"It seems that if the gym trainer doesn't concentrate on the gym competition, it won't work."

Sakura sighed slightly, thinking that the reason why she traveled with the dragon was because she wanted to re-train herself to make her strength stronger. "But so far I haven't even subdued a single elf."

Sakura is very helpless.

"However, I feel that the fragrance of Rainbow Gym is really good."

Sundae said.

"Well, each one is so tasteful that it's hard to choose."

Sirona nodded in agreement.

"The job of the gym trainer is to confirm the level of the challenger. Although the trainer is too weak, he will not be able to perform his duties well."

Lan subconsciously glanced at Nazi, "If every gym trainer is as powerful as Nazi, then almost no trainer can collect all 8 badges."

Sirona glanced at Na Zi and smiled, "Na Zi's strength is more than enough to become the Four Heavenly Kings."


Sundae, Sakura and Lan all looked at Nazi with admiration.Since the Sinnoh champion Sirona said that Nazi's strength can match the Four Heavenly Kings, it is definitely true. They know that Nazi is very powerful, but they don't know to what extent. I didn't expect that Sirona, who has won the Sinnoh champion for six consecutive years, can be said to be The legendary figure had such a high opinion of Nazi.Although Sirona's violent earth dragon was forced into a desperate situation by Nazi's Hudi at the beginning, it was not in danger, but although Nazi was defeated, there were not many things that could surprise Sirona. Dragons can destroy the Kings level, so Nazi's strength at the Kings level is not surprising.

"But what level is the dragon's current strength?"

Sundae asked Sirona curiously.

"Hmm...--Suicune, Kuailong, Bangira, Guisi, Flaming Monkey King level" Sirona pondered for a while and said slowly, 8 and the huge stinging jellyfish reached the level of the king in terms of destructive power. "

"Great, now the dragon has assembled a team of heavenly kings."

Lan excitedly said, "The dragon is really powerful."

"I think it's really good for Long and Nazi to be the kings of the Kanto region."

Sakura said with a smile.

Nazi didn't respond, but Long happened to hear Sakura's words and said dissatisfied, "I want to become the world's number one trainer, at least the champion of the Kanto region."

"I can't stand this guy,"

Lan waved her hand helplessly and said, "Now I'm complacent."

Alicia walked over with a smile on her face and said, "I think Long might really become the first champion in Kanto."

"It seems that in all five regions of the league, only Kanto has no champion."

Sakura said.

Sundae explained, "Because no one has been able to defeat the four heavenly kings of the Kanto so far. The four heavenly kings of the Kanto are known as the strongest four heavenly kings in the alliance, and the ice-type Kona, the ghost-type chrysanthemum, the fighting-type Shiba and the dragon-type cross among them. Xiba is also the king of fighting in the Chengdu area, and Du is also the champion of the Chengdu area."

Sirona smiled and said, "Kanto is the headquarters of the Elf Alliance and Kanto is the origin of elf trainers, so there are many high-quality elf trainers, so of course the Four Heavenly Kings in the Kanto area are all outstanding."

Long used to play games in Kanto and Chengdu. The champions of the kings in each version are different, so I don’t know the current situation of the kings in each region.

As a police officer of the Elf Alliance, Lan still knows the alliance king and champion very well. "The Kanto and Chengdu areas were one and called the Kanto area a few years ago, and the earliest alliances had no champions, so the ice-type Kona, the ghost-type Kikuko, the fighting-type Shiba, and the dragon-type Toru are the earliest Kanto Four Heavenly Kings. Later, the Fairy Alliance divided the Kanto area into Kanto and Chengdu for the balanced development of the regions, and promoted a new powerful trainer to serve as the king of the Chengdu area, including Kazuki of the super energy department, Lilin of the evil department and Poison Aju from the department. Later, in order to encourage more trainers, the Elven Alliance set up a champion position on the top of the king. Du from the Chengdu area, Dawu from the Fangyuan area, Miss Sirona from the Sinnoh area, and Adik from the Yixiu area. After successfully challenging the Four Heavenly Kings for the first time, he was awarded the title of champion, but recently, Mr. Daigo from the Yoshien area submitted his resignation to the Elf Alliance and handed over the championship seat. The former gymnasium owner of the Yoshien area and the top elf coordinator Mili Ke successfully challenged the Yoshien Four Heavenly Kings Successor to the title of champion of the Fangyuan League. But only in the Kanto region, no one has been able to defeat the current Kanto Four Heavenly Kings to become the champion, so it is called the strongest four kings of the Kanto League."

