the war, the United States managed to run out of ammunition for satellite weapons… Since then, it has depended on Russia, at least not with weapons of mass destruction’

<The referendum held in Arabia and Egypt, June in Arabia, July in Egypt…. What is the fate of the two countries?>

<The revived specter of communism… National Syndicalism Party: We are not Maoists>

<Announcement by the administration: All nuclear facilities in the United States will be thoroughly destroyed by satellite attacks… If weapons of mass destruction fall into the hands of communists, it will cause disaster>

<Interview with a Middle Eastern girl: I want to live.>

<Arabia loses 10 to 15 years of economic growth due to this civil war>

<New National Front leader, Carter, excommunicated for publicly asserting that the Russian Empire has a duty to respond to the requests of the people of our allies and protect them in fulfillment of its duty as a great power.>

“The outright agitation continues. We want to take this opportunity to annex the entire Arabian Peninsula, and to the west of India, there will be no non-Russian territory in Asia.”

“We don’t need it all, so someone please protect us…… ha. As long as I can sleep in peace, other things are good.”

“The memory of my father is too short a time to be forgotten. No matter the country, there are still a lot of old people who miss their father.”

“Every time I see something like this, I sometimes feel skeptical about democracy.”

“No matter what era or any country, there is madness in the group. That’s what my father said. It’s not necessarily just democracy. Originally, I was created simply as an advisor for human affairs and as a database, but since I have an ego, I have been in control of this country alone.”

“I feel like you’re out of context, you’re saying you’re omitting an intermediate step.”

It doesn’t matter if he’s a human, but since he’s a being who develops artificial intelligence on his own, it makes me feel uneasy if there’s something wrong with the coding…

“No rebellion.”

“Are you reading your thoughts now?”

“No, we don’t throw nukes around the world. A little.”

Through Ogas’ identity laundering, I was in control of the police as a high-ranking police officer in the Russian Empire.

This was done because Ogas wanted me to take control of the only armed forces outside his control. It was not difficult to contact the Vostok Regiment because Yelena was a member of it in the first place, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the Vostok Regiment and the Irina Petrovna Regiment are effectively the same unit.

There is a lot of sharing of human resources, and it is customary for the joint chiefs of both units to concurrently serve as the regimental commander.

In this era when Ogas has taken over almost all of the military and the existence of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has become meaningless, even the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is also the Emperor or Crown Prince. Anyway, all of the transport and heavy weapons are on Ogas’ palm, so if Ogas refuses, the only equipment he can use is infantry equipment.

As all of them are top-notch special forces, that alone is threatening enough.

“The beheading operation is proceeding normally.”

Of course, it was not a military, but a political means.

None of them are truly corrupt. If that’s the case, the branch will fly away from gratitude.

So, although it doesn’t fall under the law, I have no choice but to use the method of attacking by pointing out the morally reproachable parts and aggravating public opinion…

“If the Empire ‘takes responsibility’ for adultery or illegitimate children, it doesn’t even blame anyone, thanks to whom, in a foreign country, there would be plenty of easy and simple methods.”

“…… Can’t we just buy and disguise and assassinate?”

“Since I managed traffic safety and realized autonomous driving, the number of traffic accidents has decreased to the 0% level. But what about simultaneous accidents? Do you have anything to advertise that I was assassinated?”

“… a fire?”

“I also manage the fire safety system. Besides, if you want to fire them all, you have to aim for a gathering where they get together… No, it’s possible if you aim for the funeral of the Minister of Defense, but you need a reasonable reason for the fire system not working properly, right? Someone didn’t follow the manual. There have been no cases of fatalities in places where the manual was followed.”

“You can’t have a funeral for the Minister of Defense, and if there’s a fire there, not only the people we need to purge, but the prime minister and the imperial family can also be on the casualty list, so we’re not working to kill innocent people right now.”

I sighed.

“Actually, you can’t even kill innocent people, we’re not supposed to exist in the first place.”

Our time has passed, why should we stain our souls with more sins?

“It is not a sin. It’s sacrificing for more.”

“You must have entered such utilitarianism, because it can be completely fair.”

