Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2508 Doomsday Waste 12

Although the base has enclosed a lot of places, more and more people are fleeing. In order to meet the housing needs of these people, the base recruits people with earth powers and metal powers to build new houses every day, and the rewards are integral.

Since you need to be paid for building a house, it is naturally impossible for the people in the base to live in the built houses for free. After all, they don’t have much supplies. If they are all free, they cannot afford them. That’s why Enron had to spend points before. Rent a house.

These points are currently the currency of the base. The pre-apocalyptic currency has become obsolete, and no one wants to trade with the pre-apocalyptic currency.

After An Ran rented the house, he took out all the daily necessities hidden in the space and placed them one by one.

Anyway, she took two boxes. She just arrived now and didn't buy any daily necessities. They were useful and no one would suspect them.

After finding a place to stay, An Ran went straight to the market according to his original memory.

In the community before, she had no ability to protect herself. She never dared to go out and get some evolved animals and plants to eat, for fear that something would happen and the mission would fail.

But in this market, there are all kinds of evolved animals and plants for sale. She wants to eat more and increase her powers quickly, because it is too slow to increase her powers through practice.

The types of evolved animal and plant meat are similar to those before the apocalypse. This is normal, because these are things that everyone is used to eating. If you suddenly eat something that you didn’t eat before, you may not be able to eat it.

And some protected animals and plants are still protected, because generally the animals and plants listed as protected must be in small numbers. By the end of the world, the number of these animals and plants will definitely be even smaller. If you still eat them, don’t you have to eat them? They have all been eaten, so naturally they are still in the protection ranks, so what is sold in the market are ordinary chicken, duck, fish, and various vegetables and fruits.

Anyway, since humans have a choice, why do they have to eat and protect animals and plants?

An Ran looked at it and found that eggs and nuts were still representatives of rich energy. He immediately bought some eggs and nuts and was going to go back and eat them to see how much power he could increase.

When An Ran bought several kilograms of eggs and nuts back home, many people looked at her with side eyes. Otherwise, these evolved eggs and nuts were so expensive. They bought several kilograms at once. This is a wealthy family, so it's no wonder that others looked at her with side eyes.

These things are indeed expensive and cost Enron a lot of supplies.

Fortunately, Enron still has a lot of supplies, so he can still afford them.

Her biggest task now is to improve her abilities, so no matter how expensive these things are, she can't bear to eat them.

Immediately after An Ran went back, he began to eat nuts and boiled eggs.

In order to prevent energy loss, An Ran didn't get better-tasting tea eggs, but boiled them directly in water and planned to eat them.

After eating almost half a kilogram of nuts, An Ran found that she couldn't eat anymore.

It wasn't that her teeth or stomach couldn't bear it after eating too much, but she found that her body couldn't bear it, and she felt like her body would explode if she continued to eat.

This is a bit like the feeling of absorbing too many spiritual stones and not sorting them out properly during cultivation.

Realizing this, An Ran didn't dare to eat anymore, and immediately began to practice super powers.

This time An Ran felt a trace of supernatural power swimming in his body, and couldn't help but feel happy. It seemed that it wasn't that he couldn't feel the supernatural power, but it was really because he had too few supernatural powers before that he couldn't feel it!

At that moment, An Ran quickly guided the energy that was about to explode onto the right track.

After all the guidance was completed, An Ran could now feel that there was a ray of supernatural energy in her body.

An Ran knew that this was because his abilities had improved.

Now that it has been improved, An Ran wants to see what changes there will be at this level.

An Ran first endured the pain and made a cut on his arm.

Naturally, this wound is not as severe as the one that was caught by the monster bird, but it is not shallow either. If it wants to heal, according to the previous ability, it will take at least half a day for the scab to form and half a day to fall off.

But now, after only two hours, the scabs formed, and after another two hours, the scabs fell off, and the arm was back to its original state.

It seems that her ability has at least doubled compared to before.

And this is just the effect of eating half a catty of nuts. If she eats all these nuts, how high will her abilities be?

An Ran is looking forward to it.

…As a result, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

After An Ran collected her energy, she continued to eat nuts.

But this time, An Ran ate a whole pound of nuts before she felt like she was bursting with energy.

After she had sorted out her energy again, she felt like she was bursting with energy after eating two kilograms.

An Ran could see it. Every time you recharge your energy, the upper limit increases. If you want to recharge it again, it will double the amount, right?

If this continues, how many superpowers must be consumed to achieve a significant increase?

Anyway, she didn't have to eat for the time being, because she had already finished the few kilograms of nuts she bought, leaving only the eggs.

But for eggs, she could only eat two at a time, and she couldn't eat too much. This was originally something she planned to replenish energy every day, and had no intention of eating it all at once.

Although she found that the charging was cheating, it was improved three times, and the energy in Anran's body increased a lot. She could now clearly feel the supernatural energy.

Now Enron plans to find some animals to test the effect of this power.

The reason why she planned to find some animals for experiments instead of looking for white mice was because she couldn't take the white mice with her when she came out of the city, so she had already released them.

Now that she has arrived at the base, there should be injured people or animals. She can treat them secretly and see the effect.

Of course, since finding people is easy to expose, An Ran plans to find animals for experiments. Stray cats and dogs are her first choice. After all, these animals are relatively close to humans and will not exclude her from contact, making it easier for her to complete the experiment.

Just as she said, An Ran went to some green belts at the base and started looking for stray cats and dogs to see if any of them were injured.

It should be easy to find, because stray cats and dogs can easily get injured.

An Ran thought well. Soon, An Ran found an injured stray dog ​​- it seemed to have been bitten by something. There was a big wound on its back, and some places seemed to be infected.

Although this dog did not become gigantic, it did have special powers. Seeing her approaching, the threat of "Woo-Woo" was ineffective. After An Ran continued to approach, a golden light came directly towards An Ran's face. When he looked, it was A sharp knife. Obviously, this dog is a gold-type superpower dog.

An Ran hid and saw that the dog was very wary, so he took out a sausage and handed it over. While handing it over, he said: "I am not a bad person, I want to help you treat your wound."

The dog still didn't let down its guard against her, but due to the recent shortage of food, it still couldn't help but come over when it saw the sausage, especially when An Ran tore the skin open and the smell came out.

An Ran saw it coming, so he put the sausage on the ground. When he saw it picking it up to eat, he secretly put his hand on it and input the power to start treatment.

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