Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2507 Doomsday Waste 11

However, I don’t dare to completely rest assured, because there is a man outside the door who hasn’t eaten yet. After he has searched the whole building and can’t find anything to eat, hunger will prompt him to look for me. At that time, people will be able to do anything in order to survive. Only a few can abide by the moral bottom line. Enron dare not place its hope on others being moral.

Thinking of this, An Ran took out the maze defense and placed it at the door. As long as the person came in, he would definitely enter the maze.

I don’t know how powerful the opponent’s superpower is, but I hope the maze will work.

However, the appearance of this person made An Ran understand that it seemed that someone was still in the building. It was quiet and silent last time. It was someone like himself who was hiding in the room and making no sound.

And these people, like the people who knocked on the door just now, will become potential dangers in the future - after they can't find food, they may ask for food from someone like themselves who they haven't searched yet.

An Ran's guess was correct.

There are indeed many people in the building who were too timid to leave before because of fear, but now, as the food and water gradually dried up, they began to come out to look for food.

But because there were too many monsters outside, most of them did not dare to leave the building. If they had dared to leave the building, they would have left the city with others, instead of hiding in their rooms all the time. They did not dare to leave the building. Since there was no food or drink, we had no choice but to raid the building.

No matter how many rooms there are in this building, it cannot withstand being raided again and again. Even if there are not many people left, there are also not many supplies that can be found in each room.

This is normal. When the people in the building left, no one would take away the supplies that were available, and who would keep them at home? Now that they have been taken away, how much can these people find now when they are looking for supplies? Woolen cloth.

Therefore, those who really have supplies are those who have people in the house but do not come out to look for food. What does it mean for such people? It means that they must have food in their hands, otherwise they will not come out to look for food?

So slowly, someone knocked on An Ran's door, saying that he had nothing to eat and asking An Ran to give him something to eat.

An Ran calculated the time for the arrival of the military rescue team, which was easy to talk to. As long as the other party's request was not excessive, she would give him a piece of water or food.

Although she has a maze defense, if the opponent is powerful and the maze defense is broken, it will be troublesome, so anything that can be solved with supplies is not a big deal.

But if the other party's demands are excessive, Enron will not respond. At this time, some people will break in.

There are also some people who are not too demanding, but after tricking you into opening the door, they will squeeze in and try to grab her things.

The final fate of these people was basically entering the maze, and they are all wandering around in her maze now.

Fortunately, these people were not very powerful and could not break through the maze's defense.

This is also normal. For the time being, the evolved abilities are not very strong, and those who dare not go out on the road are not very good at abilities. After all, if they have such powerful abilities, they will not dare to go out on the road.

This group of people couldn't get out of the maze and had no food or drink, so naturally they couldn't bear it.

Eventually they become so hungry that they often kill each other and eat each other's flesh.

At the same time, these people thought this was An Ran's superpower, and they all regretted that they should not have offended An Ran, who had such a powerful superpower.

This idea gave Enron some inspiration. Before he discovered the attack power, he thought if he could use the maze as an attack power and just say that he had the illusion power.

However, this "superpower" has a cost - firstly, if the maze defense is broken by someone, it will be her loss; secondly, the maze defense is actually a formation, and the formation must be maintained through spiritual stones. , that is to say, if she uses Maze Defense as a superpower, she may need to buy spiritual stones to recharge it from time to time.

So unless absolutely necessary, she would not use the maze as an attack power.

Because many people who made trouble for Anron did not come out after entering Anron's door, some people who were watching the situation outside the door and observing the development of the situation originally thought that if Anron was easy to bully, they would also take advantage of it. When I saw that none of those people came out, I didn't dare to come over to provoke An Ran. Instead, I was hungry, so I honestly came over to get something to eat and drink and left, not daring to play any more tricks.

In fact, those who died after entering the maze were all caused by greed. After all, in the end of the world, it is already remarkable that someone is willing to give you food and drink. You want more, and you want to take everything they have. I grabbed all the things. Isn’t this a mental disorder? Isn’t it good to be alive? Must you seek death?

An Ran couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the remaining people were honest.

She is still a little worried that there are too many greedy people and too many people entering the maze. Even if everyone is not very good, if too many people enter, if they destroy the maze together and the maze is breached, that would be bad.

In this way, An Ran soon waited for the arrival of the military rescue team. At that moment, An Ran and the other people in the building who stayed in the building got into the military rescue team's car and went to the military base.

The military base is not a military garrison before the end of the world. After all, there are too few houses in the military garrison to accommodate so many people. Instead, it surrounds the military garrison and encompasses a large area of ​​surrounding suburbs.

After cleaning up the monsters inside, metal and earth superpowers were used to build a high wall around the perimeter.

Although the wall cannot stop the attacks of the monster birds in the air, it can at least stop the attacks of the land monsters outside.

Although the land monsters outside are powerful, as long as the wall is high enough, thick enough, and fast enough, it can still be defended. Even earth-type superpowers and metal-type superpowers must be stationed at the top of the city every day to repair it at any time. Just a city wall.

There are not only evolvers in the base, but also evolved animals and plants. Of course, they are all honest animals and plants. Those who want to attack humans are not allowed in.

When everyone in the human race has superpowers, these animals and plants with superpowers will become the animals and plants before the apocalypse. They will become as honest as before the apocalypse, and their habits will return to what they were before the apocalypse - close to humans. , continue to be close to humans; those who are not close to humans hide.

The reason why these evolved animals and plants are allowed in is because humans are inevitably lonely when they live in the city, so as long as they do not attack humans, people will not exclude evolved animals and plants from living there.

Although those animals and plants don't have much intelligence, they are not stupid either. Knowing that the monsters outside the city are scary, they naturally want to flee and want to hide in the city.

As for these animals and plants, as long as they don't attack humans, everyone can let them in.

An Ran had the memory of his original self, so he was still familiar with this base. He immediately picked up a base guide when he entered the house, exchanged the supplies for some base points, and used the points to rent a one-bedroom apartment.

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