Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 1476 Extremely Drought World 30

The construction team took the money and quickly deepened the original well by another ten meters. An Ran took a look and found that the water volume was sufficient again. He couldn't help but be satisfied. He secretly thought that in this way, even if the water produced was not enough to sell, the land could continue to be sold. After planting, she can continue to take vegetables out of the space to eat. Otherwise, if Father Li and Mother Li didn’t plant vegetables, and she took out vegetables to eat, people would still wonder where her things came from.

Naturally, this incident has never happened in the original world. After all, the original person was so poor that he had no money to dig a well. And because he had no money to dig a well, the well water in his hometown continued to dry up and there was no water. , and have been drinking sea water since then.

Even if the water to drink is not good, there is no extra water for farming. This also means that after the country stopped supplying affordable food, the Li family did not have enough food to eat. The old couple always saved it for the original mother and daughter. , so he died early due to malnutrition. In short, this is a chain of links.

Stable days always pass quickly, and soon three years have passed, and the country's grain reserves have gradually bottomed out. When the country announced the news and lowered the amount of affordable grain supplied each month, people began to panic. .

In fact, everyone knows that the country's food reserves cannot always be available, but many people do not want to consider this issue and want to numb themselves. After all, the facts are too cruel and unacceptable.

However, no matter how much we don’t want to face the facts, the facts are there and they can’t escape. So when the country directly publicly announced that there was not enough food and that the monthly supply would be reduced, it’s strange that people didn’t panic.

The only good thing is that in recent years, the country has encouraged people to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes, dig deep wells to collect water, plant seawater rice in large areas, etc., so that there is not no food on the market, but it is very expensive.

Some people also use desalinated seawater for farming. Although using desalinated seawater for farming will definitely exceed the minimum quota given by the water plant, and the excess is very expensive, but no matter how expensive it is, compared with the food grown, it is still cost-effective. Therefore, many people use desalinated seawater to farm fields.

Although there are these things, the country has lowered the supply of affordable grains, triggering people's panic. The grains that had not increased before have once again shown an upward trend, and Enron knows that if it rises this time, it will not fall.

Although the decline cannot continue, and the country's reserve grain supply is getting less and less, because there is still a small supply, people will not starve to death, but they eat less and less, and it is difficult to bear the hunger. Similarly, although they do not starve to death, many people will die from malnutrition and other diseases caused by long-term starvation, and the average human life span will be significantly reduced.

Of course, this is what people with no money do. Rich people, as long as you have enough money, can still buy high-priced food in the market. If nothing else, sea rice can be grown in places along the coast. In the south, where deep wells are dug and there is water, a lot of food can be grown. Some families will sell the surplus after planting. Everyone knows that food is precious, so it is sold very expensively.

Although Q City is not a place with the most developed water system, the groundwater is pretty good. Since deep wells were dug everywhere, many people have begun to plant fields again, and with the addition of desalinated seawater, they can still barely get enough to eat, no. A few families can even sell something, like Enron’s parents, what they grow can sell something.

Since they dug deep wells and had abundant well water, they have planted a lot of fields in the past few years, and also planted some with sea water. In addition, they saw that food was expensive, so they saved money on food and sold everything they saved. Make money, so I have made some money over the years.

Because Anron helped dig deep wells to bring them, he also gave Enron a lot of food, resulting in Enron now having quite a lot of food.

An Ran asked the old couple to eat more to avoid starving their bodies. It was not cost-effective. However, they always refused to listen, saying that they had eaten enough and eating more would be a waste. Fortunately, An Ran looked after it for them. Although they were saving money, An Ran asked them to eat more. , I'm not really hungry, at most I never eat much, just barely enough.

But Anron was afraid that it would be bad for their health in the long run, so he would give them milk powder for the elderly from time to time. They were afraid of not drinking it and it would be a waste, so they had no choice but to drink it, so they added some nutrition, unlike in the original world. Because there is no food, the body is starving.

Places with abundant groundwater can still live with it, but places with poor groundwater will have a hard time facing the country's reduction in monthly supply quotas.

For example, many cities in the north of Country N are unable to bear the burden.

The chaos did not break out, but many people have gone south to live in the south, especially some islands, which are particularly popular because the islands can grow sea rice and eat seafood, plus the country's affordable prices Food supply, life is very good, so many islands instantly have a large influx of northerners. Anyway, now there is the Internet, as long as you bring your ID card and household registration book, you can buy the country's affordable food wherever you go, and you don't have to be afraid of leaving. Wherever one's household registration is, it is difficult to buy cheap food from the country, so wherever they can't survive, people go to those places where they can survive to make a living.

As long as there are no illegal crimes, the country does not care about the flow of the population. After all, we cannot watch the people in the north being hungry.

Speaking of which, although hunger in country N caused other diseases, the life expectancy of people was reduced, and some people died, these people are nothing compared to the total population of country N.

It's terrible overseas. Since drought has been going on for seven years, people in many foreign countries that have neither coastal areas nor developed water systems can't bear it anymore. Except for some wealthy people, they have fled to other developed countries with food. Many places were almost completely wiped out, and there were also people who were going crazy with hunger. Regardless of other countries' military suppression, they just crossed the border and ran to other countries to grab food.

In fact, other countries may not have food, and running there will often only cause chaos in other countries that are not yet in chaos.

The same is true for Country N. Many small countries around it are also hungry. They are frantically trying to cross the border and go to Country N to grab food. After all, we are in the Internet age. Who doesn’t know that Country N has not yet become chaotic? Food is being supplied, so everyone wants to go to country N and grab the food supplied by country N.

How can this be done? Not only does the country not agree to it, but the people of country N also don’t agree to it. They are already hungry enough, and why do you still come to rob them? Why? So I asked the country to prevent people from other countries from coming to rob food. Agree with the same hatred and hatred.

Although many people in neighboring countries are starving to death, it is indeed very sympathetic, but we ourselves don’t have much to eat, and there is nothing we can do if we want to sympathize. We can’t starve ourselves to death, can we give you food?

Many people in Country N think so. After all, the Holy Mother is only a minority.

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