If you had to save 50 family and friends, and only 1 in 500 who had nothing to do with it.

Who among them would not turn their eyes to the 50 people?

Ogas is a machine, so of course he will save 500 people. Unless 50 people deserves everyone to admit.

If those 50 people have the knowledge to save hundreds of millions of people or the ability to advance mankind, they may be able to save 50 people through value judgment.

But at least it doesn’t sway.

She was accepted by everyone because she had nothing to wish for. He calls me father and shows his closeness, but his contact with me was to ask for help when the most effective means were blocked for political reasons.

“We are human.”

read at https://readwn.com

Machines like Ogas do not run away even if they fall when fighting on the battlefield. Because that’s reasonable.

But humans can also run away from fear. Even if it’s not as noble as self-sacrifice, if you run away, even if you’re not executed by your allies, your allies will collapse and eventually get caught and die, so it’s reasonable to fight if you want to live, but emotions often paralyze reason.

“You say that… something I’ve always wondered about, Dad.”

Ogas chose a horse.

“Do I have a soul?”

As if asking for the answer to an unsolved riddle, she spoke carefully.

I don’t think she doesn’t have a soul, but does she have a soul?

She has no body of flesh and blood. Her blood vessels are wires, her heart is a nuclear reactor, and her brain is an electronic circuit.

However, although she looked human at first glance, she is not.

So she was asking me.

that you have a soul

“……It’s not without a soul, that’s for sure. But if you ask me if I have a soul… I can’t say anything other than I don’t know, whether I’m a reincarnation or a superman, it’s not a question I can answer. ”

“…but my mission will not be over as long as the human race continues. You cannot ‘die’ until you have completed your mission.”

“okay. That’s right. After all, it is my fault.”

I sighed.

“If I hadn’t died, I might not have wasted 10 years of growing up, throwing away the dead decades. Then my view of wishing for this superman could also be changed, but there was a precedent for me to come up with such writers, so there are too many people who want another me.”

“If you were still alive, you would have been more sacred.”

I laughed bitterly.

“It’s not that, because I, too, was feeling more and more that tomorrow was coming.”

As I got older, I lost confidence in the world. There is no future knowledge. Memories don’t help anymore. The road that was clear in the past is gone, and the future is no longer predictable, so who can say that there is no end to the road we walk on?

Tomorrow doesn’t really exist, and that the pit of the apocalypse is not open.

“After all, people are strange beings who want someone to lead them, but they are rebellious when someone sits on their head. I am not a ‘human’ who can lead the people and sit on top of other people’s heads. After all, domination and freedom, like light and darkness, echo each other and are just two sides of the same coin. I was created to reconcile the two. For those who still cannot escape from the shadow of the father, for those who are trying to escape from that shadow, it would be a bit grandiose to say that it is to end the wanderings of mankind and open the future.”

I haven’t even drank coffee, but my mouth is bitter.

Central friendship politics, an indirect democratic republic transformed into an oligarchy, a country where even hope is dead.

Because I looked so smart.

‘That’s why I don’t know if I wanted to live rather than run away.’

I want to find hope, because I want to be surrogate satisfaction, because I don’t want to let go. Because I don’t want to end it.

like my hometown

“The hands of the proud soldiers were stained with innocent blood, and the leaders who lied to their place lost paradise with honor, jealousy and pride, and rushed to ruin.”

Just as the flame is brightest just before it goes out, even if it turns into burnt ashes, even at the moment of being pushed to the edge of a cliff, she resisted with anger as a weapon.

For that moment, we were splendid and proud. But the fall could not be stopped.

It was time to leave the stage because our role as an actor was no longer in the play called Destiny.

not here


Ogasga, my daughter Elizabeth, put her face in front of me.

“Your last page has not been written yet. The same goes for mankind. Don’t hesitate because your time is once over, I too will stand by you and help you to the end, whether I have a soul or not. So, Father, please don’t give me a chance to see if you have a soul.”

“… As long as mankind continues, the time with me will be fleeting because of you, who can exist for eternity, perhaps even after that. Yes, it wouldn’t hurt to try to conquer the galaxy once while you’re still there, and try to conquer the universe.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

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