"You should be honored to have me on the ground, Pegasus."

Obviously, the small universe has not been burned yet, but the suppressed momentum made Tianma dare not attack at will.

'What a strong sense of oppression...'

"This is a tribute to you who have withstood the demon's subjugation and the reincarnation of the six realms.

Tianwu - Baolun! ! ! "

I saw a mandala formation formed by countless Buddhas appearing in Ashmita's hands, surrounding the celestial horses.

'A Xinshuo...he really looks like you...I look forward to seeing you again.

Tenma, let me see how brilliant your beliefs held by humans can explode. '

"Let me use the greatest mysteries of my Virgo to lead you into destruction."

As soon as the words fell, Tenma felt his body began to become numb, and his human senses were gradually dissipating.

"What!? Is this..."

"The so-called Tianwu Baolun can be said to be the truth of the universe, a perfectly defined harmonious world...

People who are hit by Tianwu treasure wheel can neither run away nor fight.All five senses will be deprived, and it can be said that it is a battle formation that integrates offense and defense. "

Ashmita walked up to Tianma and slowly introduced the effects of his skills.

"First of all, you must deprive your sense of touch. As a spiritual body, if you lose your five senses, it means death.

Smell, taste, deprive! ! ! "

"..." Losing the sense of taste, smell and touch means that Tianma can't use his mouth and nose at all, and then there will be a sense of suffocation, but fortunately Tianma is a spirit body at this time, and the inability to breathe just makes him feel It's just uncomfortable.

"So, what about your ideal, Pegasus? Is it fighting or survival? Or is it for friends?"

"Hearing, deprivation!!!"


"Vision, deprivation!!!"

The dark world became Pegasus's entirety, as if everything around him had vanished into nothingness.

'Can't feel anything, have all five senses been taken away?How can I be in a place like this...'

A small blue universe burning like a flame rises on Tianma.

"I can't stop!!!"

The sixth sense intuition and the seventh sense surpass human perception, making Pegasus still shake his fist at Ashmita even in the desperate situation of losing the five senses!

"What a persistent belief, but...

Sixth sense o intuition, deprivation! ! !

The seventh sense o mana consciousness, deprivation! ! ! ".

Facing Tianma's menacing attack, Ashmita just spit out these two sentences calmly.

Then... the Meteor Fist, which was like a violent storm, turned into a breeze and blew on Ashmita's long golden hair.

442. Ultimate power

Like a statue, Tianma stood firmly in front of Ashmita.At this time, he was worse than the undead in the underworld, and he couldn't even move his fingers.

"Is it really good to do this? It's not easy for him to reach this level in a short period of time... I don't think Tianma constellation can comprehend the eighth sense o Alaya right now."

Ashmita turned his head slightly, and spoke to the empty place.

"I believe that Tianma will definitely be able to do it. Losing the seven senses in the state of a dead soul... For a moment, as long as he can perceive the eighth sense for a moment, it is enough for Tianma."

The space distorted for a while, and Long Cheng wearing the Equestria Saint Cloth suddenly appeared.The dark golden small universe is endlessly improving, as if that small universe has an infinite size.

"I didn't expect that you have already reached this level, but as a human being, do you want to catch up with the gods?"

Feeling Long Cheng constantly impacting the limit of the eighth sense o infinity, Ashmita frowned and said so.

In Ashmita's understanding, there are only two roads before Longcheng, the ninth sense o Amaras consciousness and the will of the gods.

The Ninth Sense o Amara's knowledge of the sword takes the slant, completely throwing away one's own good, evil, and self, so as to reach the state of nothingness.This is not the right way. People who understand the ninth sense will become non-gods and non-demons, wandering outside the multiverse forever.

The will of the gods is a taboo. In the distant age of mythology, there were thirteen original golden saints, but the No. 13 golden saint who disappeared violated the taboo of the gods and tried to comprehend the gods. The will becomes a god and is destroyed.And this legendary No. 13 golden saint is named Odysseus, the golden saint of Ophiuchus.

There are two roads, one is blocked by the gods, and the other is a road of no return, which makes Ashmita worried about his companion.

"Sasha is Athena, Aaron is Hades, the king of the underworld, and even Pegasus possesses the power to kill gods... I, as a big brother, can't be compared to them!" With a light smile, Long Cheng guided the power in his body. The black hole merges with its own microcosm.

With the continuous improvement of Longcheng's small universe, the black hole space in his body has also undergone tremendous changes.

In the super-dimensional space, countless roots emit a faint light. In the black hole space, the power of the white root grows at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a moment, the power of the white root fills the space of the black hole!

The power of the God Extinguisher, the power of the soul ring, the usurping ring, the power of the void, the power of the mind, as well as the infinite small universe and the energy of nature merged in an instant, and then the fused mysterious energy began to collapse independently Compressed, and finally turned into a small point exuding infinite colors.

The root o origin realm, this is the realm of Longcheng at this time, this is the starting point of a root, with the seeds that can grow into the all-powerful root.

The space surrounded by the God Extinguishing Tool and Soul Ring became empty, and Draig exuding a transcendent aura looked at himself and everything that happened in the black hole space in surprise.

There seems to be white starlight shining in the feather-colored crystal, which echoes the origin of the space center of Shenmieju, and the cracks on it have completely disappeared.In the center of the crystal, the black tail-biting snake was sleeping peacefully, as if it was pregnant with something.

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