Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2443 The maid who can’t help herself 48

However, everyone in the third prince's house was overjoyed and felt that with Wang Shoufu's death and the fall of the Wang family, the third prince could become the prince. An Ran didn't think so.

In the past, it was because there was a covetous Wang Shoufu who always wanted to force the emperor to appoint a heir, so the emperor liked the third prince who did not force him.

Now that the powerful T of Wang Shoufu is gone, if the imperial concubine of the Zhou Dynasty goes to make a fuss without knowing the importance of the matter, and wants the emperor to make the third prince a crown prince, the emperor's hatred value will be transferred to the third prince immediately. If she feels that the third prince is ambitious, she will I don’t think that the third prince and Zhou Huang’s concubine, like the fifth prince, Wang Shoufu and others, wish for his death, and then have a dislike for the third prince, but that’s not necessarily the case. After all, there is no family relationship in the Tian family, and the throne benefits too much. This may happen.

So the people in the Third Prince's Mansion were happy too early.

Thinking of this, An Ran asked everyone to keep a low profile, so as not to be too high-profile and dislike others.

In any case, she is still in the Third Prince's Mansion, and has to deal with Grandma Wang and Young Master Wang, so nothing can happen to the Third Prince for the time being. In this case, she must pay attention.

Because of the lessons learned from the Wang family and Duke Cheng'en's mansion, if An Ran continued to give instructions like this, many people would understand and become much more honest.

Seeing that he was no longer so frivolous after the fight in the house, An Ran began to clean up the informants in the house.

Of course, not everyone's spy can be removed. For example, the spy of the emperor, Emperor Zhou's concubine, and the Zhou family cannot be touched for the time being. But now that Wang Shoufu, the fifth prince, and others have fallen, at least the spy of these people can be removed.

In fact, the three concubines of the third prince were also bribed by the Wang family and others. However, because they were the spies of the emperor and Zhou Huang, An Ran could not take care of them yet, so he could only take care of the others first.

The spies of the Wang faction were all linked to each other and could pull out a large number of them at one go. An Ran deliberately used a trick to find out the leader, clean him up, and told him that if he wanted to save his life, he had to turn the others in. Come out. In this case, for the sake of his honesty, you can spare his life, otherwise he will be beaten to death with sticks.

In the face of life and death, who dares not to listen? The leader quickly revealed all the informants of the Wang family in the Third Prince's Mansion.

Si Yan's face turned as black as the bottom of a pot when he found out more than a dozen of Wang's influencers. He patted the table and said, "What is Wang doing? I am an honest man. If necessary, arrange this in my house." Too many eyeliners?”

An Ran clapped his hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there must be so many in other princes' mansions, and in the palace, let alone a dozen, there are probably more than dozens. He used to have power all over the place, and every day Everyone he thinks is important must have some spies."

An Ran said this, which calmed down Si Yan's excitement. He immediately asked An Ran to beat these people and send them all away. Of course, this was not to let them redeem themselves, but to sell them. Yuanyuan also confiscated the illegal income they obtained by selling information about the Third Prince's Mansion. Otherwise, even though they sold them far away, if they still had a lot of money in their hands that was not confiscated, they could redeem themselves from Yazi. Himself, returned to the capital again.

Besides, these people earned their illegal income by selling information about the Third Prince's Mansion. Since they were selling their own information, the money should naturally belong to him.

And if their illegal income is confiscated, they will basically have no money. They will not be able to redeem themselves if they want to, and they will have to suffer in remote areas for several years.

In fact, according to the third prince's intention, all these spies should be beaten to death with a stick. After all, if you dare to betray him, you must be prepared to be punished if the betrayal is discovered.

But An Ran said that now he has the hope of becoming a prince, and asked him not to kill people for the time being, lest other princes would regard this as a handle and spread rumors of his cruelty, which would be detrimental to him becoming the prince.

The third prince thought that this was also the case, so he just asked An Ran to beat everyone up, and did not continue to talk about beating people to death - as he said before, although he did not want to work hard to win the throne, but if it was easy, he would If he could get the throne, he wouldn't deliberately stigmatize himself.

But even so, it also shocked some other informants in the Third Prince's Mansion, especially the three concubines. According to An Ran's observation, they were really frightened.

They had never thought that An Ran would be so capable that he could find out that there was a spy in the house. Not only did he find out, but he also found out the person, beat him up and sold him. His Highness even meant to beat him to death. Such a treatment made them feel uncomfortable. Can they not be afraid?

He thought that if what he and others had done was discovered, the third prince would not know how to deal with them.

So I became honest at that moment, only doing the things I did before, and dreaming that His Highness would not find out. I thought that as long as His Highness didn't find out what I did before, then as long as I don't continue to do it now, it should be fine.

The Third Prince's Mansion was missing a dozen informants, and An Ran arranged his own manpower for the vacant positions, and the atmosphere in the Mansion suddenly became better.

As for the matter of establishing the crown prince, it was just as An Ran thought. Unless Wang Chief Assistant and the Wang faction fell, the third prince could naturally become the crown prince.

Originally, the emperor liked the third prince and the Zhou emperor's concubine the most, but now that Wang Shoufu has fallen, his power has almost been cleaned up. Now, when someone in the court raised the issue of establishing a prince, the emperor checked and found out the proposal. The person in question is the concubine of Emperor Zhou, and she is a little unhappy with Concubine Zhou.

It was normal for Concubine Zhou to send someone to remind the emperor to appoint a crown prince, because since Wang Shoufu came to power, the emperor had not mentioned the matter of establishing a crown prince. This made Concubine Zhou, who thought that her son must be the crown prince after Wang Shoufu fell, couldn't help but feel anxious. After many hints were ineffective, Concubine Zhou encouraged the forces following her family and raised the matter with the previous court.

This mention stirred up a hornet's nest. The emperor found out that Concubine Zhou was behind this, which naturally made him unhappy.

It is normal for the emperor to be unhappy. He thought that he had deliberately not accepted Zhou Huang's concubine's suggestion. After all, she should have understood what he meant. She did not accept it even though she understood it. She actually dared to encourage the former ministers to mention this matter. This made the emperor feel, Imperial Concubine Zhou was forcing him to make a decision, so she was naturally unhappy.

Concubine Zhou Huang naturally never thought that the emperor who had always liked her more and more because of the help of outsiders before. When the external pressure was eliminated and she continued to do things as before, the emperor would not be as tolerant to her as before, but I think she looks disgusting.

To be honest, Concubine Zhou was so favored in the past mainly because of external obstruction and her beauty. In fact, her brain is really not that good. Otherwise, her reputation outside would not be so bad. Smart people would not be outside at all. Get a bad reputation.

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