"My sister... Athena... I'm counting on you. She is too kind and hopes to save all humans on the earth... Sooner or later, she will fall into a huge crisis for this."

"I see. Sasha is also my sister..."

"Then... I'll take my leave first..."

Hearing Long Cheng's answer, Artemis also bowed, turned around and walked towards his Moon Temple.

Coming to the huge lake, Longcheng had a clear view of the scenery inside.What flows in the lake is not lake water at all but countless nebulae!

The past and the future are intertwined here, and this is a world beyond time.

"You... here... Son of Root..."

An ethereal but majestic voice full of divinity came from the lake. This is the gate of time and space, and it is the only place where you can talk to Kronos.

"Son of Root?"

"The person chosen by the Almighty Root—the Son of the Root. In this world, you are the only one among them who has reached this state..."

"They!? Could it be... there are people like me?" Long Cheng asked excitedly.

'Although I have guessed more or less that I am not the only lucky one...

Jian and Hong did not tell me at the time that there would be other system holders after 30 years...either they have never met...or...'

Long Cheng frowned, and couldn't help thinking.

"This is not something you should think about now...I have summoned you this time...I hope you can do me a favor..."

"why me?"

"Because you are the only one who is in the same time and space as Kairos... I hope you can seal my brother Kairos...

He wantonly destroys the order of time and space in this world, hindering the development of this world.This time, he wants to use the god-killing power of the Pegasus constellation to hit the heavens, which will completely destroy the original timeline of that world. "

"But is this good? To some extent, I am destroying the order of time and space in this world, because I am not from this world."

Long Cheng raised his own doubts. He was targeted by two little lolitas when he first entered Xingyuegen. How come Saint Seiya Chronos seemed unusually generous and didn't care about what he did at all.

"...you will know the details later...I can only tell you...you, to be precise, all the children of the root can ignore the rules of different worlds and roots.

Of course...it's ignoring, but after you go to a new world, you need time to adapt to the rules of that world.

Only when you reach my level will you understand how unique you are, and it is an unwise choice to go against you. "

Kronos' majestic voice came, although it didn't reveal too much information, but it also gave Long Cheng a bottom line.

Regarding Chronos' words, Long Cheng has no doubts, the entire Saint Seiya world was created by Chronos, he is equivalent to the existence of the heavenly way and root consciousness of this world.

If Kronos wants to be unfavorable to Long Cheng, although Long Cheng is confident that he can retreat unscathed, but in this case, he will never want to return to the world of Saint Seiya LC.

"I accept your request, but I also have a request...that world...I hope that there will be no other children of the root."

"It's easy to do..."

Kronos agreed without even thinking about it. Long Cheng didn't know that even if he didn't speak, Kronos would try his best to prevent the two sons of Yuanyuan from meeting.

This is the instinctive reaction of the Almighty Root Consciousness, and as a subordinate existence of the Almighty Root Consciousness, Kronos cannot resist the orders issued by him.

"Since that's the case... You should go back quickly... This is where time and space intersect... A day you are here can be a second in that world, or a year in that world.

Pursue the fetters of the flower ring, and you will be able to return to that world..."

After Kronos finished speaking, Long Cheng couldn't feel his presence at all, and he probably left.

"It's really unreliable at all, not even giving a return ticket.

Feel the fetters of the flower ring? "

Slightly complaining about Kronos' unreliable actions, Long Cheng caressed the wreath on his wrist, and poured his consciousness into the endless lake of time and space.

Endless time and space, a parallel world with countless saints, feeling countless gentle and vast small universes, Long Cheng slowly searched for the only aura that could resonate with the wreath.

"it is this!!!"

After a while, Long Cheng felt the extremely familiar small universe and suddenly opened his eyes. Even if there were countless similar small universes, Long Cheng could recognize the small universe belonging to Sasha at a glance.


The first magic palace o Mercury

"Is it finally time to face the first Star Guardian?" Shi Ang said solemnly in front of the huge palace.

"Then what kind of guy will we fight?" Regulus clenched his fists, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"No matter what kind of guy it is, we can only beat him into the air and move forward. In order to go to the Hades Palace ahead of us...to make a break with Aaron."

Supporting Sasha whose power was sealed, Tenma spoke.

'Brother Longcheng, where are you? 'Looking at the haggard Sasha, Tenma thought so.

Ever since the underworld left, Long Cheng seemed to have completely disappeared in this world, and the Saint Cloth of Equestria had returned to the sanctuary. No matter how Sasha searched, he couldn't perceive Long Cheng's small universe.

"Okay! Go forward, two! Go and defeat Hades!!!"

Shouting to Shion and Regulus behind him, Pegasus broke into the Mercury Palace first.

"As expected, it's as dark as the underworld... It seems that there is no breath of the underworld fighter yet..."

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