"Hmph, are you wondering how I know what's in your heart?"

Na Zi said coldly, Long Xiaoji nodded repeatedly like pecking at rice.

"This is mind reading, which is an application of superpowers like teleportation and telekinesis."

Na Zi's words made Long very frightened, he never thought that Na Zi's superpower is so powerful that she can directly penetrate into other people's hearts.However, Long also wondered why Nazi didn't use mind reading skills to spy on his thoughts when he was fighting Nazi. If he could know the opponent's thoughts when fighting elves, wouldn't it be equivalent to being invincible?

"Using super powers to teleport not only needs to know the coordinates of the destination, but also has a limited distance. Using super powers to turn a person into a puppet not only requires powerful super powers as support, but also has a limited time for turning into a puppet. So activate Mind reading is of course conditional."

It was rare for Nazi to say so much in one breath and said coldly to Long. "What conditions?"

Long looked at Nazi expectantly, but Nazi turned away completely ignoring Long's expectant eyes. Long knew that trying to prevent Nazi's mind-reading skills was hopeless, but Long was very happy with Nazi's change. "I will definitely make you change."

Looking at Nazi's back, Long said to himself.

Chapter 035: Beauty Street, Top Elf Breeder

Cherry blossoms, sundaes.Lan and Sirona stayed in Rainbow City for a few days, picked out several perfumes they liked, and then bid farewell to Alicia contentedly. They set off for the next gym, Light Red Gym in Light Red City. On the way, they passed a very popular elf beauty salon. city ​​of.

Looking at all kinds of elves Sakura and Lan in fashionable clothes or dresses on the street, they couldn't help but marvel, "It's really lively, people in this city like to dress up their elves."

Sundae looked at Fatty, Lucky Egg, Raichu, and other elves with heavy makeup or earrings and fancy clothes all over the street, and said, "But most people have bad taste."

Sirona nodded and said, "It is impossible to discover the true beauty of elves by relying on the outside like this."

Long waved his hands and said complacently, "If you say that the most beautiful elf in the world is definitely my Suicune, mysterious and noble, elegant and gorgeous. So he is absolutely beautiful without any modification."

Sundae couldn't bear the self-satisfied appearance of the dragon and said, "The elf illustrated book and the elf academy textbook say that Menus is the most beautiful elf in the world."

Sakura said with a face of difficulty in making a choice, "Miss Sirona has only Menus, and Menus and Suicune are both water-type elves and they are both beautiful. It's hard to choose which one is the most beautiful elf in the world."

Sirona smiled and said, "The reason why Suicune is not considered the most beautiful in the world is because he is a legendary elf, and very few people have seen his true face. That's why he is not listed in the elf illustrations and textbooks." Eight is the most beautiful elf in the world, but for most people, the mystery of Suicune is more commendable than that of Menus. And as the messenger of the north wind, Suicune's temperament like a noble king is also unique to Menus Yes, even though I am Menus' trainer, to be honest, Suicune is indeed better than Menus."

"I don't know if there are other Suicune in this world, but I really want to tame one."

Sundae said dissatisfied, "I originally wanted to use my sister's Menus to attack the dragon, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to admit defeat."

Sirona just smiled and didn't care.Long excitedly took out Suicune's poke ball, "Shuijun, there is only one protagonist in this city, let everyone see what a natural beauty is."

"Oh..." Shui Jun attracted a large number of people's attention as soon as he appeared on the stage.

"so beautiful."

"so beautiful."

"It's so noble."

"Is it really a Pokemon?"

"I've never seen this kind of elf before."...-Long looked at the surrounding envious eyes and amazed tone very proudly, the expression on his face can be described by an idiom "smiling like a flower", although this was originally used to describe women, but this The servant's vanity is comparable to that of a little woman, even the indifferent Nazi took the initiative to distance herself from the dragon to show a clear line, while Lan, Sakura, Sundae and even Sirona collectively threw it to the dragon A bunch of hygienic eyes.

"Is that the legendary spirit Suicune?"

A plainly dressed but very beautiful woman broke through the crowd and said in surprise.

"Hey, I actually got to know Suicune."

Ryu is also a little curious, Suicune is a legendary elf, not to mention ordinary people, even the trainers, few people know him.

"Are you Suicune's trainer?"

The woman was surprised and said to the dragon, "I heard a large group of people watching a never-before-seen but very beautiful elf in the downtown area, so I came to see it curiously, but I didn't expect it to be Suicune, the incarnation of the elf Beifeng in the creation story. , Originally I wondered why Suicune would appear in the downtown area, but I didn't expect him to have a trainer."


Long was slightly taken aback by the sudden rush of the woman who rushed out. "As expected of a legendary elf, it's really luxurious!"

The woman watched Suicune obsessively as she reached out to stroke the purple mane on Suicune's body. "Hey..." Suicune let out a roar, and instantly opened a layer of light protective cover, bouncing away all the surrounding crowd.Long helplessly helped the woman up from the ground, "Shui-jun, strangers should not get close to him now."

