Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1479 Extremely Drought World 33

Because the apocalypse seems to be over, the housing prices in Xuancheng have begun to rise. However, many people are a little poor due to the apocalypse at this time, so the increase is not particularly dramatic.

In order to allow people in need of money to sell their houses quickly and easily during the apocalypse, the purchase restrictions have been lifted and have not been reinstated yet. However, Enron estimates that after a period of time, the market fully recovers, and the housing prices in the capital are too high, purchase restrictions will still be in place. Yes, so Enron has to buy a few more sets while the purchase limit is not yet in place.

Although house prices have risen, they have not risen so much, so houses that used to cost millions can still be bought with millions now.

An Ran had several million on hand. At that time, he had already bought more than a dozen houses in the provincial capital. An Ran did not want to buy any more. He also thought that the end would be over soon and he could go to Xuancheng to buy a house by then, so he spent the money I didn't buy it for the time being, so I had a few million at the moment, so I bought a few sets. After I bought it, I took Miaomiao around Xuancheng. After all, Miaomiao is so old and has never been to the capital. After playing around, I took a look at the scenic spots and then went back.

Soon after returning, An Ran and Miaomiao moved to a new house in Q City.

As early as when the apocalypse was about to end, An Ran bought furniture. Now it seemed that the apocalypse was completely over, and Miaomiao had time because the college entrance examination was over, so the mother and daughter moved.

The new home is newer and larger than the previous home. An Ran and Miaomiao have a room each, and Li's father and mother also have a room.

Father Li and Mother Li were very satisfied after seeing it. To be honest, they were too old to climb the old house before. Now this is an elevator room, so it is much easier to enter the house. Let Father Li and Li Can mother be dissatisfied?

When An Ran moved into his new house and warmed it up, Zhang Yuanyuan also came.

She has managed to survive these years. Although unlike Enron, she saved a lot of food before the apocalypse. She sold a lot of food during the apocalypse and made a lot of money, so she moved into a new house, but it was not as good as before. They have more than enough money to save, and compared to the old family who didn't save any money and almost sold their house, their family is pretty good.

The couple also had a good plan. They used desalinated seawater to farm the land, and then saved money on food, sold some, and made some money. At least they paid off the mortgage in advance, saved some money, and made a down payment for a second house. house.

Either it's not that digging a well is really expensive, or if she digs the well deeper and has more water, like the Anron family did, she might make more money. But at that time, she didn't know when the end would end, and she felt that the money was not worth it. , as long as the food is enough to eat, so I didn’t spend money to dig wells and farm, I feel regretful when I think about it.

Older people who feel that money is worthless, and even their house is worthless, even more than her family, have no money to save. They only grow food to feed themselves, and then save some money to take care of daily expenses. Just like usual, they spend it lavishly. .

Now that the apocalypse is over, money and houses continue to be valuable again. Everyone regrets it so much. They regret not saving money and buying a house like their younger brothers did. But regrets are useless now, because what you discovered will be followed by others. After discovering it, it is no longer cost-effective to grow food to sell.

Of course, when they heard from Zhang Yuanyuan that An Ran had bought many houses, they felt mixed emotions, not to mention.

They never thought that they left Wang Xinguo's house because they were afraid that An Ran and his daughter would snatch it away. As a result, they now have so many houses, and Wang Xinguo's shabby house is probably not worth it at all. , thinking about it like this, can you feel better in your heart?

"You don't know, the boss's eldest daughter is making trouble now." Zhang Yuanyuan said.

"What's the fuss about?"

"Ask her father to transfer the only apartment in his name to her." Zhang Yuanyuan said in a funny tone.

An Ran said: "How is this possible? No matter how stupid Wang Xinguo is, he will never do this. After all, he gave Wang Meimei a place to live and settle down. What if Wang Meimei has no conscience and drives him out of the house in the future? I don't believe it. Wang Xinguo didn’t expect this.”

Zhang Yuanyuan nodded and said: "You are right. The boss does think so and does not want to transfer the house to her name, so the boss has been making trouble recently."

But she said that Wang Meimei is not easy to get along with. She has been mature and sensible for a long time. Now it seems that the apocalypse is over and life will get better. Similarly, the price of houses will also increase. She is twenty-six years old. When it was time to get married, she clamored for her father to transfer the house in his name to her. In this way, if she had a pre-marital house, she would have more say in the marriage market and be able to find a better husband. .

Wang Xinguo, like Anran thought, was naturally unwilling to transfer his place of residence to Wang Meimei, so Wang Meimei shouted: "When I told Li Anran to get out, my grandma told me every day to let me go and make trouble. That house belongs to me, let me drive Li Anran and the others away to prevent them from taking away my house. I listened to her and went to make trouble. What's the matter, does this not count now? "

In fact, as early as her mother re-entered the family and gave birth to a younger brother, she had a sense of crisis. She felt that if she said she would give the house to her at that time, she might not give it to her in the future. After all, she had a younger brother, and even her grandmother, who loved her most, would not give it to her anymore. Instead of loving herself the most, she loves her younger brother. In this way, can she not be aware of the crisis?

But it was the end of the world and there wasn't much food. She didn't dare to make a fuss, for fear that if she made a fuss, they would drive her out and she wouldn't be able to survive.

Now that the apocalypse is over, she is naturally clamoring for a house.

After hearing Wang Meimei's words, the Queen Mother couldn't help but feel guilty. Now that her eldest son had a son, she naturally felt that this house should be given to her grandson instead of her granddaughter, so as not to take it away and give it to someone with a different surname. However, she was indeed like that at the beginning. As she said, this child was precocious and remembered it so clearly that she couldn't even deny it, so she could only feel guilty.

When he was no longer in front of others, he wiped his tears with his father and said, "The end has finally passed. If we don't live a good life, our family is making such a fuss. What's the reason for this!"

The prince's father said angrily: "It's not you who has spoiled her! She has been spoiled! How dare you force her father to transfer his only house to her? How selfish is that!"

Wang's father said that Wang's mother had accustomed Wang Meimei to be selfish. In fact, An Ran said that it was actually Wang Meimei who inherited the selfish character of the old couple. After all, when it comes to selfishness, aren't they more selfish?

Although Wang Meimei clamored for the house, the house was in the hands of Wang Xinguo. Wang Xinguo said he would not give it to her. No matter how much she argued, she could not get it. No matter what reason she gave, even if she threatened him with not giving him a pension, Wang Xinguo would not give it to him. He never thought about transferring the house to her. After all, he now has a house. Wang Meimei has this attitude towards him. If the house is in her hands and he loses other things, will she still have a good attitude toward him? Wang Xinguo is an honest person, but not stupid. How could he do such a stupid thing? The more Wang Meimei makes trouble, curses and loses her temper, the less Wang Xinguo dares to transfer the house to her.

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