Sundae introduced to Erika, "Sakura is the gym trainer of Hualan City, and it's not just Sakura, Nazi is the gym trainer of Gold City near Rainbow City, and my sister is the champion of Sinnoh .”


Alicia and those MMs in Rainbow City were taken aback, "Sinnoh Champion? Sirona?"

"Please advise."

Sirona's generosity is really extraordinary.

Several staff MMs in Rainbow City had already surrounded Sirona with bright eyes, "Is it really Miss Sirona?"

"Wow, you are my idol."

"Please sign it for me."

Although Alijia was surprised that Sirona came to the Rainbow Gym, she cared more about Nazi in comparison. "I heard that since the Gold City Gym changed a female trainer, there has been no challenger who has been able to get the gold badge. Not only that, it is rumored that the new Gold Gym Nazi has a very powerful superpower. The trainers who failed to challenge became puppets. Those trainers who were tortured enough and finally escaped did not dare to challenge the Golden Gym. Over time, no one dared to go after word of mouth among the trainers. The golden gymnasium is gone, so the rainbow gymnasium next to the golden gymnasium has become a place where trainers who want to get badges flock to. At the beginning, we were repaired miserably, but because of TOEFL, our elves are constantly He became stronger in the ground battle, so, really speaking, we have to thank Nalu, the owner of the Golden Gym."

Alijia walked up to Nazi and stretched out her right hand, "Hi, I'm Alijia, the gym trainer in Rainbow City."

Nazi looked at the bare hand that Alicia handed over, just ignored it and shook her head and left. "Ah, Miss Alicia, please don't worry about it, Nazi has this kind of character."

Long quickly came over to smooth things over, "Miss Alicia, can you have a gymnasium battle with me?"

Chapter 034: The League of Elves, Kings and Champions

"Now the gymnasium battle between the dragon in Zhenxin Town and the gymnasium trainer Erika of Rainbow City begins. There are three elves used in the competition. There is no time limit for the game. When all the elves on one side cannot fight, the game ends and there is only a challenge The challenger can change the spirit during the battle, and the challenger will attack first."

"So, Dragon, my first elf is him, go, vine monster."

Alicia first sent the elves to play.

"Rainbow City Gymnasium uses grass-type elves, and it would be more beneficial for the dragon to send Bi Diao, Wind Speed ​​Dog or Ghost."

Sakura analyzed.

"The giant pincer mantis that the dragon subdued not long ago is an insect-type elf that can also restrain grass-type elves."

Lan added.

"Actually, I think with the strength of the dragon, any elf in his hands can easily win."

Sundae is still quite confident in the strength of the dragon.

"Then, I am sending him here, go ahead, Giant Pincer Mantis, this is your maiden battle."

Long had already planned to send the giant pincer mantis, and he got along well with the giant pincer mantis these days. Long decided to use the gymnasium battle to cultivate a tacit understanding with the giant pincer mantis.

"Dragon, I didn't expect that the first one you sent out was the giant pincer mantis. This giant pincer mantis is not only special in color, but also very well developed and looks very difficult to deal with."

Alijia was unexpectedly the first elf that sent out such a powerful elf as the giant pincer mantis.

"Since I'm the one to strike first,"

Long smiled slightly and waved his hands, "The Giant Pincer Mantis, Sword Dance."

"The vine monster, the vine whip."

"Use high-speed movement to avoid and then use cross-cutting shears."

The "Xia" giant pincer mantis jumped and pulled out a series of figures and easily avoided the vine whip attack of the vine monster, and the "Qia" giant pincer mantis flashed to the vine monster with lightning speed The unresponsive vine monster was directly sent flying, and the vine monster fell to the ground with swirling eyes.

"Beat the vine monster with one hit?"

Sakura was a little surprised.

"That's a matter of course. I thought my three-headed dragon could be forced into trouble by this guy who was still a flying mantis at that time."

Sundae said, "This giant pincer mantis is quite powerful. Now not only has the sword dance greatly strengthened its attack, but it also has an advantage in attributes, so it's not uncommon to kill it with one hit."

"As I thought, your giant pincer mantis is really powerful."

Alicia retracted the vine monster, "The next thing I sent was him, go, Kouduhua. Come on, Feiye Judao."

"Approach him with a continuous cut."

The "Qia" giant pincer mantis smashed the flying leaves of the flowers one by one with a continuous cutting knife, and directly approached the flowers.

"Knock him down with the cross scissors."

"Xia" giant pincers mantis cross scissors directly hit the dazed flower cloth in the mouth, followed by the vine monster and was instantly killed.

"Dragon, you are the strongest challenger you have encountered since you became a gym trainer."

Alicia was not particularly depressed when she was killed by the dragon in a row.Of course, Long knew what Alijia relied on, that is, the stinky flower that only emits a special smell. In the original book, Xiao Zhi was defeated by the smell of Alicia's stinky flower.

However, from Long's point of view, only a fool like Xiaozhi at that time could be defeated so easily. Although Alicia's stinky flower has a special smell that is unbearable, but for Long to crack This trick couldn't be easier. "Come on, Smelly Flower."

Alicia sent out the smelly flower as Long guessed, "The smelly flower smells bad."

The corner of Long's mouth raised, "Giant Pincer Mantis will take care of him once and for all this time, Silver Wind."

"Qia" giant pincer mantis retracted its huge double pincers and vibrated the two pairs of wings on its back with high frequency. The giant pincer mantis was not affected in any way. On the contrary, the silver wind overwhelmed Wei, directly blowing the stinky flowers away. Hit the wall and lose the ability to fight.

Long smiled and shook his finger at Alicia, "It seems that you rely on the smelly ability of the smelly flower so much that you neglect the cultivation of other aspects of the smelly smelly flower. No matter how special your smelly flower is, The ability to emit odors, but odors are gas after all, so gas attacks are the most difficult to encounter."

Alicia reluctantly took back the smelly flower and said to the dragon, "I wanted to catch you off guard and make a big reversal at once, but I really didn't expect that the weakness of the special ability of the smelly flower would be seen through by you all at once. I this The second time is really convincing, you and your elves are very powerful."

Alicia took back the stinky flower and walked to the dragon and handed the rainbow badge to the dragon in frustration.

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