Chapter 028: The Adventures of the Muppets

"Guisi, use hypnotism."

Dragon decided to strike first.

"If the opponent is Casey, how about becoming his ultimate evolutionary enhanced Hudi."

Gui Si said, and then turned into a huge Hudi that was at least ten times larger than an ordinary Hudi.

"Hmph, this ghost's hypnotism is interesting."

Nazi said coldly, "But this level of hypnotism can't deceive me."

Nazi's eyes captured a dazzling light, and Kathy's eyes opened suddenly, and her body emitted a burst of dazzling white light, which even evolved into Yongjira.Casey, who evolved into Yongjira, stared at the evolved Hudi, who was dozens of times bigger than him, and raised the spoon in his hand with a deep light without the slightest fear.

The ghost who turned into Hudi struggled in pain and turned back into the ghost with a bang.Gusi kept panting and said, "In terms of Yongjira's strength, how can you use such a powerful superpower trick, it is no less than the strength of your Suicune's supernatural powers."


Long was taken aback, "So Guisi, since hypnotism doesn't work, is there any way you can deal with him? I don't know much about your abilities."

Guisi showed a weird smile, "How about using this trick to decide the outcome, Song of Destruction."

The ghosts continued to sing a strange and terrifying song around.

Long exclaimed excitedly, "Great, then we can win."

"Then, we use to predict the future."

Nazi's expression didn't change, she just gave an order coldly. "Guisi, the launch time of Song of Destruction is after Predicting the Future. You have lived for thousands of years and you have reached a high level, Dark Shadow."

"Hmph, the ghost who has lived for thousands of years?"

Nazi said coldly, "Yongjira, use teleportation to avoid, followed by mental disturbance."

Yong Gila instantly appeared behind Gu Si, and the mental interference directly hit Gu Si, and Nazi continued to use her super power to increase Yong Ji La's damage output.

"Guisi, hurry up and break free."

Guise's resistance to super powers is inherently weak, and Nazi and Yongjira are telepathic, so it's like two people are using super powers at the same time.

Gui Si was bound by mental interference and couldn't speak at all, let alone struggling with his body, he couldn't even move. "Are Nazi and Yongjira's superpowers so powerful?"

Long's nervous palms were sweating, "Guisi, hold on, we will win if Song of Doom is activated."

"Hmph, there is no chance."

Nazi snorted coldly, "It's over, predict the future."


Under Long's astonished gaze, a dazzling light lit up on the playing field, hitting Gui Si in all directions.Guisi's painful expression instantly magnified, and then his body that had been floating with his eyes closed fell to the ground, and then Yongjira's body suddenly struggled violently, and fell to the ground with a scream of pain for the first time.

"Still lose."

Long fell to the ground feebly, he was really careless, even though he knew that Nazi's super power was terrifying, he demolished the house at a very young age and could turn people into puppets.

But he thought that with the ability of the ghosts for thousands of years and the superpowers of the ghosts should be no problem, he did not expect that the best hypnotism of the ghosts would have no effect on the single-minded Nazi, so he couldn't deceive and Nazi telepathy of Yongjira.

Afterwards, Guisi launched the nirvana stunt Song of Destruction, which was indeed a bit unexpected by the dragon, but although Song of Destruction is a nirvana that kills with one hit, it takes a while to activate, and Nazi uses the same wait to activate but time It is necessary to foresee the future in a short time and successfully use mental interference to block the actions of the ghosts before the foreseeable future is activated, and then the future foreseen will give him a fatal blow.

Although the ghost type can restrain the super power type, it is also counter-restrained by the super power type, so the ghosts are defeated by this. "You lose, then play with me as agreed."

"Wait, don't."

The dragon kept shouting, but his body disappeared in the competition venue with a bang.

"not good!"

After recovering a little, Guisi's body sank to the ground and disappeared instantly.Nazi didn't care about the fleeing ghosts, but walked to a model town with the doll in her arms.


Long looked at the place that suddenly appeared, the silent street was empty.Long felt a bad feeling when he touched the leaves next to the street, and the world was spinning.Although I had some vague expectations in my heart, I was completely disappointed this time.

"It's incredible."

Long Bao roared, "I don't want to become smaller and don't stay in this place, I want to re-match... That's impossible, you'd better play with me first."

The doll Nazi was holding was slapping the ball like a giant and appeared on the street that was only enough for her to walk.

"My goodness."

Long looked at the giant doll that can cause an earthquake every time he slaps the ball, and ran wildly, and roared, "If you don't bring people who play with people like this, this is simply playing together, it's just you playing with me."

"Haha" The doll laughed softly and threw the ball towards the dragon. "I can't run anymore, I'll be crushed if I run like this."

Long hurriedly found a model house nearby and hid in it, finally avoiding the tragedy of being squashed by the ball.

"Are you OK."

While the dragon was panting and frightened, a female voice in the model room startled the dragon. "You are here to challenge my daughter to be made smaller after her failure."

Long finally found that the person who was talking was a middle-aged female puppet sitting on the sofa.

"Are you Nazi's mother?"

Long wondered, "But how did you become a puppet?"

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