Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2441 The maid who can’t help herself 46

Wang Shoufu's illness has worsened. When the news spread, turmoil began to surge in Beijing. One or two people were thinking about how to compete for the power pie left by Wang Shoufu after Wang Shoufu's death in the post-Wang Shofu era.

As for the Wang family, as well as those who were dependent on Wang Shoufu, including the fifth prince, the fifth prince's maternal family, the Duke Chengen's family, etc., they couldn't help but become anxious when they saw that Wang Shoufu was ill.

If Wang Shoufu becomes ill or even dies, won't everything they manage be in vain?

Not to mention that Wang Shoufang has gathered many people to support the fifth prince. They have formed an interest group. Even if Wang Shoufang dies, these people will continue to make the fifth prince the crown prince for the sake of profit. This is really not certain, because once Wang Shoufang dies Now, it is not certain whether these people will attack each other in order to compete for the power vacuum left by Wang Chief Fu, and it is not certain whether they will work together to support the fifth prince.

So when they saw that Wang Shoufu was ill, except for those who wanted to seize power, the fifth prince and others became afraid and anxious.

Because they were worried that Wang Chief Fu would not be able to handle it, and that his family would have no hope of succeeding to the throne, the fifth prince's people couldn't help but start to fool around - they felt that their camp was so powerful that they could force the palace directly, so they planned to carry out a palace coup.

In the past few years, although the fifth prince has grown up, he is still a bit younger after all. People around him said that once Wang Shoufang passes away, the situation may be difficult to control. It is better to just use Wang Shoufang's power now. He felt that if Wang Shoufu was so powerful, he should be able to succeed easily, and he could become the emperor as he wished, so he agreed.

In fact, the fifth prince had not agreed yet, because he still wanted to see the situation, but someone spread the news that day that Wang Shoufu was in a coma, and he was afraid that the situation would be really bad. Without Wang Shoufu to maintain the scene, his great cause would not be successful. No, so I agreed.

How could such hasty rebellion succeed?

Even if Wang Chief Fu has a thorough plan, it may not succeed when it comes to carrying out a palace coup. Otherwise, he would have to slowly force the emperor to agree to appoint the fifth prince as the crown prince. Why not just carry out a palace coup? What's more, they started the rebellion in such a hasty manner, which was just to kill the emperor.

Naturally, the palace change was not successful.

It didn't work out, but it angered the emperor.

Think about it! Sure enough, as the third child said, you can’t wait until I’m dead! So after the turmoil was calmed down, the emperor dealt with people much better than he dealt with the second prince that day.

That's right, the second prince is harming the emperor's favored third prince, not the emperor himself, so although the emperor is angry, it is still within the controllable range.

These five princes and others have harmed the emperor himself. Can the emperor let them off easily?

At present, the fifth prince is not in solitary confinement like the second prince, but is directly deposed as a commoner - if it were not because he is his biological son, I don't want to kill him, otherwise I would kill them all.

Not only was he deposed as a commoner, he was also imprisoned in the royal prison Huai'en Palace.

The entire family of the fifth prince's wife was executed, and the fifth prince's biological mother, Concubine Cao, received a glass of poisoned wine.

The other participating forces were dealt with by the emperor as well.

Of course, because there were so many forces involved, there were too many people to kill all of them, and it was impossible to kill them all. Therefore, the emperor only selected a few major forces, as well as the forces he disliked more, to be beheaded. The others were either exiled or demoted, and Everyone in the house was copied and executed.

As for the Wang family.

Because Wang Chief Fu himself was in a coma at the time, although he used his power, he escaped the disaster because he was in a coma.

Of course, the main reason was that the emperor heard that Wang Shoufu was dying. He was already ill and finally woke up. He was frightened when he heard that the fifth prince and others were involved in a palace coup and passed out again, so he did not plan to kill him. He only planned to wait until Wang Shoufu died and his son wanted Ding You to successfully drive his family's influence out of the court, and then slowly liquidate the Wang family when there was an opportunity.

The reason why the Wang family is slowly attacked is because the Wang family has a strong and deep-rooted power. Even if Wang's chief assistant dies, there are still three pounds of nails in the broken ship. If you attack it directly, the other party may make a crazy counterattack. Don't use the palace's informants to do harm to yourself. What kind of murderous tactics are you doing?

There is no need to worry about the gradual liquidation, because the emperor believes that after Wang Chief Fu dies, as long as he does not target the Wang family for a while, the Wang family's own popularity will slowly dissipate. When the dispersion is almost done, it will be easier to clean up one by one. too much.

Of course the emperor would not let the Wang family go. After all, he had suffered so much from the Wang family over the years. How could he let the Wang family go just because the palace coup failed and Wang Chief Fu himself did not personally participate.

After all, although Wang Shoufu himself did not personally participate, the other members of the Wang family and his son did. In this era, no son or brother wanted to die, and since he would not be implicated, he would naturally clean up the Wang family.

Fortunately, no one in the Cheng'en Palace has real power in the court. Otherwise, the Cheng'en Palace has a bad mind and will probably get involved in this matter. I'm afraid nothing good will come of it.

However, although Duke Cheng'en's Palace was not qualified to get involved in Conglong's matter due to lack of ability, but because Duke Cheng'en's in-laws were from the Wang family, seeing that the Wang family was about to collapse, Duke Cheng'en's Palace was also a little frightened, fearing that the Wang family was about to fall. Implicate his own family.

Although it generally does not affect married women, it is always detrimental to them.

Because of the marriage between Cheng'en Palace and the Wang family, I was a little frightened, and the person who made the marriage, Grandma Wang, was even more frightened.

She was worried that the Wang family would be taken care of by the emperor, which would affect her.

Although the Wang family was dealt with by the emperor, it would not affect her as a married woman, but the fall of her natal family would affect her status in the Chengen Palace.

Although over the years, she complained that the Duke Cheng'en's palace was getting worse and worse, at any rate, because she was the daughter of the Wang family, she was admired by everyone in the Duke's Cheng'en palace, and no one dared to offend her. The two mother-in-laws above her were more affectionate to her than their own daughter. If the Wang family fell, and everyone in Cheng'en's house treated her, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so good.

This was not something she came up with out of nowhere, but a sign - before, her uncle, Wang Shoufu, was seriously ill, and the attitude of the entire Cheng'en government towards her had changed to some extent; but now, although her uncle is not dead yet, The palace coup failed, and the emperor was dealing with many people. The Cheng'en Palace felt that the emperor would deal with the Wang family sooner or later. After all, although Wang Chief Fu was not involved in the matter, his son and brothers were involved, and the emperor was dealing with other families. Will they clean up their house? Since he knew how to clean up the Wang family, it meant that the Wang family would fall sooner or later, so his attitude towards Grandma Wang became even more negligent.

Before her uncle died, the attitude of everyone in the Chengen Palace changed towards her. If her uncle died and the emperor took care of the Wang family, you can completely imagine what would happen to her in the Chengen Palace.

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