The dark golden small universe also changed when the black hole in the body changed.

Majestic and mighty, the color of true red gradually appeared in the dark golden small universe as vast as the big universe!

The moment the small universe of true red appeared, the original small universe of dark gold began to gradually separate into two pieces of bright gold and wet feather color, plus the newly appeared small universe of true red, a total of three color small universes were formed with Long Cheng as the center A three-circle ring in the shape of a Chinese character "pin".

Ashmita sensed the changes in Long Cheng, and for the first time he was surprised on his neither sad nor happy face.

The small universes of the three colors give people completely different feelings, and the small universe of the wet feather color contains everything like an infinite void.

The small universe of true red is like a dreamy nothingness, beautiful but ethereal.

The golden small universe is holy and full of divinity, and just a gleam of brilliance can make the surrounding undead purify their sins and ascend to heaven.

Then with Long Cheng as the center, another point of white light shone, and the three-color small universe was swallowed by the white light spot like bait.

Under the perfusion of the small universe, the white light grew at a slow and constant speed, and finally, after completely devouring the small universe, the white energy rose from Long Cheng's body like a flame.

The Equestria Saint Cloth on his body had already been removed automatically, and he changed into the original shape of a pony in front of Long Cheng.Instead, what appeared on Long Cheng's body was a dragon-shaped armor.

Different from the previous forbidden hands, Longcheng's armor is closer to the appearance of the sacred clothes. The headband in the shape of a small dragon's head is mainly red, supplemented by brilliant gold and moist feather patterns inlaid with precious jade. The armor, and the three pairs of huge wings on the back.

The angel wings engraved with brilliant gold and exuding white holy light are at the top, making people feel peaceful and peaceful.

The pitch-black bat wings wrapped in black air flow are at the bottom, endlessly deep and chilling.

Finally, the real red dragon wing in the middle is one-third larger than the other wings, exuding endless majesty.

"Ultimate Power (Dynamis)...and Great Secret Treasure (Ars Magna)... What a surprise."

The moment he completed his transformation, Long Cheng understood what had happened to him.Under the influence of the root power, my own small universe has become the ultimate power. It is the power possessed by the ancient gods who created the world and Zeus. The pure power that can create and destroy countless universes can make the universe expand infinitely. , The power of chaos that forms all the universe.This power far surpasses the small universe, and all power is the degraded product of the ultimate power.

The great secret treasure is the battle suit worn by the ancient gods, the prototype of the battle suits of all people and gods in later generations, and protects the body of the gods, which is the domain of the gods. ), even if the attack reaches the realm of the gods, it will only be bounced back. It can be said that it is a part of the body of the ancient god, and even the head without the helmet is protected by the defensive force field of the great secret treasure.

The defensive force field of the great secret treasure can even isolate time and space, even if the universe is destroyed, it cannot hurt the body of the god under the battle suit.

It can be said that from now on, Longcheng no longer fears all the gods except Chronos and Saturn, and those gods who have long since disappeared and who also possess ultimate power. .

The will of the gods is only the power liberated when the universe was opened up, which is equivalent to the god position in the world of saints, and the essence of the ninth sense is nothing but the inversion of the ultimate power, which belongs to the incomplete degradation product of the ultimate power

And what surprises Longcheng is that the great secret treasure is the integrated power of his own god-killing tool. Wearing it, Longcheng himself can display the strength of AXA, and Longcheng can also use the great secret treasure to forbid hands. , AXA and other abilities to explode one's combat power, of course, the premise is that one's body can bear it.

443. Olympus

At the same time that Longcheng was undergoing transformation.

Yaoma sitting on the back of Pegasus, the phantom beast, suddenly became hideous.

" is this possible...the ultimate could he have the ultimate power!!!

Not only that, but he actually has his own great secret treasure, which is impossible! ! ! "

Yaoma became annoyed, completely lost the cynical look she used to have.

Afterwards, Yaoma's face changed again, "My bastard brother actually made a move... Damn, the time later was covered... But since it's there... the random drop won't come back in a short time... still have a chance."

Yaoma's eyes seemed to be looking at endless time and space, and he whispered that he didn't know what he was planning.


Aaron, who was painting in the studio of Hades City, was taken aback for a moment, and he clearly felt that the [Holy Grail of the Nether World] in his body had become a little different, and the speed at which the Usurping Ring took Hades' power was even faster. is greatly accelerated.


Regarding Long Cheng's changes, Ashmita could only watch blankly from the side at this time.Even if he is the reincarnation of the Buddha, he still doesn't understand what happened to Long Cheng at this time, but there is only one thing he can be sure of, and that is that the sanctuary of the Holy War is stable this time.

Just when Long Cheng completed his transformation, a small blue universe suddenly rose up beside him, and its scale had completely surpassed the seventh sense! ! !

"Ah!? Brother Longcheng? What's going on?" Tianma looked at Longcheng who was wearing a great secret treasure, and asked suspiciously.

"Did you break through to the eighth sense because of the karma with Long Cheng? What a lucky boy."

"Ashmida!" Looking at the golden saint in front of him, Tianma was so angry that he wanted to throw Tianma Meteor Fist.

"Stop it, Tenma. What you're going through is what I asked Ashmita to do."

"Eh!? Why?"

"In order to let you feel the eighth sense, I just wanted you to feel it a little bit. I didn't expect that this time, it was a good thing that you arrived directly by chance."

"That's not a good thing! Do you know what I saw!" Tianma looked at Long Cheng dissatisfied and complained.

"I understand, but if your strength cannot be improved, then... is your future.

Well, Mu Luanzi has matured, and I will leave the rest to you.Ashmita and I went back to the sanctuary first. "

Long Cheng threw a drop of blood at Tianma, and then disappeared into the distortion of time and space.Ashmita is also a flash of golden light, allowing the soul to return to the body sitting in the sanctuary.



With the fluctuation of time and space, Long Cheng's figure slowly appeared in an unknown mountain range.

Beneath the boundless mountains lies a vast expanse of cloud like waves.

"Where is this place? I can't sense there anyone calling me?

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