Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3789: Cheating 9

The situation at my aunt's house is quite dire.

They have a son and a daughter.

Not to mention my daughter, she worked in a first-tier city after graduation and rarely went home. The only one at home was her son.

My son has already given birth to two sons, and his second grandson has just been born.

Originally, the old couple should help raise their two grandchildren, and then the son and daughter-in-law would work to earn money to support the family.

However, my aunt and daughter-in-law have not been working at home since they were pregnant with their first child.

Because there was no other way, after the first child was born, my aunt and daughter-in-law breastfed her for a while. When she was one year old, she was ready to wean herself and go to work, but she became pregnant again.

Now that the second child is born, the other party has to continue breastfeeding.

Originally, the aunt and her husband wanted to persuade their daughter-in-law not to breastfeed their second child and go out to work. After all, the daughter-in-law had not worked for several years. The son worked alone and the money he earned was not enough for the whole family. As a result, he was scolded by his daughter-in-law. , saying that not breastfeeding is bad for children.

From the memory of the original person, An Ran knew that the other party did not go out to work because of breast milk. She simply did not want to work, because from the memory of the original person, the mother's mother-in-law's family urged her to go out to work, and her aunt and daughter-in-law did not work. I don’t want to go out to work and still stay at home.

The salary of my aunt and son alone could not support a family of several people. After all, the salary level in small cities was not high, so I had no choice. In the end, in order to make more money, I had no choice but to work in coastal areas, although this would require separation from my children. But there was nothing else I could do to support my family.

Just like this, it was not enough to support the expenses of his two sons and his wife - not to mention supporting his aunt and his wife - so my uncle could only go out to work to support the family.

Anyway, the daughter-in-law can take care of the children at home, but it doesn't matter if the uncle is not at home.

But my uncle is over fifty years old. What kind of job can he find in such a small city? In the end, he worked as a janitor, earning about two thousand yuan a month.

There was no way. When my aunt and uncle were young, they worked in a small state-owned factory in this city. But they didn't work for long before the factory closed down and they were laid off. They took a sum of money and started living on their own, so the conditions were not as good as those of Uncle Wang. The family's family is not even as good as the original family.

The original parents were quite lucky. Although they were just workers, not part of the system or teachers, the factory was still doing well and was able to survive until now. Tang's mother has retired and Tang's father will retire in a year.

Before retirement, their salaries were pretty good in this city. Although they were not as high as Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang - both of them used to work in high-paying units in this city - they were at least above the average salary. horizontal.

Now my aunt and her husband are looking forward to retirement - although the factory has closed down, it helped them pay pension insurance, so they still have pensions.

For Uncle Wang and his wife, retirement means a sharp decrease in income, but for the aunt who has no job and only takes care of the children, having an income after retirement is better than having no income now.

It can be seen that the conditions of my aunt's family are not very good. In this situation, I don't think about how to solve my own problems, but I am busy scolding my original wife for being old. I am just like my second aunt's family, I don't know what to say.

The conditions of my brother-in-law's family are better, and the couple is young and will not retire for the time being. As for their son, he has just entered college and they bought him a house in the provincial capital city where the university is located, which seems good.

However, their son is about to graduate. After graduation, he does not want to work in the provincial capital city. After all, the provincial capital city is only a second-tier city, and there are no prosperous and developed first-tier cities, so he will go to the first-tier cities to find a job.

There are only a few first-tier cities, and eventually he will go to the capital to work, because his cousin is there, and he thinks it will be convenient to have relatives there.

This brought up a new problem - in the original world, he saw his cousin buying a house in the capital, and then saw that the capital was prosperous and developed, so he also wanted to buy a house in the capital, so although his brother-in-law bought a house for his son in the provincial capital early , but it will be sold sooner or later because their son wants to buy a house in the capital.

And once you buy a house in the capital, you will be saddled with a huge mortgage. At that time, your brother-in-law's family will most likely follow the same path as your uncle's family, and your brother-in-law's family will also have a headache.

This is the situation of the relatives on Tang's mother's side.

The relatives on Tang's father's side are a little better. Although there are some people who complain about the old age and the fact that they don't get married when they are older, it is not as obvious as what relatives on Tang's mother's side say. Many people say it privately. The reason behind the discussion is also very simple - most of Tang's father's relatives are from the countryside, unlike Uncle Wang and others who have a guaranteed job.

Tang's father had passed the exam and then married Tang's mother. Most of his relatives had not passed the exam and were still in the countryside.

Because most people were not as good at it as Tang's father, so although they might have some comments about his old age in private, on the surface they did not dare to offend Tang's father and say such things in front of Tang's father.

Of course, the main reason is that in their view, the Tang family has three houses, and they have money even if they don’t work. It’s not impossible not to work. After all, many of their families work hard and want to pay a down payment for a house in the city. It’s also very difficult. After all, although the city where I live is a third-tier city, the house price is more than 10,000 yuan per square meter. A three-bedroom house with 100 square meters costs more than 1 million yuan, and the down payment is hundreds of thousands. , and ordinary people can’t afford it.

In their eyes, if the Tang family is rich, it doesn't matter if their children don't work. There are many children in the city whose parents both work, and their children don't work. In their eyes, it's normal. After all, if their parents are rich, they won't work if they don't work. At most, I just think that the children of this family have no future. Unlike the relatives in Tang Mu's family, most of them have jobs with a guaranteed job. Especially Aunt Wang's family is doing very well. Her sons have bought houses in the capital. Such a group of motivated people Among the people, if a salty fish like Yuan Shen mixes in, people will naturally look at him and start talking.

Because the relatives on Tang's father's side gossiped less, the original person received less stimulation from the Tang family's side. The main reason was that he received more stimulation from relatives on Tang's mother's side.

Not to mention how much stimulation he received from relatives on Tang's mother's side, a year passed quickly, and Uncle Wang had no intention of repaying the money to each family, so soon, as a holiday , we all gathered at my uncle's house. Before anyone from my uncle's family came, we started discussing this topic.

The aunt brought up this topic first, because her son had raised two sons, and the daughter-in-law did not work, so she relied on her son to work alone to earn money. The family conditions were very tight, so she immediately said: "Hey, the boss will give me 20,000 yuan. Did you pay it back?"

The second aunt, who was also a little nervous, shook her head and said, "No."

Tang Mu and others also shook their heads and said, "I haven't paid it back."

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