Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1480 Extremely Drought World 34

Wang Meimei made a fuss for a while, and when she realized that the house was no longer available, she really ran away. Before she left, she said, "It's you who didn't give me the house. Don't blame me for not supporting you in old age."

Obviously, she is using this as an excuse to not support Wang Xinguo's elders in the future. The mission world of Gu Xia and Gu Qiu is similar to that of the unfilial children An Ran met. Threatening parents.

However, if there is really no threat, then she will definitely use this as an excuse in the future not to raise Wang Xinguo.

Wang Xinguo didn't know this truth, but he had no choice but to be angry with this unfilial daughter.

As for hearing about Enron's prosperity from Zhang Yuanyuan, Wang Xinguo felt like he was slapped in the face, but he had no regrets. After all, how did he know that Enron would become prosperous in the future? Who can guarantee that Li Anran at that time did not miss him? What about the house? After all, Li Anran at that time had no other property except the old man she bought. He had more property than she did, so it was normal to be defensive.

Moreover, although Liu Meihua is not good, she has given him a son now. Although on the surface he doesn't care whether he has a son or not, if he does, it is naturally the best.

So he didn't regret divorcing An Ran and marrying Liu Meihua. At most, he heard that An Ran was prosperous and felt that someone was secretly laughing at him for his lack of vision. It felt like a slap in the face and a bit embarrassing.

Of course, even if he really regrets it, he won't admit it. After all, some people in this world are so stubborn. When he does something wrong, he will never admit it because he doesn't want to hit himself. Face.

Let’s not talk about the turmoil in the Wang family, just talk about the outside world.

According to statistics, the extreme drought event this time caused the loss of three-fifths of the world's people. Some people died of hunger, some died of war, and some died of malnutrition.

Some countries have completely perished. After all, just a few wealthy people who fled to developed countries cannot form new countries.

So after this natural disaster, the world started to carve up unclaimed territory again. However, this is not something ordinary people like Enron will pay attention to, it is something that high-level officials will pay attention to.

However, based on the military strength of Country N, and the fact that the death rate was the smallest and the number of survivors was the largest in this natural disaster, Country N will not suffer in the battle to carve up the New World.

An Ran's guess was good. Although the competition was still ongoing, within a year, Country N had definitely acquired several pieces of territory. Some major powers recognized Country N's sovereignty over these territories. In exchange, Country N also recognized the sovereignty of some major powers over other territories. The sovereignty of the territory that N country cannot control.

This was quickly determined, and others are still being debated. There are many keyboard warriors on the Internet telling the country which territories should be grabbed, and then blaming the country for being incompetent and failing to grab it.

The identified land needs immigrants to build, and many good benefits have been provided. If it is to be put aside before the end, very few people may be willing to go. After all, most people's living conditions are good. Who wants to go to a deserted place and start over? Ah, I’m not willing to pay a lot of money.

But now, many people have been tortured into paupers by the apocalypse. It is the time when they need to make money, so there are really many people responding. Soon, new immigrants will clean and live in the more prosperous cities before the apocalypse in the new territory. Go in and contribute your strength and popularity to the construction of a new territory - as one of the benefits of immigrants, you can choose a house at will, and it will be yours after living there for five years (this is because the immigrants are afraid that they will run away after making some money, so this measure is taken) .

Some people have lived there for five years and think this place is good, so they stay; some people will leave, but no matter what, the new site becomes lively because of these people.

Wang Xinguo is also one of the immigrants to the new territory.

There is no way, he is now over fifty years old, and his youngest son has just entered junior high school, his wife is not working and he needs to support him, and the royal father and queen mother also need his support - although he has a younger brother who can share the support. Responsibility, but at best shared, rather than him having to do nothing.

There are old people at the top, young people at the bottom, and a wife in the middle. But at such an old age, it is impossible to find a job with an income of more than 10,000 yuan a month in Q City, an 18th-tier city. So when he saw the new territory construction recruitment, When I could earn 10,000 yuan a month, I was tempted and moved on.

Of course, it wasn't just him who was tempted, it was also the result of Liu Meihua urging him.

Because the apocalyptic world was too long, Liu Meihua gradually got older and it was impossible to find another financial sponsor, so she lived with Wang Xinguo.

But she can't bear the hardship. There is nothing she can do in the apocalypse. After the apocalypse, everyone else can make a lot of money. Wang Xinguo is old and is working in Q City with a salary of two thousand yuan a month. Naturally, she can't stand it, so He often complains and scolds Wang Xinguo for being incompetent. Wang Xinguo has no choice. He has to support a family and has no choice but to go to immigration and construction. After all, there are still people in their fifties working there.

Besides, after staying for the past five years, I was able to get a house, which is also good.

Although the new territory was deserted, the city he went to was at least the capital of the previous country. No matter how backward that country was, the capital could still be seen.

All the houses were numbered, and whoever went first could choose the one with the best location. Wang Xinguo didn't go too late, picked a good house, and transferred his and his father's and queen's household registrations - the household registrations were not transferred. They were not given a house when they came here, but the size of the house they could choose was also related to the population - Liu Meihua and her youngest son's household registrations were still in their hometown - he was not sure about the teaching quality of the newly built middle school here, so he did not move his younger son The household registration was transferred.

Five years later, the house belonged to Wang Xinguo, so the king's father and queen moved their household registration back - they were getting older and wanted to return to their hometown from thousands of miles away and return to their roots.

But Wang Xinguo did not move his registered permanent residence back. He still needed to make money there. His son had just entered college and needed money.

Later, Wang Xinguo's household registration was never transferred back, but Liu Meihua's household registration was transferred there.

It turned out that after his son graduated and soon married and had children, neither he nor the son could save a large amount of money to buy a new house in a big city, so the old house in Q City had to be transferred to his son. Make a new house.

But after her son got married, Liu Meihua didn't get along with her daughter-in-law - it was normal for her to have a bad temperament - so she was kicked out by her son and his wife. Wang Xinguo had no choice but to take her household registration with him.

In fact, the house he got in the new territory is better, but after all, it is thousands of miles away, and his son has no interest in going there. He would rather have the shabby house here in Q City than go to that new place. After all, Q City does not count. It's a big city, but it's still much more prosperous than the new territory, so that's why.

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