Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1478 Extremely Drought World 32

The provincial capital road is very close. An Ran drove himself and took the expressway to get there quickly.

The homeowner An Ran met this time was a man whose family had enough food to eat, but wanted to improve his life. He happened to have a lot of houses before the apocalypse, and he planned to sell one to buy some food.

Enron usually looks for such homeowners, because those who are forced to a dead end and have no food to eat if they don't sell their house, and at the same time have only one house, will generally feel very distressed when selling their house, and at the same time, they will also feel bad for the person who buys the house. There were some indescribable complex emotions. An Ran didn't want to buy a house by herself, and she also had to be condemned by her conscience, as if she was taking advantage of the situation.

After all, it's all a matter of mutual consent. If the other party doesn't want to sell the house, she won't force him to sell it. Anyway, there are so many people selling houses. If this person doesn't want to sell, she can find someone else to buy it.

But since you are willing to sell, don't act as if she is not good or as if she has robbed the other person's things.

An Ran saw the house sale news in an online forum, and when chatting with the landlord, he met such a landlord twice. An Ran only listened to a few words and saw that the other person did not regard the person who bought the house as a customer, but instead acted like a class enemy. With such an appearance, Enron naturally has no interest in buying a house like this. Thinking that you won’t sell it, he will pull it down. What’s the point of hating the buyer? Your lack of money is not caused by me, so naturally he has no interest in buying a house from such a person. Anyway, it’s not the case. There are many people who want to buy this person's house, but there are not many people who want to buy a house. These house sellers want to sell their houses for food, but they are also yin and yang. I don't know that they missed her, but they can still find a suitable buyer. If I don't sell it for a while and have no food to eat, I'm afraid I'll go hungry.

But it was none of her business. Anyway, after going through several people who talked like this, An Ran would only buy houses with a lot of them, sell them to someone who was not so bitter and hateful, or directly buy new houses - now these new houses It also depreciates. After all, real estate developers also want to withdraw funds. However, many real estate developers still have money on hand and have something to eat. Therefore, although the house depreciates, it is still more expensive than ordinary people. The reason is also very simple. A few people are still waiting to see if it will rain. If it rains, these houses will be valuable sooner or later. It is not cost-effective to sell them cheaply now.

Because new houses are more expensive, An Ran would buy second-hand houses. Otherwise, if new houses were as cheap, she would not buy second-hand houses at all. She would buy them directly from real estate developers to avoid encountering such bitter and hateful sellers. .

The house I looked at this time was pretty good.

The location and type of the house were good, and it should have potential for appreciation in the future. Enron immediately made up his mind and bought it.

At that moment, the two of them went to the house and gave the money.

After it was done, An Ran went back. It was a safe journey without any danger. That's right. The state is very strict now. Except for those remote places that are not monitored and may be dangerous, what dangers can there be on the main road.

Li's father and Li's mother had been worried about Anran's safety when he went to the provincial capital. Now that his daughter had come back safely, he felt relieved and was not so worried about Anran's frequent trips to the provincial capital to buy a house. .

An Ran bought more than a dozen houses in the provincial capital, and when he thought they were almost done, he stopped. He thought that when he was stable after the end, he sold most of the houses in the provincial capital and went to Xuancheng to buy a few. After all, in the future , the housing prices in Xuancheng are definitely more valuable than those in the provincial capitals.

Considering that Li's father and mother were old and it was inconvenient to climb their own small building, An Ran bought a well-decorated elevator room in the city, thinking that when the apocalypse was over, she would move to the elevator room, so that Li It's better if my father and mother come, so I don't have to climb the stairs.

Time passes quickly, and soon the end will be over.

An obvious sign of the end of the apocalypse is that the sky may not rain once a year before, but it will rain once a year, then once every six months, and finally once every quarter or month.

At first, people didn’t notice that the sky had returned to normal, but when it rained from not being possible once a year to at least once a month, people understood that the end might be coming to an end and that the sky was going to return to normal. .

This discovery made people extremely surprised. God knows how worried they were as the water in the sea became less and less. They were afraid that one day the water in the sea would be gone and people would not be able to live.

And when it rains at least once a month, the paddy fields that have been deserted for a long time begin to grow food.

There may have been people who abandoned their fields in the past, but this drought has frightened many people. Many people who never farmed in the past and bought food for food have also started to farm. Even if they don’t know how to farm themselves, they will hire others to farm. When I got there, I was really hungry.

As a result, for the first time since the end of the world, there was a great food harvest.

With the bumper grain harvest, everyone has something to eat. The price of rice, which used to be as high as 5,000 yuan per catty, has quickly dropped to the level of 10 yuan per catty. It is estimated that as more and more grains are put on the market, the price may Will continue to decline.

Because everyone had enough to eat, even if the city lifted the previous high-level alert, the public security did not deteriorate. Seeing this, An Ran started to buy a house in Xuancheng.

Because she had money on hand, An Ran did not sell her house in the provincial capital for the time being, but planned to buy a house in Xuancheng directly.

Miaomiao was already eighteen years old at this time. When she grew up, she no longer had to be taken care of by Father Li and Mother Li. Instead, she took her safely with her and took her to visit Xuancheng. After all, in the last days of the apocalypse, Father Li and Mother Li She was worried about going to Xuancheng, so she never took her children to visit the capital. Now that she has finally settled down, it is time to take her children to see the outside world.

——Because of An Ran's care, Father Li and Mother Li naturally did not die like they did in their original world, but lived well. After all, they are not particularly old, only seventy years old. As long as they have adequate nutrition, they can live at least eighty years. That's a lot.

The apocalypse is over, and the fastest recovery is naturally the capital.

Originally, during the apocalypse, the capital was protected, and not much changed. It was just a bit depressed. Now that the apocalypse is over, the capital soon returned to its pre-apocalyptic prosperity, and Miaomiao, who had never been to the capital before, was dazzled.

"How about it, isn't the capital city very good? I asked you to apply for the universities in the capital city before, but you didn't apply and insisted on applying for the provincial capital. Now you think you are at a disadvantage?" An Ran couldn't help but laugh when she saw her daughter was dazzled.

Miaomiao is eighteen years old and has just taken the college entrance examination, so An Ran said this at this time.

Miaomiao shook her head and said: "No, I just want to stay not far from my mother. I don't want to go so far. It's the capital. I just come here with my mother for travel occasionally."

A lot of things happened at the end of the world. Although they were all near misses, it also made Miaomiao and An Ran have a very deep relationship. It was normal for them not to want to run so far away from their mother.

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