Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2509 Doomsday Waste 13

Alas, it's inconvenient that you can't treat her in the air. It would be great if she could be controlled remotely like other people with powers. Then she wouldn't have to worry about cats and dogs being wary of her and not letting her come in contact with her. Remote control would do it. Test completed.

During the treatment, the dog who was eating could not help but stop moving for a moment.

Obviously, it has noticed the changes in its body. After all, a large wound on its back is inflamed and it can feel uncomfortable. But now, it can feel that the wound is getting better quickly. It retreated quickly, which made it immobile for a moment, which was normal.

Although stray dogs have little intelligence, they can still tell who is good to them and who is bad to them.

At this moment, An Ran touched it with his hand a few times and it was healed. The dog's wariness towards An Ran immediately dissipated a lot. He also put down the sausage and rubbed it flatteringly beside An Ran. The excitement was enough. Just went to eat sausages.

An Ran saw that his powers had indeed increased a lot. He healed a large injury like that of a stray dog, and he didn't feel any discomfort at all. It seemed that this power was gradually becoming less useless. After all, such a large injury, Without her treatment, it would not be a problem to rely on medicine, but the medicine of the apocalypse is very expensive. Moreover, medicine treatment takes a long time to heal, and it is impossible to make it heal immediately like she just did.

So as long as she is willing to treat people, even if the price is as expensive as drugs, there will be people who will treat them. After all, with drugs, it will take many days to recover. Not only will people suffer, but they will also have to delay work for many days. In this way, At the same price, who wouldn’t want to find her?

Well, as long as the problem of self-protection is solved, it seems that there is no need to worry about life in the future.

After An Ran cured the dog, he went back temporarily and planned to come back tomorrow to see if there were any other animals that needed treatment.

The reason why she went back temporarily was because she was afraid that her powers would not be enough.

In the days that followed, Anron kept wandering around the green parks of the base, curing many small animals one after another. With the treatment and giving the small animals some food from time to time, Anran soon became a good friend of the animals. When they see her, these little animals will gather around to get close to her, and some even try to follow her home.

It's a pity that although Enron has a lot of supplies, it's not enough to keep a cat or a dog. Otherwise, he really plans to keep a cat or dog with high force value as a bodyguard.

In fact, it’s not that no one wants to use these cats and dogs as bodyguards, but except for those with abundant supplies, most people can’t afford cats and dogs. After all, after evolution, everyone has a big appetite and needs to feed themselves. It’s difficult, and I really can’t afford to raise cats and dogs.

There is no one to care for these cats and dogs, so they have to find their own food.

It's not like before when you could find food in city trash cans. Now in the base, no one has so much supplies. They can eat more than they can and dump them into the trash cans. So these cats and dogs can only survive by hunting. .

Cats are a little better, they can make a living by catching mice and even birds.

Dogs have a more miserable life. They have been domesticated by humans for a long time and have almost lost their ability to survive in the wild. In the past, there were trash cans to pick up in cities, but now there are no trash cans to pick up. It is really difficult to survive. They can only go to the military camp to beg for food. Yes, because in the military canteen, there will be bones and other things dumped out, and the dogs will pick up these things and eat them.

In addition, some dogs raised and then abandoned by humans will have better luck if they can understand simple human commands, because they can be hired by the military and accompany the military to kill monsters, and they will get a piece of food when they come back.

This is similar to hunting with dogs in ancient times.

In fact, as long as they can understand human commands, the military would rather recruit dogs to fight monsters together than recruit people, because the rewards for people are much higher.

In this way, if they are equally obedient, they are naturally more willing to find animals. The animals here are mainly dogs, because cats are much less obedient.

In the end, An Ran adopted a dog, which was the golden dog with super powers that An Ran rescued at the beginning.

The reason why she adopted her was because after the dog became familiar with her, it followed her home every day until she closed the door and then left in disappointment.

Later, when she was buying nuts to eat, someone robbed her, and the dog saved her.

At this point, An Ran felt a little sorry for not adopting it, so she adopted it.

When I let him in for the first time, he realized that he was adopted. The big yellow dog was very happy. He called her affectionate and kept wagging his tail around her.

Enron named it Rhubarb.

Later, when Anron bought energy food, he would sometimes buy it for Da Huang.

When eating rhubarb, you can realize that it is a good thing - animals and plants are not intelligent, but they have innate senses and know that they need to eat things with energy to become more powerful - every time you give it to it, the rhubarb will It will wag its tail very affectionately.

Rhubarb brought warmth and happiness to An Ran's lonely working life, and An Ran felt that adopting it was the right thing to do.

In addition, having Dahuang as a bodyguard is indeed much safer.

Of course, An Ran was not without her efforts - she had to spend a lot of materials to support it.

But obviously, it is not an option to just sit there and have nothing. This day, An Ran saw that his powers had evolved a lot, so he planned to take rhubarb out to hunt some chickens, ducks, hares and other things to eat, or pick some vegetables. Eat eat.

According to many people at the base, there is no one outside now and there are overrun rabbits and chickens and ducks.

That's all for hares. Why do chickens and ducks also proliferate? It is said that there is a reason. It is said that there is a chicken and duck breeding farm not far from the local area. After the apocalypse, some of these chickens and ducks became monsters and some evolved. .

Some of the evolved chickens and ducks were eaten by monster chickens and ducks, and some escaped.

Because there are no people in the wild, but there are many vegetable fields in the suburbs. After the people are gone, no one eats the vegetables, and they grow lushly, so these chickens and ducks have something to eat.

There was food to eat, and they were not taken care of for a period of time, so these chickens and ducks gave birth to a lot of chicks and ducks, causing the chickens and ducks to overrun, even to the nearby area. Only then did people discover that there were such things in the wild. Lots of chickens and ducks.

After hearing the news, An Ran planned to go over and take a look before everyone ran to grab the chickens and ducks.

She bet that as soon as the news spreads, a large number of people would be tempted to grab it. After all, the supplies nearby had been swept away, and who wouldn't want to grab them if there were chickens and ducks to grab them.

Although chickens and ducks have also evolved, hunting chickens and ducks is a bit dangerous, but it is much better than hunting pigs, cattle and sheep, right?

Yes, there are not only chickens and ducks in abundance, but also many pigs, cattle and sheep. But these animals are much more powerful in fighting. It is not easy to hunt, and you can only bully the chickens and ducks.

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