Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1973 Infinite Rebirth 4.2

To be honest, coming to the Taoist Temple is more conducive to An Ran sneaking out of the Taoist Temple to collect information. The reason is very simple. In the Qiao family, there are too many servants, and it is not easy to go out. But in the Taoist Temple, in addition to the eldest maid Magpie and the nanny who take care of her, , and didn’t bring too many people with her, so it would be much easier for her to go out.

As more and more information was collected, An Ran became more intuitive about these people, and began to categorize them.

Move those with good character from the untested folder into the priority tested folder.

Those people with good character, but whom Mrs. Qiao and Mr. Qiao ordered not to contact, were moved into the later test folder.

Then those with negative character values ​​(her scores) were moved from the untested folder to the final tested folder.

For these people with negative character values, she will only try it unless the previous people have tested it and it still has no effect. Otherwise, she will not try it, so as not to be disgusted - many people are outside. He looks like a dog, but behind the scenes, he does a lot of great things.

When she was investigating, she was often disgusted by these people.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye, and the Marquis Wuwei's mansion began to prepare for the wedding.

Because An Ran insisted on not breaking off the engagement, the Marquis of Wuwei thanked her for waiting for Mr. Li for six or seven years, and the betrothal gift was thicker, even thicker than the betrothal gift given to the original body in the original world - in the original world, Wuwei The Hou Mansion also thanked the original person for waiting for Mr. Li for many years, and also increased the betrothal gift, but in this world, more was given.

This is also easy to understand, because in the original world, Mr. Qiao has not been promoted, and is still in a similar position to Wuwei Houfu; but in the Enron world, Mr. Qiao has been promoted, and the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue is one of the senior officials. In the Marquis of Wuwei Mansion, An Ran was considered a low-married woman. When she was married low and the man had to observe filial piety for six or seven years, he did not take the opportunity to break up the engagement, which is enough to show that this daughter-in-law is a good person. Therefore, the Marquis of Wuwei Mansion It’s normal to value the other person’s character more than the daughter-in-law.

An Ran actually had a good impression of Mr. Li and Wuwei Houfu. Unfortunately, this was an abnormal world. They were so good to her, and she couldn't really marry them. She had to be reborn in the end.

Just as An Ran thought, this time she married Young Master Li, she was reborn just like she was in her original world. Even though she had been in the Taoist temple for three years and her experience was different from her original one, she was still reborn. It can be seen that it was not The problem is not the process, but the problem of marrying the wrong person.

After being reborn this time, An Ran was not as confused as the last time because she had a goal.

Just as she thought, the information she asked the system to organize for her was not lost and was still in the system.

Since the system information was there, An Ran tested the people one by one according to the people he had compiled in the system.

What follows is constant testing and constant rebirth.

——The results are very unsatisfactory. Everyone in the priority test folder has been tested, and every one of them failed. They were all reborn on the eve of the wedding.

Since everyone in the priority test folder has been tested, if it doesn't work, Anron can only continue to test the people in the later test folder.

It is really difficult to test the people in the folder that will be tested later, because these people are usually the people that Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao have told not to contact. Every time she comes into contact with them, Mrs. Qiao and Mr. Qiao They would talk to her, making it much more difficult for An Ran to get engaged with these people.

If the people in the last test folder weren't of bad character and she really didn't want to have contact with them, otherwise, she would have wanted to test the people in the third folder first.

After finally testing all the people in the test folder later, I don’t know how many lives they have been reborn.

The reason why I say they have basically been tested is because there is one person who has not been tested, and that is the future emperor, the fourth prince.

The reason why there is no test yet is because he is both on the list that Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao strongly prohibit contact with, and he is also on the list that An Ran does not want to have contact with - although the other person is a good character, he is the future emperor. , An Ran wouldn't dare to take an idea from such a person.

However, now he is the only one who has not tested it, so he can only try it out.

It's just that this person is harder to deal with than the third prince.

You know, the third prince knew what the other party wanted, was ambitious, and wanted to find a woman who could help him, so she used her own abilities to lure the fish to the bait.

However, she didn't know what the fourth prince wanted. She had been reborn so many times and had dealt with him countless times, so she could understand him to a certain extent.

Although she understands, An Ran still doesn't know what the other party wants, because it seems that the other party wants nothing. This kind of person who has no desires and demands is the hardest to deal with. She doesn't know what she should do to the other party. He will be engaged to himself, because from what I have learned before, every time the fourth prince is proposed to marry by his father, there is no rumor that he likes any girl, like the third prince, who goes to the emperor in person to propose marriage.

Because he didn't know how to get the fourth prince to propose marriage to him, An Ran decided to put this difficult nut aside and test the people in the final test folder first. After testing all the people in it, none of them were blocked. After rebirth, the fourth prince should be his goal. It won't be too late to slowly think of ways to impress this goal.

But the group of people in the final test folder... After being contacted by An Ran, I felt that it was really hard to explain.

However, many of these people are not among the people that Master Qiao and Mrs. Qiao are not allowed to have contact with. In addition, people with a reputation on the surface are unlikely to receive the invitation from the eldest princess, so at least they still look like dogs on the surface. Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao did not conduct in-depth investigations on these people and did not know their true identities. Therefore, except for a few people whom Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao did not allow contact with, it was difficult to test. After she tested most of them, the other party proposed marriage. Neither Mr. Qiao nor Mrs. Qiao objected.

Soon, this group of people safely completed one by one and passed the test. None of them were targets.

This is for sure. If it were the goal, An Ran would have successfully married by now and would no longer be constantly reborn.

After testing everyone except the fourth prince, it still didn't work. At this moment, An Ran couldn't help but turn his attention to the fourth prince, and thought to himself, could this person really be his target? If he wasn't even the fourth prince, how could he still test the servants and even the fathers of the young masters who came to the eldest princess's mansion that day? Those people, even if she wanted to test, it is estimated that Mr. Qiao and Mrs. Qiao would not agree!

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