Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2510 Doomsday Waste 14

The reason why I didn't go to the supermarket to look for supplies was because the nearby supermarkets had already been wiped out by the military and people who had come before. If I still wanted to look for them, I would have to go further.

It was not safe to go farther away, so An Ran still planned to find some hares, chickens and ducks nearby.

An Ran felt a little unsafe with Da Huang alone. After all, he had no attack power. It would be difficult to rely on Da Huang to hunt alone, so An Ran called another greyhound to go with him.

There are many cats and dogs willing to follow her, but An Ran is afraid that there are too many animals and she can't direct them. Then they will mess around, so don't get into trouble. And her powers can't control too many animals, so she has to let them go. Because she brought them out to die, that was not what she wanted to see, so she only brought Xiao Hui and Da Huang with her.

As for the two dogs, she can still take care of them.

Little Gray has evolved and is bigger than Big Yellow. Its superpower is water type.

At that moment, An Ran let it get some water out and rinsed it.

After washing up, he called Dahuang and himself, sat down on Xiaohui, and prepared to go out.

Don't worry if its fur is wet. Xiao Hui doesn't like getting wet, so he controls the moisture early.

Of course, as a dog, Xiao Hui naturally didn't like people sitting on its back, so An Ran had to bribe it with a large piece of dried meat before Xiao Hui agreed to let her and Da Huang sit on it.

The reason why I took Xiaohui instead of finding a car is because gasoline is very expensive now, and outside, cars are not as convenient as Xiaohui.

An Ran went out with two dogs, which did not arouse any surprise, because many people in the base used to have pets, and then the pets did not mutate into monsters, but evolved. They also took their pets out to hunt, so they brought their pets with them. There are many people going out.

The two dogs and one person went straight to the south, because according to the information An Ran inquired about, there were the most chickens and ducks in the south, there were more cattle and sheep in the north and west, and there were more pigs in the east.

Nowadays, there are not only many evolved animals and plants outside, but also many monsters. Even near the base, there are monsters. Even if the military brings people to clean up every day, there are still many. The reason is very simple. The monsters know that there are many delicious foods in this city. They keep coming, and after a batch is finished, another batch will come, so it is normal to see monsters every day.

However, most of the nearby monsters are ordinary monsters. Because of their high combat effectiveness, the military has set up monitoring and alarm systems. They will be discovered far away from the base, and then people will be sent to eliminate them immediately and prevent them from getting close to the base, lest the base be destroyed by other monsters. Large-scale destruction or even breach.

Because they are ordinary monsters, Da Huang and Xiao Hui can still deal with them. Of course, the main reason is that Xiao Hui runs very fast. Some non-speed monsters cannot catch up with them. them.

If you get close, An Ran will make Dahuang attack.

After a few days of cooperation, Dahuang is now able to realize the meaning of the various slogans An Ran shouts to it. If you let it attack, it will attack. If you don't let it attack, it will only attack unless it feels dangerous. It will not look at anyone. They all attacked and the superpowers were quickly consumed.

Xiao Hui was very fast and soon saw chickens and ducks coming and going.

When Xiao Hui and Da Huang saw the chickens and ducks, they couldn't help but get excited. Without An Ran's prompting, they quickly pounced on them. One used a knife and the other a water balloon, and quickly started fighting with the chickens and ducks.

An Ran found a safer place with vegetables to hide, placed the maze defense in front of her, and while picking vegetables, asked Xiao Hui and Da Huang to bring the chickens and ducks they caught to her, and she helped collect them.

An Ran was not afraid that others would be surprised to see that she could collect things. If anyone asked, she would just say that she had spatial powers.

There were other people hunting around, but everyone stayed far away. After all, in this era, not only monsters and evolved animals and plants were feared, but similar animals were even more fearful, so everyone kept a safe distance to avoid getting too close. , causing misunderstanding.

Fortunately, there are enough chickens and ducks, and they can be beaten even if they are far away, so there is no need to gather together to fight for them.

It is also good to have a lot of people hunting. Once someone has an accident, the people nearby, unless they are heartless or the monster is too strong and cannot be saved, will usually save them if they can. This also contributes to safety. .

This time, Anron's hunting was relatively safe, and no accidents occurred.

The harvest for one person and two dogs was quite good, probably enough to feed them for several days.

An Ran saw that the surrounding area was almost beaten, so he stopped Xiao Hui and Da Huang who wanted to go further, so as not to go too far and be in danger.

Xiao Hui and Da Huang obviously wanted to fight again, but seeing An Ran talk back, they could only reluctantly agree.

At that moment, the two dogs went back alone.

After Xiao Hui washed himself and Da Huang, An Ran treated the wounds of the two dogs.

Although nothing happened, chickens and ducks nowadays are very capable of fighting. It is impossible for dogs to catch them without being injured, so the two dogs still suffered a lot of injuries.

Of course, they were all minor injuries, slightly larger wounds. Anron had treated them before when they were hunting. After all, if the major injuries were not cured, the pain would be too severe, the fighting power would be weakened, and they would not be able to fight for a while. When hunting, the dogs' physical strength is not enough, and even greater casualties may occur. Enron naturally cannot let such a thing happen. Firstly, they cannot let them have an accident. Secondly, after finally coming out once, they naturally have to fight for a while and take care of more. Just go back, so as not to fight too little. Having to come out every day will be more troublesome and not conducive to cultivation.

When An Ran was being treated, the two dogs were very well-behaved. After being cured, they happily rubbed her hand. Obviously, the two dogs had discovered An Ran's skills and knew that An Ran could help them treat their wounds, so they treated her specially. affectionate.

Now that the injuries of the two dogs were cured, An Ran took out all the chickens and ducks.

There are so many of them, they pile up into a small mountain! The two dogs drooled at the sight.

An Ran took out three chickens, counted the remaining ones to gauge how long they would last, and then put them back.

After disposing of the three chickens, An Ran and the two dogs each ate one.

Don’t overdo it, but you can never have too much of this energy food.

Both dogs couldn't help but be happy after eating the energy food.

At that moment, An Ran saw that Xiao Hui didn't want to leave, so he kept Xiao Hui as well.

She didn't dare to adopt her before because she didn't have enough supplies. Now that she has hunted so many chickens and ducks and picked a lot of vegetables, she has enough supplies to raise her, so An Ran saw that Xiao Hui didn't want to leave, so she didn't drive him away. Being able to play with rhubarb prevents a dog from getting bored.

With the addition of Xiao Hui, although material expenditures have increased, Enron's safety issues have improved. Overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The next day, An Ran took Little Gray Rhubarb hunting again.

The reason why she didn't stay at home for a few more days was because An Ran was afraid that someone would snatch the chickens and ducks nearby and they would be all gone and she would be unable to get them. So she went there again the next day, preparing to save more. You can eat it for a long time.

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