Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1974 Infinite Rebirth 5.1


Infinite Rebirth N Weeks


In view of the fact that the fourth prince might be her target, after the new rebirth, An Ran began to think about how to hook up with the fourth prince, make him willing to propose marriage to her, and let her test whether the fourth prince was her target.

Over the years, she has read files countless times. During the process of reading files, she was afraid that the Fourth Prince was her target, so she also collected countless information about him. Now, there are tens of thousands of words of analysis about his information in the system. Including character, including his power, etc.

However, because An Ran did not dare to enter the palace - although she would practice martial arts again every time she read the file, due to the short time and the inconvenience of practicing at home, the effect of the practice was not particularly ideal. She was afraid that the palace There are experts, so they dare not go into the palace to collect information, lest they be discovered. If they die, don't die like the original body and return to the system space, and then the mission will fail. Therefore, An Ran feels that all the information collected is It's superficial. As a result, the difficulty of the strategy is the most difficult among these people.

Although she didn't know how to get the fourth prince to propose marriage to her, An Ran knew that she still had to get to know him. As for how to succeed, she could only try over and over again. Anyway, what she lacked most was time.

An Ran didn't know where the fourth prince was at the beginning, so he didn't dare to look for him in advance. Instead, he chatted with the little sisters for a while, then estimated the time when he met the fourth prince before, and went to look for him.

The conversation was almost the same as when she met him before, but... An Ran could clearly feel that the Fourth Prince was not as enthusiastic about her as before. What was going on?

An Ran didn't know that in the past, whether she met the third prince or Mr. Li by chance, the fourth prince saw a side of her that was different from ordinary people. Now, An Ran did not meet the third prince and Mr. Li by chance. The prince didn't find anything outstanding in her and thought she was just like an ordinary girl, so it was normal for him not to be enthusiastic about her.

An Ran saw that the fourth prince was not enthusiastic about her. Although she didn't know what was going on, it did not prevent her from knowing what the problem was - she used to walk through the tree-lined paths to find the fourth prince, but today she did not go through the tree-lined paths. When looking for the Fourth Prince, he found that he had a different attitude towards him. An Ran quickly understood that the tree-lined path was the key. If he didn't succeed this time, he would have to try again next time.

Although the fourth prince's attitude towards him this time was worse than before, An Ran had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to approach him in order to test whether he was a target.

Fortunately, we had collected enough information about him before, so we knew several places where he might appear. An Ran tried his best to wander to those places, hoping to create a chance encounter and meet him.

Of course, in order to prevent the other party from becoming suspicious and finding something wrong with his appearance in these places and doubting the purpose of his appearance, An Ran could only try to be as natural as possible, for example, try to pretend to participate in some activities near these places.

For example, knowing that one of the fourth princes, Zhuangzi, was in the suburbs, when An Ran heard that someone was going to go for an outing in the suburbs, he would follow him and wander around to see if he could meet the fourth prince.

Furthermore, knowing that the fourth prince was a frequent visitor to the Taoist temple where he had become a monk, An Ran also visited the Taoist temple from time to time under the pretext of offering incense.

And so on and so forth.

Not to mention, she did meet the fourth prince several times because of this, and with her persistent approach, the relationship between the two became much better.

Although she has improved a lot, the other party doesn't seem to like her and has no intention of marrying her.

This made An Ran distressed, because as time went by, the fourth prince became less interested in her, and Mrs. Qiao would have to arrange a marriage for her. After all, she was getting older.

Seeing that there was no success, An Ran had no choice but to give up and prepare for a good start next week.

It was difficult to conquer the Fourth Prince, and An Ran knew it well. After all, if the Fourth Prince was easy to conquer, this mission would not be orange.

Soon, the emperor granted a marriage to the fourth prince. An Ran completely gave up the idea of ​​marrying the fourth prince, and Mrs. Qiao found a match for herself. She didn't care who it was, because she knew that nine or nine times out of ten, she would meet him again. Rebirth, no matter who it is, you don’t have to care at all.

Of course, it would be better to exceed your expectations and get married successfully without being reborn. At least it means that you have found your goal and know why you keep being reborn. It is because you didn't marry the right person. I won’t be reborn, just live a good life from now on.

But obviously, nothing unexpected will happen. No, An Ran's guess came true. This time, she was reborn again.

Reborn again, An Ran followed the same routine as before.

However, when choosing someone at the three-way intersection, An Ran still thought about it, thinking whether it was better to choose Mr. Li's route or the third prince's route. Of course, as for the prince's route, An Ran had no plans as usual. choose.

In the end, An Ran decided to choose Mr. Li's path first. If she made no progress in attacking the fourth prince after taking Mr. Li's route, it would not be too late to choose the third prince's route in the next game.

The reason why she is planning to choose Mr. Li's path is because if she chooses the third prince, it won't be long before the third prince will ask for a marriage. Unless she can get the fourth prince before asking for a marriage, and let the fourth prince give her the gift first. She proposed the marriage herself, otherwise nothing would happen to her when the third prince asked for the marriage. After all, she couldn't disobey the decree.

If she chooses Young Master Li's path, when Young Master Li proposes marriage to her, she will conquer the fourth prince, so she can refuse the marriage and have a choice.

An Ran immediately chose the path of Mr. Li. After going out, she went to find the Fourth Prince as scheduled. This time, as expected, as she thought, the other prince's attitude towards her was much better than the previous week.

An Ran looked at it and couldn't help but wonder what the reason was. She would ask if she had the opportunity in the future. She was really curious.

Because of his good attitude and An Ran's careful management, this chat was better than ever before.

Although he had this good foundation, An Ran still had no confidence at all that he could get the fourth prince to propose marriage. After all, the other party had never set a precedent for this. So after returning from the eldest princess's residence, An Ran began to target the information again, as well as the above A more detailed plan will be developed based on the contact situation during the week.

So on this day, An Ran went to the Taoist temple to offer incense just like he did last week, so that he could have a "chance encounter" with the fourth prince.

An Ran had already known when the Fourth Prince usually appeared in the Taoist temple, so he met the Fourth Prince as promised just like last time.

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