Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2442 The maid who can’t help herself 47

Grandma Wang thought that after her uncle died, Duke Chengen's attitude towards her would definitely become worse.

At least one, the previous two layers of hypocritical masks of the mother-in-law will definitely be gone. In the past, she was more affectionate to her than to their daughter. In the future, I am afraid that she will be worse than a servant of some status. After all, she was treated better in the past. Great, now I need to make up for it.

Even her husband would change his face towards her.

After all, her husband disliked her less and less before, but because she was the daughter of the Wang family, he didn't dare to do anything to her. Now that the Wang family is about to fall, her husband no longer needs to look at the Wang family's face to act, so he can still treat her. Getting better?

Grandma Wang couldn't help but feel frightened when she thought about how badly Mrs. Wang, Young Master Wang and others would treat her one day in the future.

I thought that being like a native maid was already a terrible thing, but I didn't expect that it could be even more terrifying - she was about to become the target of bullying in the novel about house fighting, and she would be worse than a grandson by then. Enron is even worse.

Grandma Wang couldn't help but feel resentful when she thought that she might be worse off than Sun Anran, but she couldn't protect herself now. No matter how angry she was that she was not as good as her husband's former maid, she couldn't do anything to Anran.

And her worries were not unfounded. Within a few days, Wang Shoufu was unable to save himself and died.

This is normal. He was overly worried and fell ill, and then he finally fell into a coma. He heard that his brothers and his son felt that his condition was not good, so they went to have a uterine coup, which failed in the end. Knowing that the Wang family was going to be After cleaning up, can this get better? Naturally, he fell ill and died within a few days.

As soon as Wang Shoufu died, the Wang family was left without a leader, and its momentum suddenly dropped. Soon, the emperor began to seek treatment from the Wang family.

Not all the families were ransacked, but the whole house was ransacked, and all the brothers, Grandma Wang, and uncles who had participated in the incident were all imprisoned and executed. Only the old, weak, women and children were left intact. These people were soon removed from Beijing. Zhong moved away, reportedly back to his hometown in the countryside, and the Wang family, which had been so prosperous for a while, disappeared.

The reason why Wang's family moved away was because before his death, Wang Shoufu regained consciousness for a moment and knew that his family could no longer protect themselves, so he told everyone to move back to his hometown in the countryside quickly after his death and lie dormant to wait for his children. If you are promising, it is not too late to make a comeback.

The Wang family had no plans to leave the capital. After all, their hometown in the countryside was not as good as the capital.

But as all the men who participated in the uprising were executed, and their homes were ransacked, they didn't have much money left, and they couldn't leave if they didn't want to, so they had no choice but to follow Wang Shoufu's instructions and leave the capital.

Grandma Wang saw that her natal family had indeed fallen, and then she left the capital and returned to her hometown in the countryside. She was like a duckweed that had lost its roots, and became panicked.

She thought that her family members who could support her would die or leave. If she was wronged in the Chengen Palace in the future, who would support her?

And her fear was not groundless. No, after the Wang family left, Mrs. Wang and Young Master Wang obviously became much worse towards her.

Not to mention anything else, I used to greet her with a smile every time I saw her, but now, she keeps a straight face all day long, as if she owes them eight million.

Then he would often find fault with her when something happened, and sometimes he would find fault with her even though he was right.

That's it. In the past, when she beat those concubines and servants, Young Master Wang and Mrs. Wang would not say anything.

Now, whenever she is provoked by those concubines, fights back, or wants to beat them, these people will immediately file a complaint to Young Master Wang.

In the past, Young Master Wang would never take care of her, but now, not only does he take care of her, but he also scolds her, calling her a poisonous woman, which makes Grandma Wang feel chilled and sad.

You know, in the past, those concubines didn’t provoke, and Young Master Wang wouldn’t say anything if she beat someone; now, she knows that her mother-in-law’s family is in dire straits, and she doesn’t dare to beat people easily. As a result, those bitches like to provoke her, and she endures it. She couldn't go on, so she had no choice but to take action. As a result, she was treated like this. To fight back, Master Wang didn't reprimand those who provoked her, but he actually scolded her. This made Grandma Wang not feel chilled and sad?

Thinking about how snobbish the people in Duke Cheng'en's mansion were. In the past, when the Wang family was prosperous, they supported her. Now that the Wang family has fallen, they immediately became crazy and dared to bully her. Isn't that snobbish?

It happened that the other party was treating her so badly. She didn't dare to say anything. She just thought that it didn't matter. As long as she was not divorced, when Mrs. Wang and Young Master Wang died, the Cheng'en Palace would belong to her son, and she would still be able to return it when the time came. If you can continue to live a good life, you just have to be patient.

What can I do if I can't bear it?

In the past, she disliked the fact that Duke Cheng'en's family was in such a state of decline that she didn't dare to reconcile with Young Master Wang, for fear that she would not be able to marry a better partner than Young Master Wang. Now that the Wang family has fallen, she can no longer reconcile with Young Master Wang. , otherwise the Wang family would fall, and she would be old and married for the second time. When she went to the countryside, she would have to marry an old rich man in the countryside to fill a house. Naturally, that was not what she wanted to see, so naturally she only wanted to marry someone else. Be patient.

Grandma Wang resented the snobbishness of the people in Cheng'en's Palace. In fact, the people in Cheng'en's Palace blamed her natal family for not doing enough, and she was causing trouble. In addition, she had a bad reputation, so Cheng'en's Palace only felt that She is holding her own family back, so how can she feel that she is snobbish?

Besides, she is allowed to be arrogant when she is in power, but others are not allowed to dislike her when she is out of power? That doesn't make sense.

Moreover, the things she did were already despised by others, but they didn't dare to offend her before, so they just tolerated it. It doesn't mean that they agreed with what she did, but now they are not afraid of offending her, so their true thoughts are revealed. , isn’t this allowed? Why is it called snobbery?

Moreover, with the fall of the Wang family, Duke Cheng'en is really afraid that it will affect his own family and make the emperor dislike his family. When the time comes, don't hold back on the succession of the title of Young Master Wang, otherwise it will be bad. ——Although the inheritance of the title is inheritance by demotion, the emperor has the final say as to how many levels to be demoted, or even whether to give it or not. If the emperor does not like someone and refuses to approve the title, then there is nothing they can do about it. ah.

If the atmosphere in Duke Cheng'en's mansion was tense because they were afraid of being implicated by the Wang family, the people in the third prince's mansion were all smiles.

The palace coup failed, the emperor took care of so many people, and the Wang family seemed to be in trouble. There was no need to worry about the Wang family and its forces stopping the emperor from making the third prince a prince. The third prince was very likely to become a prince. People from the third prince's house , can you not smile?

An Ran watched the plot of "Butterflies". Wang Chief Assistant actually fell ill and even died in the end, which led to the early collapse of the Wang family. The power that she did not need to manage was how to exert its strength. Grandma Wang would suffer. She secretly thought that this was not bad.

Of course, this is not enough. Grandma Wang and Young Master Wang killed the original body, and the blood debt must be paid with blood. Moreover, these two people not only killed the original body, but also killed many people. How could they just let it go? They are still alive and well.

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