Sundae is not afraid of Nazi's strength at all.

"It's too overbearing to turn a failed trainer into a puppet."

Sakura said angrily.

"That's the rules of the Golden Market Gym."

Nazi said coldly, "The winner will get the gold badge, and the loser will have to play with me with puppets."

"How can a gym make such a rule."

At this moment, Lan once again showed full police style, "You are illegally imprisoning others' personal freedom."

However, Nazi was not threatened by her, her eyes lit up and she turned the dragon into a completely immobile puppet the size of the doll she was holding in front of her and hugged her in her arms coldly, "Every gym can do it. Make your own rules. Under the rules I set, the loser must become a puppet to play with me. If you are not here to challenge, get out. I am too lazy to punish you now. I already have a puppet and don’t need more. ."

"Then, let's go to the gym battle. If I win, you will return the dragon to us without any badges."

Sundae made a fist at Nazi.

"I'm not interested in other puppets now."

Nazi turned around and said coldly.

"As a gym trainer, you shouldn't refuse the challenge of a trainer."

Sakura said.


Nazi turned her head and said without any emotion, "Today's game is over and I have to rest. If you want to challenge, come back tomorrow."

"Hey... One" without waiting for Lan, Sakura and Sundae disappeared immediately after calling Nazi "咻".

"What? Disappeared?" The three girls were taken aback. "That's teleportation."

Shirona was surprised, "I didn't think that humans could use superpowers to that extent."

"Sister, you didn't say anything to help us just now."

The sundae was dissatisfied with Shirona, "Aren't you in a hurry when the dragons have become dolls?"

"Nazi, a gym trainer in this golden city, is not easy."

Shirona blamed the three girls and continued, "You guys are really not calm. According to my observation, her strength is definitely very powerful, and as a human being, she can easily use her superpowers to turn others into dolls. I've heard that even Wuyang, who is good at using super-type spirits among the four gods of the gods, can't use super-powers to turn humans into dolls. It's too irrational for you to challenge her rashly just now. "

"That girl is the most powerful human character I've ever seen."

Ghosts also appeared, "I can't get rid of the superpowers that she and the elf telepathy exerted at all, and if I want to fight against her, I have to defeat her and her elf at the same time, which is really a very difficult character to deal with."


Hearing what Gui Si said, the girls were greatly shocked and looked at Shirona and said, "Then what should we do?"


Xirona smiled confidently, "Don't worry, I will personally meet the gym trainer in this golden city tomorrow... ah? Sister, do you want to go out in person?"

The sundae happily said, "This way, there is no problem."

Lan and Sakura also nodded excitedly, the strength of the Shenao champion is beyond doubt.

"Hey, I said,"

The dragon that turned into a puppet couldn't move and could only express his dissatisfaction with his mouth, "You won't be prepared to keep turning me into a puppet like this, I will starve to death if I don't eat anything in my stomach."


Nazi, who was in deep thought, lowered her head and looked at the guy in her arms who had been arguing since the beginning and said to herself, "Why do I feel like that? What is the power that prevents me from concentrating and using my superpowers? Woolen cloth?"

"Well, maybe I can help you?"

Long saw Nazi's self-talk to herself, "Well, maybe I can save myself."


Na Zi looked at Long and asked in confusion, "You really did something that prevented me from concentrating on Shi Chen's superpowers?"

"I think I might know, you put me back in place, and I can try it again."

Long was so confident that he almost didn't pat his chest.


Under Na Zi's deep gaze, the dragon felt that his body gradually became larger and his limbs gradually regained his senses. "That's great, the dragon moved his limbs to make sure there was nothing unusual, and then the corners of his mouth slightly lifted up and took out a Pokeball from his waist. "My method is, Hu Di, hurry up and use teleportation to lead me to escape. "

"Hu Di" Hu Di raised the two spoons, but unlike usual, Long and Hu Di disappeared without a "whoosh" sound, but stayed in place. "what?"

Long looked at Hu Di suspiciously, "What's wrong with you Hu Di? Quickly use teleportation."

"Hu Di" Hu Di was sweating profusely holding up two spoons, but there was no response.

"Do you want me to keep turning you into a puppet?"

Nazi's eyes lit up with a deep blue light and appeared coldly behind the dragon. "what!"

Long jumped back in fright and pointed to Hudi and then to Nazi tremblingly and asked, "No...--it's you...--. "

"Hmph, no one can use teleportation in front of me if they don't want to play a cat-and-mouse game."

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