Sundae followed Lan's words and continued, "Dragon, so you should try to become the champion of the Kanto region first, but it is not easy to defeat Mr. Du. The strength of Du and sister are comparable. Becoming the champion of Kanto is equivalent to Become the strongest champion in the league."

Long Paipai said confidently, "Challenging for the championship position is of course, but before that, I have to win the Kanto Quartz Championship, then the Chengdu Silver Championship, and then the champions of each regional conference. The Four Heavenly Kings and Champions of the Regional Elf Alliance have become truly the strongest elf trainers in the world."

"Challenge all the four heavenly kings of the alliance..." Alicia was a little frightened.

"It really fits the character of the dragon."

Lan said with shame.

"All right."

Long clenched his fists and said, "Since you got the rainbow badge, it's pointless to stay here, so let's go to the next gym, and don't relax until you collect all eight badges."

"Don't be so anxious."

Sakura said helplessly, "I finally came to Rainbow City and I want to buy some perfume."

"I see that you have rested in the Rainbow Gym today. It must be too hard for you to continue traveling like this."

Alicia then said to the dragon, "And it's very easy to collect eight badges at the level of a dragon, and there is still a long time before the opening of the Quartz Conference."

In the end, Long couldn't help the women's soft-heartedness and decided to stay in Rainbow City for a while.

Several girls happily experimented with various perfumes with Alicia.But Long and Nazi, who were not interested in that kind of thing, came to the largest game center in Rainbow City.Here you can use the game currency to exchange for various prizes, including rare elf balls, evolution stones and various elves.

The most advanced prize is the Master Ball, which requires 99999 game coins to exchange, followed by Ibrahimovic, which is the most precious, which requires 9999 game coins to exchange.Of course, dragons are very eager for the master ball. This is a very rare treasure that cannot be met. Even if it can't achieve an absolute 100% acceptance rate like in the game, the master ball has absolutely no effect on the beast, otherwise those evil The group doesn't need to use all kinds of methods to capture those legendary elves.

However, Long didn't expect to use the master ball to subdue the beast, but he should be able to catch the non-legendary master ball with accuracy.However, I have seen the high 99999 game coins of the Master Ball. According to the ratio of 1:25, the Master Ball needs nearly 250 million coins to be exchanged.

Long is not that rich. According to the exchange rate of this world, 250 million is equivalent to 25 RMB in his previous life. Long has never seen so much money in his previous life or this life.In Lampuru City, the mayor rewarded the dragon with 1000 million yuan to thank the dragon, but all of them were shamelessly exploited by the sundae girls, and the dragon didn't have a dime on him now.

Long was about to let Nazi leave, but Nazi handed Long a 1 yuan bill lightly.Long looked at Nazi in amazement and wondered where Nazi, who didn't have any bags or pockets, got the 000 yuan.Na Zi pointed to a guy who was dressed in gold and silver, a typical nouveau riche style. He squinted his eyes and immediately had another 1000 yuan bill in his hand.

Sweating on Long's forehead, he thought to himself, "It's embarrassing for Nazi to steal money with superpowers."

However, what Long was curious about was that Nazi's changes in the past few days had turned upside down and she became more human. Suddenly, Long thought that Nazi had another half of her personality, Gnas. Since that night, Long hadn't seen that person who was completely different from Nazi. My little girl, I don't know when I will see her again.Nazi snorted coldly and said to Long, "It seems that you are really attached to her."


Long was so horrified that he looked at Na Zi in disbelief, "How does she know what's going on in my heart?"

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