Looking at Xiaoxue with a black thread on his head, Long Yi suddenly said, "Aren't you a top level [-] pokemon breeder? When did you change your career to become a quack doctor and roll your eyes? Do you know how to watch it?"


Xiaoxue was startled and backed away repeatedly, her little hands kept patting her chest with a shocked expression on her face, "You're fine, I was scared by you."

Long pushed his little head over curiously, looked carefully at the eyes of Touzi, got up from the ground and looked at the waiting girls and couldn't help asking: "Have I been in a coma for a long time, where are we now, how do we feel?" It's like fog."

"It doesn't feel like it, it just does!"

Touzi patted Long's arm away and looked at him, pouted dissatisfiedly and muttered: "It's strange that uncle can really sleep, we can't wake up no matter how much we scream, it's like losing our soul. And the old lady before is really strange. Blame uncle, you disappeared and ran off to nowhere immediately after you fell asleep, and we couldn't find anyone..." It seems that this is not a dream, all this happened for real.Looking at Touzi with an angry face, Long couldn't help being a little amused, it would be strange if you could find the figure.However, that old man can also play tricks, pretending to be an old woman who is about to lose her teeth, don't even pretend to be a poacher from the Rockets, he was almost fooled.Thinking of what the old man said to him before, Long suddenly put away the smile on his face again, he hoped that what happened before was just a dream.

Ke looked at the sudden solemn look on Long's face and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? You seem to have encountered something worrying. Could it be that you are having a nightmare?"

Alas, the dragon sighed inwardly.He couldn't help being worried about this, and if this matter came out again, the world might be in chaos now, but it was more likely that he was treated as a mental patient.Even the old man said that he couldn't stop the overlapping of worlds, and he even made himself shoulder the task of maintaining world peace on both sides. This is not an embarrassment.After all, there will be a time to wake up from the nightmare, but I am afraid that this is not a nightmare at all.

A pair of tender little hands grabbed his broad palm, and Sundaelong's heart warmed up against the caring expression on his face.Forget it, if it comes, let it be, what should come will come after all, but the old man said that it will take a while for this to happen, let's read the script slowly while riding a donkey.

Long gave a reassuring look to the caring women, "Okay, everyone is fine, let's not care about the trivial things before, but now, where are we?"

Looking back, the surrounding sky was cloudy, and there was a thick fog everywhere.The nearby tree shadows are only vaguely visible, and it is difficult to see distant places.

"So there will be such a big fog?"

Long looked at Mi Nu curiously and asked, "Where are we now, and how far have we traveled?"

Lan spread his hands helplessly and said, "We haven't walked much at all. Suddenly, there was a thick fog in the mountains, and this strange thick fog couldn't be cleared even by the frozen black. So we had no choice but to stay here and prepare to set up tents for camping." , if there is such a heavy fog here, it will be very dangerous to walk in the mountains rashly, so we have to wait until dawn tomorrow before setting off."

"Isn't even Frozen Crow's clear mist trick useless? It's really weird."

Long rubbed his chin and said in thought: "The visibility in this place is no more than five meters. I have never seen such a thick fog. It is really difficult to move."

At this time, a bright yellow light came from the thick fog in the distance, and Touzi said in surprise: "Everyone, look, where is there a light, is there someone's house? In this way, we can stay overnight. Setting up a tent to sleep in the fog makes me feel uneasy.”

As soon as Touzi spoke, he ran forward in a hurry, his body was quickly submerged in the thick fog, and the dragon and the girls didn't even have time to stop him.

"Don't run around indiscriminately, come back quickly..." Before Long's words finished, he suddenly heard a scream from Touzi not far away.Too bad, the dragon and the girls didn't have time to chase after them.Long Yima took the lead and ran in the front, while telling the girls to be careful, but the speed under his feet was not slow, the girl Touzi has a frizzy personality.

"Oh, my ass, this is really a disaster..." Long ran closer and saw that there was a small gentle slope here.The girl grinned her teeth while rubbing her ass while sitting on the ground. Touzi probably ran too fast just now, so she stepped on the air and fell down here.

Long really was angry and funny, he jumped down and stretched out his arms, pulled the frizzy girl up from the ground and complained: "Fortunately, it's just a small gentle slope, if it's a cliff, your ass will fall in two flap."

"Ah, strange uncle, what are you doing!"

Touzi screamed and slapped the dragon's palm away, jumping up like a deer.Touzi looked at the dragon while covering his round buttocks, his face was puffed up like a steamed stuffed bun, and he said to the dragon, "Uncle, do you want to take the opportunity to moles the girl?"

Long's fingers twirled each other and looked at Touzi, who was on guard like a lecherous wolf, sneered and said, "I just patted the dust behind you for you, why do you have such a big reaction, little girl, but It’s a girl’s movie, but there are so many gossips.”

Touzi frowned, nuzzled Nulong behind him and said, "Here, uncle, your little fiancée is just a little girl like me. What can you say?"

"Okay..." Long stretched out his palm helplessly, and he was speechless after Touzi's rebuttal.I took all the girls down from the small gentle slope one by one, only the sundae was hugged.Long proudly raised his eyebrows at Touzi, meaning clearly, how could his fiancée be treated differently from other people.The girl looked at Sundae who was blushing and at a loss what to do, and his face was puffed up again.

