The Nazi's mother puppet said, "You are lucky if you are made smaller. If you are turned into a puppet, you can't move and can only speak."

"Is this lucky?"

Long Bao roared, "I said you should educate your daughter well, don't just make others smaller and play with others."

Nazi's mother said, "It is indeed our fault for Nazi to become like this, because we are both heirs of the superpower family, and we are usually too keen on superpowers and have no time to educate Nazi, so we let her overindulge in superpowers. I couldn't extricate myself and finally developed this paranoid character, and because of this, everyone was afraid that Nazi would not play with her, so she did not have a friend since she was a child."

"So she caught the person who failed the challenge in the gym battle and turned him into a doll, right?"

asked the dragon.

"It's true. Since Nazi's father handed the Golden City Gym to Nazi, she would make the challenger smaller or turn it into a puppet. Because Nazi is so powerful, she No one has ever been able to challenge successfully after becoming a trainer in the Golden City Gym. Those trainers who were turned into puppets by Nazi were very embarrassed by Nazi and were rescued and escaped by Nazi's father many times. No trainers would dare to come to the Golden City to challenge, but to challenge other gyms instead."

Nazi's mother said, "You haven't heard of it?"

"I know that Nazi in the Golden City is very powerful, but I have absolute confidence in myself. I accidentally underestimate the enemy's defeat and make me smaller."

Long rubbed his head embarrassedly.

"So, can you help us rescue Nazi from our family?"

Nazi's mother begged, "Can you please help Nazi regain her humanity? ... This is a bit difficult."

Long stroked his beardless chin and said, "I am still in danger and may be found by Nazi at any time."

As soon as the dragon's voice fell into the model house, there was a violent shaking, the roof was removed by a big hand, and Nazi's enlarged face appeared on the top of the dragon's head, "I finally found you, come, come and play with me again."

A large hand grabbed at him amid the dragon's scream.

On the other side, after going through hardships from the Gold Market Gym, I finally found Lan, Sakura, Sundae and Shirona who were shopping at the department store in the huge Gold Market. "Ah, isn't this the talking ghost that Long recently conquered?"

Lan looked around suspiciously and said, "Why are you here alone. Where's the dragon?"

Shirona looked at Ghost, who was panting with scars all over her body and said, "Why did you get hurt so badly, what happened?"

Gui Sizhen pulled his head and said weakly under the stunned eyes of the crowd around him, "We challenged the Golden City Gym and were defeated."


The girls and the crowd around them were taken aback. "Dragon is so strong that he can be defeated?"

Sakura exclaimed in surprise, this is also the reason why the girls were surprised, they were unbelievable.The people around were surprised because most of them were from the Golden City and knew the horrors of the Golden City gym.

"It's just too bold for someone to dare to challenge the Golden City Gym."

"Nazi will turn the loser into a puppet and play to death... It must be a rookie trainer who doesn't know the horror of the Golden City Gym."

"After Nazi took over as the master of the gym, no challenger has ever succeeded in the challenge and all of them were turned into puppets."

Hearing the people around you, I was narrating the horror of the Golden Gym and Nazi, and seeing the scarred Guise finally panicked, and threw away a lot of the things she just bought and followed the Guise back. Run to the Golden Market Gym.

As for the dragon, when Nazi's big hand grabbed him, he dodged, Lingis grabbed Nazi's fist, turned over, jumped onto the back of her hand, and ran wildly along Nazi's arm before Nazi was still there. When he reacted, he had already climbed onto her shoulders.

Na Zi was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect Long She to climb up onto her shoulder along his arm.The other hand grabbed the dragon with the other hand.Long standing on Nazi's shoulders looked at the big hand that Nazi grabbed and then looked at the ground, so that even if he jumped down, he would break his legs even if he didn't fall to his death.

Just when Long thought he was about to fall to his death, his body suddenly floated up like an invisible force, and then he watched in horror as Nazi stretched out his right hand and pinched him with two fingers.Then he asked her without any expression in front of her eyes, "What did you just do, why can't I use my superpowers?"

Long was confused and didn't know what Na Zi was talking about.Nazi frowned and squeezed the dragon on his chest, "Huh? No response?"

Nazi wondered, "Can't it be done through clothes?"

Then he squeezed the dragon and put it through the hem of the jacket, and pushed the dragon from her bra and stuck it to her chest. Suddenly, the dancing dragon grabbed the pink grape on her chest, and a stronger current flowed. Passing it over from her body, Nazi quickly gathered her spirits, but was unable to successfully display her superpowers.

Nazi raised the dragon in front of her again and said coldly, "Just like just now, what have you done to me, I have a very strange feeling in my body that I can't concentrate my mind and use my superpowers, what have you done to me? "

Long was almost suffocated by Nazi's fiddling with him, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

At this moment, the closed door of the gym was slammed open, and the man with glasses and a few people who were studying superpowers in the golden gym screamed and fell in. "Hurry up and hand me the dragon."

The sundae led the way, followed by Lan, Sakura and Shirona, and a three-headed dragon that kept roaring. It seemed that it was just the masterpiece of the three-headed dragon.

"Ah, Nazi-sama's subordinates are unable to let this group of people break in."

The glasses man and the people from the Golden Gym repeatedly kowtowed to Nazi and begged for mercy.

"Hmph, it's really useless."

Nazi's eyes shone terrifyingly, and the man with glasses and a group of people who kept kowtow floated into the air under the surprised gaze of the four women, and then seemed to be thrown out from the broken door by a force of force.

"Ah, dragon."

Sakura's eyes were best when she noticed Jiao Xiaolong who was pinched by Na Zi and exclaimed.

Sundae, Lan and Shirona followed Sakura's hand and looked over, and their eyes widened in horror.


Sundae and Lan screamed out, while Shirona's pupils shrank all of a sudden, and a shocking light flashed in her eyes.

"Help me."

Long finally met the savior, let go of his throat and shouted loudly, but his body became smaller and only Nazi could hear his voice.

Nazi looked at the dragon in her hand, then looked at the aggressive sundae, the three-headed dragon, and Lan and Sakura, who were standing behind the sundae, who were equally imposing. Finally, her eyes were fixed and she didn't speak, but her eyes were the most powerful. The fierce Shirona said coldly, "You will be punished for trespassing into the Golden Gym like this."

Chapter 029: Dual Personality, Nazi and Nas?

"I don't care if you are a gym trainer or what, give me the dragon back."

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