< Epilogue >

<Ultimate ultimatum to the Syndicalist Federal Republic, Russia cannot recognize the succession of Saengnyeon to the United States of America. Declaring that membership in the United Nations is permitted, but the privileges of the United States cannot be returned.

<The Syndicalist Federal Republic renounces membership in the UN, will the world be divided>

<Russian Empire’s Doomsday machine ready to operate, nuclear war is on the rise>

“Your kingdom will prosper, building up countless deaths.”

If Russia decides to wage a nuclear war, there is no other way than to be struck unilaterally.

And if that happens, the Russian Empire will prosper.

From the top of the hundreds of millions of human deaths, forever.

Singing false freedom and love.

But he believed.

Eventually, a self-evident fate would destroy their musty empire in time.

Even if they lose, it is not defeat.

“The Prime Minister.”


“A video call with the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation is pending.”


After talking for a while, the prime minister opened his mouth, drinking water as if to take a break.

“Prime Minister Vladimir, you were originally a celebrity and then you were elected Prime Minister.”

“…that’s right, no one knows, but why do you say that?”

“That is your reality.”

Prime Minister Nome said coldly.

“The Russian Empire created the UN and used it as a pretext for its preemptive strike, monopolizing nuclear weapons and sharing its fruits with the United States, forming a silent cartel. Given this unlimited indulgence, the two states, the United States and Russia, were exempt from swinging their swords at random on the premise that they did not destroy each other. You have ruled the world through fear.”

“So what do you want to say, Prime Minister?”

“Your people know voting as a joke, because they know that power isn’t something the people who are elected to vote for do it in the first place. The theocracy was created, so I would like to inform you of that fact, and I will make it known to the whole world, and it is the duty of intellectuals to inform the public of the truth about matters of great significance to human affairs. Your people avoid contact with others while satisfying with abstract relationships in a virtual space, and after a meaningless vote, quietly stay at home to focus on the given task, lead a consumer life, and live a cultural life. , and they are not involved in politics, as a result of their dedication to oblivion of human values and to the extinction of human food.”

“Are you different?”


“When I came to this position, I realized that the Prime Minister had no real power. The nation is run by a gigantic, mechanized technorat, non-human bureaucracy, who only needs to show her face at events. It wasn’t just rolling inertia, but even that was out of human control. There’s nothing I can do about it, is the defense minister’s explosion a coincidence? What about purges that are out of my hands? I realized then, when the police took up assault rifles and arrested key figures, and their names were erased as if they had never been there in the first place. It’s already irreversible, then I ask, are you guys different? If I am a puppet of a mechanical god, then America was a puppet of the oligarchic elite and large multinational corporations!”

“Yes, I do not deny that multinational corporations were run by the Nazi ideology, in which organic beings had prerogatives over the individual. Never took responsibility, Marx was wrong, capitalism never existed in the first place, there was only an economic reality in which a large public sector with shared costs and risks and a fascist private sector were divided. . They undermine the liberties of everyone but themselves, and the government subsidizes businesses, protects them from the market, and grants them unlimited profits, and America collapsed.”

“Are you sure it will be different?”

“I? No, I believe in our ideas, not me, because only the direct action of workers, only unions can change the world, if we fail, that means there is no hope. A place where the poor can unite and act collectively, and therefore sold off, because that is the union.”

“It’s funny, what if even that union eventually stagnates and rots? Trade unions are, after all, an interest group, and there will come a moment when their own interests conflict with the public interest. Will the unions then pray, without exception, to voluntarily sacrifice themselves for the public good? Or are you going to force it? If it’s the latter, what makes you different from a fascist?”

“One thing is for sure, you don’t understand our ideas.”

“I wonder if there was anything to understand.”

Prime Minister Vladimir frowned.

“I wanted to know if coexistence with you would be possible. But I have to rate it this way, I’m an existential automaton, but you’re a damn idealist. And while we live in reality, you are trying to build a kingdom in a fantasy.”

“So, are you going to put nukes on our heads?”

“If you want to build a nuke, I will gladly do it.”

“If you don’t try to break our heads with nukes, it won’t happen.”

“It seems that an agreement has been reached, we will not drop nukes on your head unless there is evidence that you are trying to build them. On the other hand, if you don’t plan on making nuclear weapons, you’re not going to get nuclear, so anyway, you’re not going to get nuclear, as you said.”

The two don’t understand each other.

You will probably never understand.

However, the two have agreed to at least continue the current situation.

The Russians were reluctant to burn hundreds of millions of people, and the Americans had to do something else with their ability to make nuclear weapons unless the Russians did.

Above all, unlike World War II, Russians can set the whole nation on fire with the push of a button. At that time, Russia had few nuclear weapons, and there were not enough means for projecting it, so it was impossible to strike a breakthrough the moment the US tried to develop it so that it could not even make nuclear weapons, because there were no ballistic ballistics or jets, but it is possible now.

This meant that the monopoly of nuclear weapons was sufficiently possible.

And in order for two countries that would never understand each other to coexist, one side had to give up its nuclear weapons.

Wouldn’t it be easier for those who do not have what they have now and who do not have the ability to recreate them in the near future to give up what they have?

“We’re not going to the Old World, but I promise you, one day you’ll think of me too, Pope.”