"Aww" Suicune responded to the dragon and rubbed his head against the dragon affectionately. "It's amazing. I didn't expect you to be so close to the legendary elves. You must be a trustworthy elf trainer to be recognized by Suicune." Of course, Long was very happy to be praised by a beautiful woman, but he also knew that he couldn't do it now. He was too self-satisfied so he put on a humble expression, "Yi..." At this time, an Eevee jumped over and climbed onto the dragon's shoulder and licked the dragon's cheek with its tongue to make the dragon even more proud.

"Don't use other people's elves to show off."

Sakura hits the dragon mercilessly. "Yi" Ibrahimovic jumped from the dragon's shoulder to Sakura's arms, and then jumped to Nazi's shoulder, and Nazi's Ibrahimovic greeted each other affectionately.These two Ibrahimovic were won back by Nazi at the game center in Rainbow City. Originally, the dragon was going to receive one, but when Sakura saw this little guy, she directly slashed at him and took it by force.

Although Nazi is the owner of the superpower department, she also likes this Ibrahimovic very much, and directly let Ibrahimovic replace the doll she had been holding in her arms before.But it was sad to talk about the dragon in the Rainbow City Game Center. Originally, he wanted to use his invincible luck to cross the protagonist and exchange the 2000 yuan that Nazi stole for 80 game coins to win the Master Ball in one fell swoop.But I am quite sorry, the dragon has conquered many rare elves, but the protagonist mode of the dragon is not turned on in front of the gambling slot machine, so the dragon loses from the beginning to the end.

In the end, Nazi couldn't bear to sit on the dragon's seat and win more than 20000 game coins with the last game coin.After knowing that Nazi cheated with superpowers, Long hurriedly pulled Nazi away. If the management staff of the game center knew about the matter, he would be shocked, but Long didn't waste the more than 20000 game coins and directly exchanged them for two Ibrahimovic Then he directly pulled Nazi to flash away.

"Hi, I'm Xiaoxue from Beauty Street."

Long finally recognized that this plainly dressed but very temperamental beauty was Xiaoxue, the top elf breeder who was Xiaogang's idol and love object in the original book.To be honest dragons are very coveted by top breeders now.I didn't find the role of breeders because I played the game for a long time, but after coming to this world, I found that this is not the role of the top breeders in the game world.

The reason why Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang in the original book grew up from Xiaobai who knew nothing about elves at the beginning to an excellent elf trainer, gym trainer and excellent elf coordinator One of the most important reasons is that they have Xiaogang, a top breeder, so they have bred the elves of Xiaozhi and his party very well, so Xiaozhi and his team are almost purely cute. Ability.

Although Long is a staunch elf race theorist, he believes that the abilities of elves are inherently different, so there are not many elves in Long. Of course, they are better than Xiaozhi, but of course Long himself will not compare with Xiaozhi. Thinking about the future During the game, it was a bit embarrassing for Xiaozhi to use Benjira and Kuailong to bully Pikachu and Brilliant Frog Seed Dragon.

However, the dragon cannot deny that these elves of Xiaozhi have been bred to have a high level of excellence. Later, Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon can defeat Frozen Crow, the Lizard King can defeat Rock God Pillar and Nightmare God, and Pikachu can defeat Ice God Pillar and Laura. Dios and the powerful elves of the Four Heavenly Kings also show that elf cultivation is also very important.In the original book, there is also the elf hunter J's men who hold Bangira but can only join the ranks of shameless beatings against Xiaozhi and his party and are KO'd. There is also a trainer with a fast dragon in the Fangyuan Conference, but there is only a simple scene. These are the typical aspect textbooks.

But generally speaking, the racial value of the elves and the cultivation of elves are equally important, so the dragon needs to take into account both, selectively subdue powerful elves, and also take into account the cultivation of elves.Although there are many people in the dragon team, they are basically all elf trainers. Although Sirona is the champion of Sinnoh, she is quite good at raising elves, but compared to the top professional breeder named Xiaoxue in front of her. Almost.

Long's heart began to be active, to see if there was a way to abduct her and take her on a trip together, so that Long could save a lot of effort in cultivating elves.And in the original book, Xiaoxue also left Beauty Street to study in the United States, so there should be a chance.

Long, Sirona, Lan, Sakura, Sundae and Nazi were invited by Xiaoxue to visit her shop.

"Yi" Xiaoxue is doing a massage for Sakura's Ibrahimovic for free.Sakura looked at Xiaoxue's proficient way of stimulating Ibrahimovic's acupuncture points, and Ibrahimovic showed a comfortable expression and couldn't help admiring, "Even the spirit's acupuncture points are clear, Xiaoxue, you are really amazing."

Xiaoxue smiled and said, "It took a lot of effort to memorize the different acupuncture points of each elf."

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