Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2440 The maid who can’t help herself 45

Once he sees through the little tricks played by Concubine Zhou, Si Yan has no intention of accepting the people sent by his mother.

——Concubine Zhou Huang probably never thought that Si Yan would see through her little tricks and not cooperate with her because she kept saying such things in front of Si Yan.

So Si Yan sneered and said, "I'm not interested in someone who's not as good-looking as Sun. Let's wait until you find someone better looking than Sun."

After thinking about it, Si Yan added: "You guys are really funny when you think about it. It's just that I can't find a concubine who is prettier than Sun. I can't even find a concubine. I can't even find a concubine who is worse than Sun. Accept it, do you still think I can accept a concubine worse than Sun’s?”

After hearing this, Miss Zhou couldn't help but blush.

In fact, she just saw An Ran, who looked like a fairy concubine, and she was indeed a little ashamed of herself. She felt that it was a bit difficult to snatch the third prince from such a stunning beauty, or even win her favor. After all, she herself thought she was good-looking. , I'm afraid men will feel more beautiful, can you win over this?

Although I was very unsure after seeing An Hou, it was still a bit of a blow to my self-esteem when Si Yan said it in person, so I naturally blushed.

It's just that she wants to listen to her aunt and doesn't dare to say anything. Since His Highness doesn't agree, she can just wait for the nanny to speak.

When the nanny heard what Si Yan said, she hurriedly said: "It's really hard to find someone as beautiful as Sun Niangniang."

"If you can't find it, keep looking. Do you want me to give in? Why?" Si Yan said.

Mammy muttered, but finally stopped under Si Yan's righteous eyes, and had no choice but to lead Zhou Niang away.

Imperial Concubine Zhou was not surprised when she saw her nanny leading Zhou Niang back, because she had thought that Zhou Niang was a little bad before, and her son might not like her, so she called her back, so naturally she wouldn't feel anything was wrong.

At that moment, he said calmly: "So I say no, I still don't believe it, so keep looking."

The Zhou family said: "It's really hard to find someone more beautiful than Mrs. Sun."

"Then don't look for her from the Zhou family. Look for her from everywhere. I won't believe it. There is no one more beautiful than the Sun family in the world."

This week, my family quit, and immediately said: "Then if you send it in, your Highness will take it, it will be cheaper for that family, and it will be useless to our family, wouldn't it be..."

Concubine Zhou Huang just wanted to see An Ran fall out of favor and didn't consider anything else at all, so she frowned and said: "You can do whatever you are told, there is so much nonsense!"

Seeing that her mother-in-law's family seemed a little unhappy after hearing this, Concubine Zhou didn't want to have a bad relationship with them. After all, she had limited manpower. If her mother-in-law's family didn't support her, she would have no one to use, so she immediately said: "Wait a minute. After overthrowing the Sun family, we can just arrange for the girls in the family, so what are we afraid of?"

These words comforted the Zhou family, so they nodded in agreement.

But I never thought about whether Si Yan would want a girl from the Zhou family if he fell in love with a new beauty.

Also, Concubine Zhou Huang is now focused on fighting An Ran, and has gradually strayed from the subject - the recent calm has made her seem to have forgotten that her purpose is to seize the throne, not to fight with her son's favorite concubine.

You said you have the energy to manage your power well, why are you fighting with a woman in your backyard?

However, it can be seen from this point that Concubine Zhou's knowledge is just that. Similarly, the Zhou family does not have a high vision. Otherwise, they would not cooperate with her in beauty pageants because they are afraid of Concubine Zhou. But don't worry about seizing the throne. Even if you don't worry about seizing the throne, you still have to find Si Yan's marriage partner and add a helper. As a result, this group of people are busy with some unknown things now. This group of people are not all Is it because of a bad brain?

Because they were looking for someone more beautiful than An Ran, they couldn't find her at the moment, so the Zhou family and the Imperial Concubine Zhou both stopped for a while.

However, the situation in Beijing is changing, and there are new disturbances every day. Just when the Zhou family and the Imperial Concubine Zhou stopped, the Wang family started to cause trouble again.

After some time passed, Wang Shoufu saw that the emperor was still in good health and could live for a long time. However, as he grew older, he felt more and more incompetent year by year. It was obvious that he couldn't bear it anymore, so he felt that he had to give up the throne as soon as possible. The matter is settled. If he can't settle the matter of establishing the heir, he can just kill the emperor directly or let the fifth prince ascend the throne. In short, he can't delay any longer. If he continues to delay like this, the emperor has not died yet, and he is gone. Then he The prosperity and wealth that he had planned for the Wang family to continue to enjoy after his death were about to be gone.

And this is naturally not what he wants to see.

——Wang Chief Assistant will cause trouble. This is what An Ran expected. Just as she thought, the emperor is not dead. As time goes by, Wang Chief Assistant will become anxious.

Wang Shoufu became anxious and saw that he could not wait for the emperor to die, so he prepared to artificially cause death, that is, to attack the emperor.

But he never thought that because of Si Yan's words before, the emperor had become more vigilant about things around him, for fear that someone would look forward to his death and attack him.

So even if Wang Shoufu wanted to take action, he couldn't do it for a while, which made him more and more anxious. After all, if he couldn't kill the emperor for a while, and the emperor lived as long as some emperors in dynasties, wouldn't there be nothing wrong with the Wang family? How can this work?

His body was already a little weak, and coupled with the rising fire in his heart, Wang Shoufu, who had always been fine in his memory, actually fell ill.

An Ran was surprised when she heard that Wang Shoufu fell ill. The imperial doctor diagnosed him and said he was overly worried. He thought that although Wang Shoufu seemed to be powerful on the surface, he was having a hard time in his heart. Otherwise, he wouldn't be overly worried. , causing him to fall ill.

According to the imperial doctor, Wang Shoufu had better rest, otherwise his body will be unable to bear it if he doesn't take a good rest due to his old age.

Firstly, this is what happened, and secondly, the emperor asked the imperial doctor to say this.

Of course, the emperor didn't know about Wang Shoufu's situation at first, so he asked the imperial doctor to say this, obviously because he wanted to take away Wang Shoufu's power.

Now that Wang Shoufu really wanted to rest, the imperial doctor would have said so even without the emperor's instructions.

How could Wang Shoufu rest in peace?

The officialdom is like a battlefield. Even though Wang Chief Fu holds great power, he knows that countless people are watching him secretly, waiting for something to happen to him. They will swarm him and divide up his power pie. Under such circumstances, how can he rest quietly? , once he rests, when he comes out, it is estimated that the forces in the DPRK and China will have been reshuffled, and the Wang family will be a thing of the past.

Therefore, despite the imperial doctor's advice, Wang Shoufu did not rest. On the contrary, he continued to think hard about how to force the emperor to make the fifth prince the crown prince, or how to kill the emperor.

He was not in good health and did not rest. Soon, Wang Shoufu's illness not only did not heal, but also worsened.

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