Long selectively ignored this, but even if he could ignore Touzi's gaze, there was a burst of cold gaze behind him.Long, who is very familiar with Kona, doesn't know that this is the outstanding performance of the Ice Queen when she enters the battle state. I don't know why Long feels that there is always a gap between the originally tolerant Ice Queen and Sundae.

Kola was very tolerant and considerate to Sakura, Nazi, Xiaoxue and Lan before, like a caring big sister.But this situation did not happen to Sundae, and Long clearly felt that Kona had reservations about this Longzheng's "fiancée".Sundae and Touzi seem to be in a camp, and the two sides seem to be facing each other. After May passed, Kazmire carried the banner of the neutral camp alone.

Long guessed that it is very likely that Kona kept a distance from her because he was concerned about Sundae's identity as the sister of Sirona. It seems that even if there is no official meeting between the Sinnoh champion and the Kanto king, there is a lot of tension. I am really afraid that one day the harem will suddenly catch fire.At that time, he will undoubtedly be the most embarrassing and difficult to deal with, the palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh... When Long's thoughts wandered, the light yellow light that he saw before became brighter and brighter.The dragon and the girls glanced at each other and said, "Is there really anyone else in this mountain? If so, it would be the best. I'll just go there and ask for a night's sleep. Even if the other party's house can't accommodate me, I'll set up a tent in the yard." It’s better than being in the wilderness.”

Everyone had no objection to Long's proposal, and a group of people followed the light and slowly walked forward in the dense fog.Through a thick white mist, what appeared in front of everyone was a huge old Japanese-style mansion, with blue bricks and huge red-painted wooden doors. The light that Long and the others saw before was the hanging The light from a circle of orange-yellow lanterns.It's really amazing that there is such a big mansion in this deep mountain!

"Wow, it's really great. There is actually a family in this mountain, and they are super rich people."

Touzi clapped his hands happily and smiled at Long: "This mansion is the same size and style as the mansion in Wuyue's family in Yuanzhu City, even the architectural style is the same, the owner here should be from Yuanzhu City, right? It would be perfect if you could treat us to a big meal.”

Looking at Kona's frowning expression, Long couldn't help asking: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Kona said in a deep voice: "The breath feels wrong. And the most important thing is that I don't feel too much anger. I obviously feel that the atmosphere here should be dead and deserted for a long time, but the bricks, walls, and gates of this mansion are all brand new. My feeling You can't be wrong, it's a bit weird here."

"Ah... one" the girls were terrified by Kona's words, and there was still thick fog here.The surrounding environment is like a strange atmosphere of silence.

Then I looked back and saw a vast expanse of whiteness. As Kona said, this mansion is really a bit "squeaky..."

The sudden opening of the heavy door startled a group of girls who raised their hearts to their throats. "Who are you, and what are you doing here in Calais?"

A soft and sweet voice sounded, and the timid Sakura screamed and hid behind the dragon.

A beautiful girl with a bun and a lantern in an ancient maid costume appeared in front of everyone, and behind her stood a Nine-Tails whose body hair was brilliant like a golden version, very coquettish and beautiful.Almost possessing the ability to seduce people's hearts and souls, the dragon and the girls were unconsciously attracted by the very charming Nine Tails.

Although it is very inappropriate to use this word to describe a Pokemon, this Nine-Tails has such a charm, it is more beautiful than any Nine-Tails that everyone has seen.Whether it's Sakurai's red and strange Nine-Tails, or the very well-cared-for and beautiful Nine-Tails of the top breeder Xiao Hibiki, they can't compare to this one in front of me.This is the most beautiful nine tails, bar none!

Just when the dragon and the girls were stunned at the fact that the beautiful nine-tailed eyes were completely attracted to them, no one noticed the shocked expression on the girl's face when she saw the dragon.The unusually beautiful Nine-Tails suddenly swayed its nine beautiful tails and walked towards the dragon. Nine-Tails rubbed its head against the dragon's body very affectionately and whimpered. Wind Speed ​​Dog often makes this kind of kiss. action.

"Huh? This Nine-Tails seems to like dragons very much?"

Xiaoxue said in amazement, squatting down to take a closer look at the unusually bright-colored Nine-Tails, she couldn't help admiring: "This Nine-Tails is really well taken care of, no matter what it is. It's impeccable."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Nine-Tails ignored Xiaoxue and just cuddled up to the dragon. This kind of situation rarely happens. This Nine-Tails is as close as if the dragon is his trainer, and the relationship is extremely close. of that kind.

"I'm very sorry, I'm a trainer traveling to Kaji Town, because the thick fog in this mountain makes it impossible for us to continue walking. We found this place by following a little light, I hope you can take us here for a night .”

Kazmire looked at the beautiful but strange girl in Jidai's costume before him and pleaded involuntarily.

"So this is ah."

The girl showed a clear look on her face and said: "The fog in this mountain often takes one night to dissipate. It is indeed dangerous to be in such a thick fog. If you don't mind, you can stay here at night."

337 Weird Maid, Weird Nine-Tails "Thank you so much, our luck is really good."

Touzi said happily, "It's great, I don't have to camp outside at last."

Not only the faces of Touzi and all the daughters showed joyful expressions, but only Kona still had a dignified expression on his face.The Ice Queen turned her head and looked at Kyuubi, who was prostrate on the ground and kept kissing the dragon, frowning deeply, as if she noticed Kona's gaze, Kyuubi turned her head to look at Kona, then stood up and walked back to the maid .

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