Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3788: Cheating 8

In his original world, Cousin Wang received hundreds of thousands of sponsorship from Tang's mother, so he had time to slowly look for a job, and finally found a good job, which was no worse than the previous job.

Because their income is good, and Mrs. Tang still has hundreds of thousands of dollars that she has not used up, their children are naturally still studying in the capital, and they can continue to brag to others and continue to despise the education in small cities, saying that their children have received the best education in the capital. How good is the education.

——In the final analysis, it is only with Mother Tang’s money that we can maintain such dignity.

An Ran wanted to slap them in the face when she thought that they were spending Mother Tang's money to maintain their dignity, and then laughing at the original person for eating her old age.

After all, how can there be such a shameless person in the world, who just feeds himself to old age, and then feeds on the parents of the original body, that's all, and can still laugh at the old person who spent more money than they "borrowed" from them, why? Are you embarrassed to laugh at me?

Now in this world, without Tang's mother's money, they can't maintain their dignity by sending their children back to study. They can't brag about how good the education in the capital is, and then laugh at the poor education in small cities.

And because An Ran exposed their gnawing on old age, they can't laugh at An Ran's gnawing on old age now. At most, they can just "care" about An Ran's not getting married yet.

However, Father Tang and Mother Tang were also very worried about An Ran's marriage.

They knew that their daughter was afraid of society, so they didn't push her. They only expressed worry: "If you don't get married and have no children, what will you do when you get old?"

An Ran said: "Mom and Dad, don't worry. How can you have no children without getting married? Wait until I make more money and go to a foreign sperm bank to find sperm to have a child. I'm afraid of society and don't want to get married, but I have a child." I still like it and would like to have one.”

This is the idea in the original memory, but she has no money and cannot achieve this, so it is not realized. If An Ran can realize it, he will naturally help her realize it.

Of course, An Ran would not go to the sperm bank to look for sperm, because she was afraid that the quality of the sperm would be poor, and she would directly look for high-quality sperm in the system space.

Yes, the system has everything, including this.

When Father Tang and Mother Tang heard what An Ran said, they felt relieved and said, "Since you can think so, we are relieved. Okay, if you don't want to talk about it, just don't talk about it."

Although they are not as socially anxious as their daughter, they are also unsociable and can understand their daughter's thoughts. Therefore, if their daughter is socially anxious and unwilling to get married, they will not force her.

After solving his parents' worries, An Ran turned his focus to making money and paying attention to the world of his original self. He often laughed at his relatives and friends who were nibbling on old age and not getting married. In any case, these people were the cause of his death. One of the culprits, she naturally has to pay more attention to them.

There is no need to rush when it comes to making money, because the economy has improved a bit recently - this can be seen from the fact that Cousin Wang can find a job smoothly. If the economy was really bad, it would not be so easy to find a job - so it is reflected in the stock market, the stock market It has also started to rise. She did a good job of buying at the bottom and is now starting to make money, so she doesn’t have to worry about money anymore.

So the key point is to pay more attention to the relatives who laugh at the original person.

She wouldn't retaliate against them. After all, if she retaliates against them, they might complain and say that she just said a few words, so why should she be retaliated against?

She would only retaliate with tit for tat. For example, if these people laughed at the original person for chewing his old age, she would laugh back at them.

They saw that the original person was not getting married, so while urging the original person to get married, they asked the original person if she was in poor health, or if there was anything wrong with her, or else why every blind date failed.

Now they are starting to do this to An Ran, so when the time comes, An Ran will also look for something almost similar, and just like them, she will say it back deliberately to let them feel the discomfort of being said like this.

Not to mention others, An Ran felt that she might be able to return to Cousin Wang's house for revenge at any time, because the crisis at Cousin Wang's house could break out at any time.

Their family has had a mortgage for 30 years, and they have to repay the mortgage of 30,000 yuan a month. Now that Cousin Wang is still young, he is facing an unemployment crisis, let alone in his forties or even fifties in the future. The unemployment crisis will be more serious. Their house may be cut off at any time.

After the payment is cut off, someone else might sell their house in the capital, buy a house in their hometown, and have extra money for living. They are not afraid of being unemployed in middle age. This way, they can live a very easy life. But since they care about face, they must They will not come back. They will probably change to a smaller house, or buy a cheap house in a remote area of ​​the capital - it will probably be the latter, because they have two sons, and when they grow up, the place will be too small to live in. You can only go to the outer suburbs of the capital to buy a house with a similar area to the current one.

It's just that although I will still be in the capital by then, my location will be changed to the outer suburbs, so it's hard to brag about it.

Of course, they may hide this fact and not say that they changed to a cheap house in the outer suburbs so that they can maintain their respectability among relatives.

Houses in the capital are indeed expensive, but they are still not expensive in the outer suburbs. They should be able to afford a house that is about the same size as now, but they may also run out of money.

Fortunately, if there is no pressure on the mortgage then, and they can only make money to support their family, it should be better, unless they also send their children to more expensive schools, and then the couple spends money without restraint. After all, in that case, no matter how much money they have, they can Spend all your money.

But by that time, even if there is no mortgage pressure and you only have to make money to support your family, I am afraid that the money you make will only be enough for basic expenses. It is impossible to want your children to go to more expensive schools or buy brand-name clothes, shoes, bags, watches, etc. After all, if you don’t become a manager in your forties or fifties, and you lose your job and find another job, your salary won’t be very high.

This situation may only happen when Cousin Wang and his wife are in their forties or fifties, but it doesn't necessarily happen. If you are unlucky, unemployment will always exist. Maybe one day Cousin Wang will lose his job again, and their house will be destroyed. The supply is out.

Therefore, An Ran felt that for these two people, there would be a chance to take revenge and go back at any time.

As for the others... The second aunt's son is useless, so there are quite a lot of chances to ridicule him back in kind.

The second aunt's son has grown old and is still different from his original self.

I am the kind of honest person who knows that I am not going out to work and am chewing on my parents, so I am embarrassed to whisper to my parents. However, my second aunt's son just chews on my parents. He usually feels that he is awesome and scolds his parents at every turn. , because he felt that his parents were incompetent and did not allow him to become a rich second generation, which made him have to work hard.

In short, the second aunt's house is a mess.

Speaking of which, An Ran had never thought about the situation at her second aunt's house, and she had the nerve to follow Aunt Wang and the others and gnaw on her old age.

Don’t you know what’s going on in your own home? As long as you mind your own business, why do you still have the extra time to mind other people's family affairs?

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