Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1975 Infinite Rebirth 5.2

The reason why the fourth prince frequented Taoist temples was because his mother and concubine believed in Taoism. Therefore, after her death, the fourth prince came to the Taoist temple from time to time to pray for his mother.

At this moment, the fourth prince saw An Ran and was a little surprised, saying, "I didn't expect to meet Miss Qiao here."

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised when she saw him taking the initiative to greet her. She had to know that last week, when she saw the other person, he didn't take the initiative to greet her, but she took the initiative to salute. So it seems that there is a difference between having a favorable impression and not having a favorable impression. .

Hearing his active greeting, An Ran would not let the opportunity of such a conversation slip away, and immediately said: "Come here to pray for blessings, and by the way, borrow some Taoist scriptures from the temple master."

In order not to make this encounter too suspicious, she had come to borrow it before, so it was not too unexpected to come to borrow it today.

The fourth prince said in surprise: "You still like this thing?"

An Ran nodded and said: "Yes, I have done some research."

In fact, there is a lot of research, because I lived in Taoist temples for twenty years in one life, and I also visited Taoist temples in many other lives. Even if I didn't study it seriously, I would definitely have learned a lot more over the years.

However, I didn’t come to the Taoist temple specifically for the fourth prince at that time. I just didn’t expect that the fourth prince’s mother-in-law also loved the Taoist scriptures. Therefore, she could be regarded as an accident and fell in love with the fourth prince’s appetite. In the previous week, , she relied on this to get closer to the fourth prince.

When the fourth prince heard what she said, he smiled and said, "Your hobbies are really different from ordinary girls."

An Ran said: "How do you say it? What does an ordinary girl look like?"

The Fourth Prince said: "I thought young girls only love jewelry, clothes, makeup, and the like."

An Ran said disapprovingly: "Thousands of people have different faces. People can look different, and their natural hobbies cannot be exactly the same."

The fourth prince nodded and said, "That's true."

Then he glanced at An Ran and said, "Have you just arrived, or have things been settled?"

"I just arrived. Where is Your Highness?"

"I've just arrived, so we can go in together." The fourth prince smiled and seemed to be happy. This made An Ran look at it and couldn't help but secretly thought, this is really very different from the previous one. In the last one, she It was almost here that she met the Fourth Prince, but the two chatted for a few words and then left. The Fourth Prince did not invite her to go in with him, which made her more and more curious about what she had done to make the Fourth Prince Take a new look at yourself.

Now that the fourth prince had invited him, An Ran would not let go of such a great opportunity, so he immediately said, "It would be disrespectful to refuse."

The two of them walked and talked all the way. The fourth prince wanted to test whether An Ran really understood the Taoist scriptures, or whether he was like some girls who said beautiful words to decorate themselves, so he asked a lot of Taoist scriptures in the name of asking for advice. An Ran was able to answer all the questions on the Internet, and his insights were outstanding - An Ran came from the era of Internet information explosion, so his interpretation of some things was different from that of this world. This novel formulation naturally made the fourth prince feel that An Ran The insight is outstanding - I couldn't help but secretly think at the moment, it seems that there is really research and it is not a deliberate whitewash.

Because An Ran has extraordinary knowledge, he naturally appreciates An Ran more and more. This is something that did not happen in the previous episode. Because he had only normal feelings for An Ran in the previous episode, he naturally would not ask such in-depth questions, so he naturally did not know about these advantages of An Ran.

Soon the two of them finished their business, said goodbye and left.

After the fourth prince's eunuch chief watched An Ran leave, the fourth prince still looked at the direction she was leaving, motionless, and said carefully: "Since your highness cares about Miss Qiao, why not propose marriage? I think Miss Qiao is a smart girl, so I shouldn't There is a situation that His Highness is worried about.”

The fourth prince hesitated for a while and said: "...Let's talk about it, the situation has been quite tense recently."

The chief eunuch could see that the fourth prince wanted to marry Qiao Anran, otherwise he would not have invited Miss Qiao in. After all, the fourth prince could avoid suspicion if he had no idea about this.

The chief eunuch said: "I'm afraid that if Your Highness hesitates for a long time, Miss Qiao will get engaged."

What is the purpose of attending the banquet at the Princess's Mansion? Isn't it just for a blind date? Since it is a blind date, it means that the girl's family is ready to arrange a marriage for her. How long can the prince hesitate?

The fourth prince was silent after listening to the words of the chief eunuch, and then said for a long time: "Maybe you are right. If she marries me, nothing will happen to her, but what if. My father proposes marriage to me, and I can't help it, but I can’t take the initiative to harm others.”

When the chief eunuch heard what the fourth prince said, he stopped trying to persuade him. He lamented in his heart that his master was so kind. At the same time, he was also glad that his master was so kind. He was so kind to strangers, let alone to those around him. People, can you feel uneasy following such a person? Such talents are worthy of his loyal following, such as the eldest prince and the third prince. He does not dare to work with them for fear of being sacrificed one day.

Especially since his master has been bullied countless times since he was young, it is really rare for him to still maintain an innocent heart. If it had been anyone else, he would have been bullied countless times and his character would have been vicious and twisted.

But his master is not a pure good man. If he is such a person, he would not dare to follow him. After all, sooner or later, such a pure good man will be plotted and harmed by others, or he may be plotted by others and harm those around him. people.

The fourth prince is indeed a good person, but he has a character of repaying kindness with kindness and revenge with hatred, and his grievances are clear.

The more he thought about it, the more he respected his master.

An Ran didn't know that the Fourth Prince's subordinates were becoming more loyal to him because of his own affairs, nor did he know that the Fourth Prince was afraid of hurting her and did not dare to marry her. He only said that the current development with the Fourth Prince was better than any previous projects. I couldn't help but feel good.

Unfortunately, as soon as he returned, he was stopped by Mrs. Qiao.

Mrs. Qiao said: "Of course, the Li family sent a matchmaker to arrange a marriage for you. What do you think?"

An Ran said hurriedly: "My daughter does not want to marry Mr. Li."

Since she was planning to attack the fourth prince, she naturally could not agree to the Li family's marriage. Once she agreed, the fourth prince would definitely not propose marriage to her again. After all, he would not be able to steal his fiancée when he was fighting for the heir apparent. Of course, Well, even if it wasn't when he was competing for the heirloom, he probably wouldn't do such a thing. After all, as far as she knew, he had a pretty good character.

Mrs. Qiao said suspiciously: "Didn't I hear that you had a good conversation with Mr. Li that day at the eldest princess's residence? Since the conversation was good, why are you unwilling now?"

An Ran quickly denied it and said, "No way! We only talked for a few words. Can we call it a good conversation? If you calculate it that way, wouldn't it mean that I have a good conversation with many people?"

Afraid that Mrs. Qiao thought that the Li family was good and wanted to agree to this marriage, she immediately persuaded Mrs. Qiao with the future, saying: "I heard that Mr. Li seems to be in poor health, and I am very worried that he will not be with Mr. Li and me." I passed away after getting engaged. When the time comes, the Li family will ask Ding You to stay in mourning for three years. Wouldn’t it be a waste of my youth? So why don’t you show me again and see if there are any other suitable families?”

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