Could it be..."

Long Cheng frowned and walked in one direction.Although I don't know who is calling me, but there are not many gods who can transfer Long Cheng to this place without anyone noticing.

Following the call, Long Cheng walked all the way to a huge stone pillar with the moon engraved on it.

"Where are you going, stranger?"

An immature female voice wearing a black robe and green double ponytails came from above the stone pillar.

"I don't know, I'm just following the guidance. Who are you?"

"I am Hecate, the witch of the moon. This is not the place for you to come, go back quickly."

Not feeling the coercion of the will of the gods at all, Hecate said to Long Cheng who was as imposing as an ordinary person.

"I want to go back too, but I don't know who sent it here. By the way, can you tell me where this is?"

Long Cheng spread his hands and replied helplessly.

"This is Olympus, and ahead is the palace of Artemis, the goddess of the moon. If you don't want to die, don't go any closer."

After finishing speaking, Hecate disappeared in front of Long Cheng in a flash.

"Olympus..." After realizing where he was, Long Cheng was a little more certain about the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes.

Taking steps forward, Long Cheng walked forward, not paying heed to Hecate's warning at all. Now that the ancient gods are gone, and the emperor Zeus is missing, the only ones who can threaten Long Cheng are Kairos and Ke Luos in their heyday. Ronos and Saturn.

All the way to a gorgeous palace floating above the sea of ​​clouds, just as Long Cheng stepped into the door, countless silver bows and arrows shot at Long Cheng.

"Crystal Wall!!!"

The penetrating invisible barrier blocked all the arrows and fell to the ground clangingly.

It stands to reason that Long Cheng, who is wearing a great secret treasure, does not need to resist the attacks of those arrows at all, even if each arrow has the power of a silver saint fighter.

The great secret treasure can even bounce back the attacks from God's Domain, like spitting into the sky, and it will eventually fall on his face. If Long Cheng doesn't use his skills to resist, those attacking people will already be killed or injured by his bow and arrow.

"Stop, I don't mean anything malicious. I'm just passing by." Seeing the dozens of female warriors pointing bows and arrows at him above, Long Cheng explained.

"There is no need to argue, those who trespass on the altar will only die! Go to death!"

A blond female warrior in the lead said so, and the silvery universe began to condense on the arrow like moonlight.

"Wait a minute, all Moon Guards (Satellites)." A shout came from behind the Moon Guards, and a woman with silver curly hair, wearing a silver battle suit and holding a scepter shaped like a moon at the top, walked slowly. walked out.

"Ah! This... this is..."

"Lord Callisto!!!"

"Master Artemis ordered me to welcome the guests.

Dear guest, please forgive the moon guards for their unreasonable offense..."

The woman named Callisto said respectfully to Long Cheng.

"You all step back. My lord, please forgive me, I am Callisto, the maid of Lord Artemis." The silver-haired woman said as she knelt on one knee.

"I don't care, please lead the way." Long Cheng nodded and replied calmly.

As the goddess of the moon who monitors the time on earth, Long Cheng believes that she should have some connection with that one.

"Then, this way please."

Later, under the leadership of Callisto, Long Cheng came to the top of the Moon Temple.

There are two huge braziers burning in the open-air hall. A blond beauty is sitting on the top of the hall, watching Long Cheng. The huge moon behind her emits a cold silver light.

"I am Artemis, the goddess of the moon. I have received a request from Chronos, the god of time, to lead you to where Chronos is."

Artemis walked down the stairs, came to Long Cheng and said, her voice was as cold and calm as the moon in the sky.

"I'm Longcheng... Is it really Kronos who sent me to Olympus?"

"Yes, this is!?".

Artemis suddenly let out a small exclamation, looking at the wreath on Long Cheng's wrist in surprise.

"May I ask, this wreath is...I can feel my sister's breath on it." Artemis asked. Although she looked cold, she actually missed her sister Athena very much.

444. Chronos

"This garland was made by Sasha... that is, Athena of this life."

"It's really a gentle little universe as always...she must have done it for you with strong prayers.

... Then, Lord Longcheng, please come with me. "

Artemis looked at the garland and didn't say much, then led Long Cheng towards the outside of the Moon Temple.

Although she wanted to ask about her sister, she hadn't forgotten the order Kronos had given her.

Without talking all the way, under the leadership of Artemis, Long Cheng and the two came to a huge lake glowing with stars in the deepest part of the Olympus Mountains.

"Lord Longcheng, this is where Lord Kronos is. He is the God of Time and the super-prime God who created this world.

The conversation between you is not qualified for me to be around, and now I am going back to the Temple of the Moon...Maybe you will leave Olympus in a while...I have a request before that. said Artemis.

"But it doesn't matter."

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