Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1477 Extremely Drought World 31

Although these people are going crazy with hunger, there is a gap in strength, and Country N's military strength can still be assured.

Although Country N does not want to kill some poor hungry people, it is even less likely to let people in and harm its own people. Therefore, no matter how much you sympathize with the other party, there should be a balance between protecting its own people and sympathizing with the people of other countries. No matter how you choose, all fools will understand.

We are only halfway through the end of the world, but almost one fifth of the world's population is starving to death.

In the beginning, when there was food, so many people starved to death. Then when there was no food, more people would starve to death, and they would continue to die until the remaining resources were used to support only the number of people.

The outside world is terrible. Even if it is not abroad or the situation in the north is not very good, Q City can still survive. Therefore, people do not have deep feelings about the situation in the news because they have not experienced it personally. Q City’s People currently only care about their jobs - now that food is getting more and more expensive, this job cannot be lost. Even if the income from work may not be enough to buy two kilograms of food, it is better to buy a little. If you don’t work, you can’t buy anything, right?

And Anron's place has become the most popular place, because her parents farm in her hometown, so they have food for sale - this is just Anran's excuse for selling food in the space - as long as people want to buy food, He would always come to her, and she would always be able to bring out food.

In fact, fortunately, An Ran had strong military force. Otherwise, with so much food, someone with ulterior motives might be tempted to steal her food.

But because An Ran had shown her skills a few times, everyone knew how powerful she was, and the patrol team was patrolling nearby, so some people with bad intentions did not dare to attack An Ran.

To be honest, An Ran sells grain not so much to make money, but because she feels pity for those people, so she wants to take care of everyone, otherwise the grain will be more expensive in the future, and she will not need to sell it at this time.

However, after her investigation, she found out that some families were really out of food, and An Ran felt compassion for them, so she sold some.

Anyway, although the price of food is not the highest now, as long as she can make a profit, it will be fine. She has to wait until death to make a lot of money in the future. Her conscience really cannot bear it. After all, this is not the time when she first entered this world. There is still food, so she only sells a little bit at a time, just enough to pay off the mortgage, and not more. Now that the food is gone, she doesn't have to hide it like she did then.

Soon, the country's last grain reserves were used up, and there was no food available to distribute affordable grain.

Because the country had made a notice before, the people did not become more panicked when they heard it this time. Apparently, everyone had already adapted to the news.

The country is out of food, so the food on the market becomes more expensive.

Fortunately, the country had already announced that there would be no food distribution, and many people took money in exchange for some food to save, so things will be fine for the time being.

Since the country ran out of food, more and more people are using desalinated seawater to farm. Because food prices are getting more and more expensive, it is becoming more and more cost-effective to use desalinated seawater to farm, so Naturally, more and more people are farming.

Because more and more people are farming, there is more food on the market, so as long as people have money, they can buy food, which makes people less panic.

Therefore, the desalination project really saved the lives of ordinary people.

Some people are worried that seawater is not inexhaustible, and many countries are vigorously developing this technology. Desalination plants are everywhere. If we continue to use it like this, what will happen when the seawater is gone? Then it will really be called the end of the world.

Many people think so.

But Enron knew that before the sea water could no longer hold it, it would rain and mankind would be saved.

Therefore, it is right for desalination plants to bloom everywhere and there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, the common people are also thinking openly. Although everyone is anxious about what to do if the sea water disappears, no one attacks the desalination plant. After all, the future will be discussed in the future. Anyway, if there is no desalination plant now, everyone will soon I'm so thirsty, how can I do this, so naturally it's only for a while.

Since more and more people are using desalinated seawater to farm, the skyrocketing food prices have temporarily stopped at 5,000 yuan per pound of rice, while other potatoes and sweet potatoes are cheaper.

Enron knows that this is basically the peak price of grain prices. At this price, market supply and demand are basically balanced. It is too expensive and some people cannot afford it. Those who grow the land cannot sell their excess grain; it is too cheap. Yes, the people who farm the land are unwilling to sell.

When An Ran saw the price, she knew she could buy a house, so she planned to send Miaomiao back to her hometown during the summer vacation and let her parents take her with her while she went to Xuancheng to buy some house.

However, as soon as Li's father and Li's mother heard that she was going to Xuancheng, they refused to let her go. After all, it was thousands of miles away and it was chaotic outside. Even if An Ran's kung fu was great, Li's father and Li's mother were still afraid that something would happen to her outside, so how could she dare to Let her go.

"You can't go. So what if you have some skills? I heard that people outside have guns! If you encounter me, you will definitely not be able to defeat me. What if something happens and Miaomiao is still so young?"

An Ran saw that she was talking nonsense. Father Li and Mother Li refused to let her go. They had no choice but to say: "Then I go to the provincial capital to buy a house for the head office? You can go back and forth in one day, don't you guys feel relieved?"

The road to the provincial capital is short, only more than 100 kilometers away. After hearing this, Father Li and Mother Li hesitated for a while and said, "Okay, you can go and have a look at the provincial capital. You are absolutely not allowed to go to Xuancheng."

More than a thousand miles, it sounds far away, so they can't rest assured.

An Ran nodded and said: "Sure, I won't go. I'll go to the provincial capital."

Fortunately, the provincial capital is also considered a second-tier city, and there should be potential for appreciation in the future. It would be good to buy a few houses.

Soon, An Ran negotiated with the seller online and set off.

The average price of a house in the provincial capital was 20,000 yuan before the end. Of course, that was in the old days. Now, the average price is 2,000 yuan, which may not necessarily be sold. After all, who buys a house now.

People who are not short of money will not buy it. People who are short of money... are short of money. How can they still have money to buy a house?

Therefore, the house price has shrunk to one-tenth of its previous value. It is normal that the house is still priced but has no market value, and it is difficult to sell it. Now that Enron wants to buy a house, the seller is naturally happy.

Generally, those who sell their houses at this time either have no money and want to get some money to buy food or food, but want to improve their lives, or they think the house is not valuable and the food is valuable and want to invest.

However, it used to be cost-effective to sell houses and invest in grain. Now that grain prices have not increased much, investing in grain is no longer cost-effective. So Enron used to sell grain, but now that he has almost sold it, he started to buy a house.

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