Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3787 Cheating on the old man 7

Uncle Wang is in urgent need of money now, so he naturally makes a promise casually. As for whether he can cash it out when the time comes, that's not certain. After all, these days, it's all the uncles who borrow money, and it's all the grandsons who ask for money. He will be the one when the time comes. What can they do if they delay and refuse to give?

This is the reason why Uncle Wang was able to persuade Mother Tang to take out the money and give it to him regularly in his original world, because he promised to compensate with interest.

But in this world, it is naturally not feasible. Mother Tang immediately said: "The child's money is in the stock market, and it is not really deposited in the bank on a regular basis. Who knows how much he will earn in the future, and the bank will compensate him with regular interest. However, he does not agree." ”

Uncle Wang saw that Tang's mother was refusing to borrow money and that there was going to be a problem with his own mortgage. He couldn't help but get anxious. When he got anxious, he naturally got angry and said, "Are you still my sister? I don't want to borrow any money from you, so you are still some kind of relative!" "

Tang's mother couldn't help but feel happy after hearing this, and said: "There are five of us brothers and sisters. If other families borrow it, I will borrow it. Otherwise, why should I lose money by borrowing alone?"

Tang's mother is not the kind of person who helps her elder brother and her younger brother. Although she usually respects her brothers, she is not willing to let her family suck the blood of her own family, so she said this now.

She had already heard from other brothers and sisters that they did not borrow money.

Since no one else borrowed the money, why should she borrow it at a loss?

When Uncle Wang heard what Tang's mother said, he knew there was no chance, because other people wouldn't lend it, so he angrily died and could only find someone else to borrow it. After all, his wife also had brothers and sisters, so he wanted to see if he could borrow money. .

But it's a pity that although he borrowed some from his wife's side, he didn't borrow much.

In the end, he talked to his brothers and sisters again, and they were brothers and sisters after all. Finally, the second aunt and others discussed with Tang's mother, and the family borrowed 20,000 yuan, and no more would be lost. After all, every family has its own difficulties.

Uncle Wang saw that he had managed to collect more than 100,000 yuan, which could help his son survive for two or three months. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately called his son.

Cousin Wang was relieved when he saw that his father had borrowed hundreds of thousands. With these hundreds of thousands, he could slowly find a job without getting anxious.

As for Tang's mother, although she lent 20,000 yuan to Uncle Wang, An Ran is not worried about whether she will come back in the future. Firstly, the money is small, so she won't feel bad even if she doesn't come back; secondly, she borrowed it with other families, and when the time comes, There is no need for Mrs. Tang to borrow it by herself like she did in her original world. If she doesn't come back, she will be too embarrassed to ask for it. She is afraid that Uncle Wang will say that she has been asking them for money. Now there are a lot of creditors. If everyone asks for money together, they can always get it. I want to come back, and there are many people, so I have the nerve to ask for it.

So An Ran is still satisfied with this situation.

Tang's mother and Uncle Wang are brothers and sisters. It is unrealistic for relatives to not borrow money at all - although An Ran doesn't want to borrow a penny for what Uncle Wang's family did to her - but she can only borrow a little. And if there is hope to come back in the future, then An Ran can bear it a little bit. If it is like in the original world, Tang's mother borrowed hundreds of thousands from Uncle Wang, but in the end the uncle refused to repay the money, which is something An Ran can't bear at all.

With more than 100,000 yuan, Cousin Wang's tight nerves relaxed a little, probably because his mentality has improved, so his job search went smoothly. He found a job soon, but compared with the job he found in his original world. , it's still a little worse, and the reason is very simple. In the original world, Uncle Wang borrowed hundreds of thousands from Tang's mother. The money was more, and he had more time to look for it slowly, so what he found was naturally better. .

But in this world, Uncle Wang can only borrow a few hundred thousand, so he can only survive for a few months if he saves money. Cousin Wang doesn't dare to take his time and make careful selections, so he quickly joins the job if he can find one.

Although it was a little bit close, because I had a job, I was able to pay off the mortgage at home.

As for other things, they will definitely be affected. For example, they can no longer be as chic as before, and their children also plan to go to a cheaper kindergarten. Otherwise, the couple's income of 40,000 to 50,000 yuan - Cousin Wang's salary will be less. Cousin Wang's salary used to be just over 30,000 yuan, but now it's a little less than 30,000 yuan - after deducting taxes, insurance, and mortgage payments, it's not enough.

And it’s best to keep some money aside for emergencies, lest you spend it all like before. When you lose your job like this time, your supply will be cut off, which is terrible.

They are not stupid, and they also know that being able to borrow hundreds of thousands from relatives this time does not mean that they can borrow money next time. Naturally, they dare not keep counting on relatives. The key is to have money themselves.

However, with a pre-tax income of 40,000 to 50,000 yuan, after deducting the 30,000 yuan mortgage loan, there is only about 10,000 yuan left in spare money. The family’s expenses are not enough, so how can they save money.

In order to save some money, the two planned to send their children back to their hometown and ask their parents to help take them to kindergarten. Anyway, they are retired and have time to take care of their children. Otherwise, the expenses in the capital would be too high if the children are here.

When the children are no longer around, it will be better for them to spend as a couple.

Although they had always praised the education in the capital and looked down upon the education in their hometown, now they send their children back, which is a bit of a slap in the face. However, there is nothing they can do about it. If their children continue to study in the capital, they will not be able to save money at all.

Fortunately, they had an excuse for sending the children back. They said that it was too tiring to take care of two children, so they decided to send them back to their hometown to make it easier for the two of them. Therefore, although the education in their hometown was not good, in order to make it easier, they had to do this.

——In fact, it was not possible for two people to raise two children in the past, so at that time, Cousin Wang’s mother was asked to help take care of the children in the capital, because at that time, Aunt Wang had not retired yet and her salary was not low. It was too difficult to take care of the children without working. It wasn't cost-effective, but Cousin Wang's mother didn't have a formal job, so she was asked to come and take care of the children. Of course, she had to pay. Otherwise, if she wanted to take care of her son's children in her hometown, how could she take care of them for free?

For the sake of a lot of money, Cousin Wang's mother came to take care of the child.

Later, when the child got a little older and went to kindergarten, he no longer had to be taken care of.

Logically speaking, the two said that it was too tiring to take care of two children, so they could continue to ask Cousin Wang's mother to help take care of them as before, or ask Aunt Wang to go to the capital to take care of them. After all, Aunt Wang is retired now and does not need to send them back.

However, the two of them also found an excuse for this bug, saying that they did not want the mother to be separated from the father, so they sent the child back and asked Aunt Wang to take care of it in her hometown.

Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang told his son and daughter-in-law that when this semester is over, they will go back to their hometown to study next semester and let them take care of the children. Uncle Wang and Aunt Wang have no objection, because they now know that it is not easy for their son and daughter-in-law.

As for their grandson coming back to study, they also used the excuses made by their son and daughter-in-law and told the people who asked about it. Because it made sense, others didn't suspect it.

An Ran saw that Cousin Wang's two children had come back to study, and couldn't help but smile, secretly thinking that through her own efforts, she finally had something different from her original world.

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