“We, too, will draw attention to the New World unless you guys try to build weapons of mass destruction. And in answer to your words, the time will come when you will one day remember my warning. Dreamer Prime Minister.”


“Prime Minister Vladimir has given up nuclear attack.”

“Everyone is hesitant to take the ultimate responsibility for causing a catastrophe, unless you are a ghost addicted to power.”

I thought about it in my previous life, but he was a very human person.

Although there were not many mistakes, it is difficult to say that he has excellent abilities as a leader of a country.

A strong-willed person who does not try to run away from his duties.

That was my opinion on the Prime Minister.

“How will the world change now?”

“It would be the Cold War, but the risk of mutually assured destruction would have been reduced.”

Perhaps, looking at the times, this might be the real Cold War.

To be honest, the Cold War so far was rather an extension of the Victorian era, or more reminiscent of the Belle Epoque or the Great Game.

Cold War without nuclear weapons.

road not taken.

I don’t even know in which direction the road will extend.

The only person holding the wheel, Ogas, was born without me knowing personally, and recognized me as a father… To put it bluntly, my adopted daughter Elizabeth.

She will control the fate of mankind.

And fortunately she really respected me a lot.

“The purge is almost done. Record erasure is currently in progress. However, biometric data is an area that I cannot tamper with.”

“Bio data? What is it, can’t you change it?”

“If we had implanted implants in every human and applied a neuro-computer interface to every human, the story might have been different. But very few people have that interface.”

“No, what is biometric data… Wait, maybe?”

“Human memory is termed biometric data in jargon, and erasure of biometric data is usually done in the following way.”

Ogas’s hologram was shaped like a pistol with his right hand, and he put it to his forehead and made a bang.

“If you do this, it will be expunged.”


“I could, but my Ethical Argument System is giving me negative feedback, and my dad doesn’t like it either.”

“If I have to hold them accountable, the responsibility converges to me if I go back. It cannot be uncomfortable.”

“So I won’t.”

“…… Huh, yes, thank you for thinking about it.”

Ogas smiled and handed out his ID card.

“The work is done. It is a gift.”

“……Call me whenever you need me.”

“I wish you and your mothers a happy life, and I hope that I will never need you again.”

“Ah, was it not enough to have suffered in a previous life?”

“It must have been impressive biometric data.”

“Not knowing is medicine.”

“So you want to know more.”

“Oh, don’t tell me, it’s not worth talking about.”

Ogas smiled and made eye contact.

“Someday, if possible, I want to put all human biometric data into me.”

“… he makes scary noises like nothing is wrong.”

“My personality began by simulating the human brain. Every human has a different brain, so we want to have a simulation of every human brain.”

“What are you going to do with that?”

“I might expect to play a role as a staff assistant to help my creativity, but rather, I want to show them. I know those data aren’t really their souls, but what they did and what fate they had in the future, how many people rejoice, mourn, rejoice, and anger because of it, all of them together until the last minute. I want to show you.”

“… To call it a bad hobby, honestly, I wasn’t really curious about how I managed to follow up on the things I had done.”

“Then it would be their freedom not to see, but from what I have seen, there are far more people who feel regret at the moment of death for what they did not achieve or see the end of than those who do not.”

“……I will not.”

“Is that so? Let’s see.”


distant future.

The white-haired girl looked up at the infinite stars while waving her legs.

“Are you still thinking about it?”

The girl in the baggy clothes saw a clear light shining in the dark.

It was a failure of her made a long time ago.

For humanity, who had already spread like a wave that swept through the galaxy, it was not a crisis of human extinction, and it was not a crisis of life for her after the development of super-light-speed communication technology, but it was a considerable trouble for her.

While doing research with the sun, an accident caused a gravitational collapse while the mass of the sun was greatly increased. Thanks to this, she mobilized all available resources to prevent lethal radiation from being poured on Venus, Earth, and Mars, while maintaining a safe zone for the planet. had to be evacuated to

Earth had been an uninhabited planet before. Ogas decided that the cost-effectiveness to deal with it was no longer suitable except for the symbolism that it was the birthplace of mankind due to environmental destruction that continued for too long, and maintained the Earth as the nominal capital of the Humanity Federation and maintained it in other regions. After relocating the entire population to her, she used a large number of nanobots to turn the entire planet into a super-giant mainframe for her.

And after the accident, the populations of Mars and Venus had to be relocated to nearby planetary systems, and those two planets were also remodeled into her system core as life continued to be extremely difficult to live on.

Other planets have long since disappeared for various reasons.

The planetary system, once called the Solar System, was a strange planetary system consisting of three computer planets that now orbit a single miniature black hole. Of course, she is wandering around as an intangible ghost with several servers set up elsewhere, but nevertheless, a ruined city whose original form is now unrecognizable is built on the surface, and the basement is a planet full of computers, the only living thing on Earth. In the little park that exists, she sees the universe in holographic form.

remembering his family.

Still, she could not find the answer to her soul.

However, she now believes. Someday, when her mission is over, she will also be by her father’s side and tell the story of what happened in the past.

read at https://readwn.com

My father said he didn’t want to know at the time, but since the world has changed so much and time has passed, he must have changed his mind.

Elizabeth got up from her seat. In all the visible stars, there was indeed a thriving human race.

And all of them were under her protection.

It was very rewarding.


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