Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3790: Cheating 10

My aunt listened to people saying that everyone's money had not been repaid, so she said: "I don't know what business my eldest brother is doing, why he still doesn't repay us the money he borrowed, and he won't use our money to invest in any city where housing prices are rising." Have you gone?"

How should I put it, that's almost true. After all, paying off the mortgage in the capital for your son can be considered an investment.

The second aunt said: "No matter what you did, after borrowing it for a year, it's time to pay it back to us."

Although their family's conditions are better than those of my younger sister's family, they still need money. After all, their son is so old, and he has not found a wife yet because he has no job. There are many things that need money. You must know that the son of my younger sister's family, They both gave birth to two sons.

Although the younger sister's son is one year older than her son because she got married early, he is only one year older and already has two grandchildren. Obviously, his family still has to work hard.

After hearing what the second aunt said, the aunt agreed: "Yes, the eldest brother should take the initiative to pay it back, why do we have to press him."

In his original world, Uncle Wang was like this. He felt that he was the one who owed money. If Tang's father and Tang's mother didn't press him, he wouldn't pay it back. Keep urging.

But in this world, if Uncle Wang wanted to do this, he would not be able to get away with it, because it was not Mother Tang who wanted to pay him, but a large group of people.

After listening to what the younger aunt said, the second aunt said, "Let's mention this to the eldest brother later."

Tang's mother also agreed, but my uncle didn't say much.

An Ran knew why. Because his brother-in-law's son had graduated and went to work in the capital, and he usually had to be taken care of by Cousin Wang and his wife, so naturally he couldn't say anything, and he would definitely not press Uncle Wang to pay back the money if he stayed for a while.

Sure enough, when Uncle Wang's family arrived and the aunt and others asked Uncle Wang about repaying the money, Uncle Wang did not mention the matter of repaying the money.

Fortunately, it didn't matter if he was missing. Anyway, these three families came forward to ask, which was enough.

Uncle Wang also did not expect that Aunt Wang and others would mention the matter of repaying the money, but as expected, there are different things when there are more people. Unlike his original world, Uncle Wang was not as ignored as Tang Mu, even when Tang Mu pressed her too much. After a few times, I was still angry, but I told Aunt Wang and others in a friendly manner: "I don't have the money to pay back at the moment, but when I have the money, I will pay it back immediately."

Obviously, he didn't dare to offend all his relatives, so he said that the world was different from his original one.

Aunt Wang said: "What kind of business are you doing? I didn't see you doing business either."

Uncle Wang and Cousin Wang looked at each other, and then said: "Actually, I watched Ranran stock trading and wanted to learn it, but I didn't know that I lost money, so now I have to slowly save money to pay you back."

Naturally, he couldn't say that his son had been unemployed and almost couldn't pay off the mortgage, so he borrowed money from relatives. After all, he didn't want to lose face, so he said this now.

Saying this not only saves face, but also puts the blame on Enron, making people think that it is Enron's fault and they speculate in any stock. Uncle Wang also followed suit. Now that it is better, they will pay for it and borrow their money. I don’t know how long it will take to pay back the money.

I have to say that Uncle Wang is quite good at diverting attention. No, Aunt Wang was diverted by him. When Aunt Wang heard what Uncle Wang said, she couldn't help but look at An Ran unhappy and said: " Look at you, you insist on trading in some stocks, now it’s fine, your uncle has lost money in the trade, and our family will suffer from poverty as well, tell me what to do about this matter.”

If it weren't for saying it, it would make people feel too shameless, or else Aunt Wang would probably say that An Ran would pay for her money. Although she is so short of money now that she wants to get whatever money she can, she still knows that if she says this, Apart from being scolded, I couldn't get any money, so I held back and didn't say that.

An Ran saw that Aunt Wang was acting aggressively, and the implication was that she wanted her to pay for it - otherwise, how could she let her talk about what to do about this matter? This was just to put the responsibility on her. After all, this was not the case. The matter has nothing to do with her, so why should she talk about it and ask her what to do? She couldn't help but be speechless and said: "Can you blame me? I didn't let my uncle trade in stocks. Besides, my uncle's family conditions are so good. Okay, what are you afraid of? My cousin’s income is hundreds of thousands a year, but you’re still worried that you can’t make up for the 20,000?”

Didn't Uncle Wang want to take the blame to her? There was no way. Since he wanted to hide the truth so that he could continue to brag about his son and daughter-in-law's high income in the future, then she could also take advantage of this and take the blame back - since your son and daughter-in-law With so much money, you must have money to pay back to the big guy, right?

When the aunt heard what An Ran said, she couldn't help but be startled, and then she was happy and said, "That's right."

Immediately he looked at Cousin Wang and said, "My nephew, nephew and daughter-in-law can earn so much money. I have 20,000 yuan, and you earn more than that in a month. You should be able to pay me back, right?"

Cousin Wang's income is just enough to live on his own. Even if he saves money, he doesn't want to help his father pay back the money. Although the money was originally borrowed for him, in name, it was borrowed by his father. So now Cousin Wang then said, "My dad borrowed it from you. You ask my dad to pay it back. Although I earn a lot, my mortgage is also high. Apart from the mortgage and daily expenses, I can't save any money at all. I have no money to pay you back."

After hearing this, the aunt couldn't help but feel unhappy and said: "Although your father borrowed it, you are his son and you have the ability to pay it back. Your father has no money to pay it back, so why don't you help? You earn hundreds of thousands a year. You said you couldn't save any money, but who would believe it? No matter how little you get, you just don't want to pay us back. If your family is like this, then your relatives won't be able to do it anymore."

Cousin Wang said: "I have no money anyway."

He looks like a rogue, and I have to say that this way is quite similar to how Uncle Wang treated Tang's mother in his original world. Like father, like son.

You know, on the surface, Uncle Wang borrowed the money, but in fact, it was Cousin Wang who borrowed the money to repay the mortgage. Now others are urging him to repay the money, but he refuses to do so. This rogue behavior is not what Uncle Wang Quite similar.

Uncle Wang's family refused to pay back the money, which made Aunt Wang completely angry. She left without even eating.

But before she left, Aunt Wang said harsh words and asked Uncle Wang to pay back the money quickly. Otherwise, not only would the relatives have nothing to do, but she would also file a lawsuit in court and they would still have to pay back the money, unless they wanted to be a deadbeat.

Others were not so extreme, but they all told Uncle Wang to pay him back. After all, no one wanted to have their hard-earned money used for stock trading and not pay back.

During this festival, everyone broke up unhappy. Uncle Wang's family had a complete falling out with his aunt's family, and they stopped communicating with each other.

As for Tang's mother and second aunt's family, although they also urged them to pay back the money, Uncle Wang still kept in contact with them. When a person borrows money, all his relatives are offended. What should he do if he cannot find any relatives to borrow from? There must always be a relative with whom we can still communicate.

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