The dragon withdrew the violent newt and pointed at the Lord God of Space, trembling and jumping, and said: "Is it because I overreacted or you are too outrageous, even if I travel alone, you still let the whole world wear it together, do you know that this will cause a world war and It is more cruel than the sum of the previous two times. The world of the 21st century may be completely destroyed once, but the Pokemon world will certainly not be better off. The deterrence of nuclear weapons cannot be ignored even by the ultra-high-tech Pokemon world. Bar."

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Long continued to say excitedly: "The earth has a population of more than 60 billion, and the world of Pokemon has a population of about 21 million. Plus, how many creatures will be poisoned by the Pokemon. Do you think human greed and selfish desires can tolerate each other, even the same robes can't. Even the Pokemon world has evil organizations who want to unify the world, not to mention the more chaotic and turbulent [-]st century earth !"

The Lord God of Space waved his hand and sighed: "Of course I understand what you said, but there are still many things you don't know. You haven't formed an objective understanding of these two worlds, so you seem to say such things rashly. The worst possible scenario after the overlap is devastation."

"Although the technological level of the Pokemon world is many years ahead of the earth, don't think that nuclear weapons are very deterrent, it's just for you. If you want the human beings in the elf world to develop measures to deal with nuclear weapons within a day, or Directly control all the computers on the earth so that your nuclear weapons will not be used by yourself. It is impossible for human beings to detonate nuclear bombs by themselves without computers. Similarly, most of the missiles and advanced weapons on the earth are controlled by computers. war and all computers and satellites on Earth will be taken over."

Long looked at the Lord God of Space in shock, of course he would not think that this old man was threatening him, and there was no more authoritative cognition than him.Long is just an elf trainer, so he doesn't have much access to the real technology of the Pokemon world, but just from some things in daily life and a few battles against evil organizations, we can see how advanced the world's technology is. developed.

Pokemon ball, this is the most common thing in the Pokemon world, so common that it is the same as daily necessities such as combs and toothbrushes in the Pokemon world.But it is absolutely inconceivable that this invention was invented on the earth in the 21st century, how mysterious space technology is.Regardless of how amazing that cheap poke ball is to freely shrink and enlarge, there is nothing on earth that can put an elephant and almost any animal into a container that is smaller than its size.

As for space battleships and laser beams, these military weapons only exist in science fiction on earth, but in the Pokemon world, even the underworld is equipped with mass-produced weapons.As for the more advanced huge intelligent robots, and the laser light that turns people and creatures into stones, these are unimaginable with the current technology on the earth.

Think about it, even the three members of Team Rocket can develop robots with great offensive and defensive capabilities. Could it be that the scientists in the Pokemon world are all dry.To paraphrase the words of the Lord of Space, once it is needed, then the Pokemon world will create as many as dozens of different types of super robots in one day to choose from. When will it be needed?Time for total war, of course!

In the era of technology, most high-precision and high-power thermal weapons need to be controlled by computers. It is impossible for human beings to fly with missiles on their backs or pull nuclear bombs to explode by themselves.The supercomputers in the Pokemon world can take over all the computers and satellites on the earth in the 21st century.Evil organizations can develop mechanical devices to control Pokemon, and even the consciousness of creatures can be driven freely, not to mention computers without consciousness. Machines on the earth are not intelligent, so they will not recognize their masters.

At that time, the human beings on the earth can only degenerate. During World War I and World War II, they could only carry rifles and machine guns on their shoulders, fighting with flesh and blood against ultra-modern space battleships and laser beam cannons. Attack Droids can easily overwhelm these non-modern troops.

Long was silent. Unexpectedly, the premonitions and worries in his heart had come true again, but he was wrong in one point. The earth in the 21st century was no match for the super-high-tech human beings in the Pokemon world.These two are like the earth during the industrial revolution in the 21th century against the earth in the modern 21st century.The development of science and technology is changing with each passing day, the better it is, the later it will develop faster and faster, so the earth in the [-]st century and the world of Pokemon are not comparable to technology at all.

The Lord God of Space looked at the dragon and said, "Humans are not the masters of the Pokemon world. The truly powerful Pokemon are all over every corner of that world. They all have mysterious powers. You have also experienced the crisis of that world." Well, no matter how powerful technology is, no matter how many means humans have, they can’t withstand the anger of nature. An earthquake or a tsunami can overturn a city. The attack of nature is what makes people defenseless. Pokemon World The reason why it is called this name is because the ruler of this world is the Pokemon, and they are equal to nature."

Long looked up at the Lord God of Space and asked: "You don't mean that once the worlds overlap and there is a war, the Pokemon will destroy humans?"

The Lord God of Space shook his head and said with a sigh: "It's not about destroying human beings, but that everyone is destroyed along with this world. Every world is a balanced existence, so it will develop together in this way. Whether it is the earth or the world of Pokemon The same one."

"But once the worlds overlap, the human living space on the earth and the original living space of the elves in the Pokemon world will be squeezed. There are nearly 70 billion human beings and Pokemon that are dozens of times more than this number, and Conflicts between other species on the earth are inevitable. When Pokemon with mysterious powers all over the world riot together, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the world will inevitably perish."

The Lord God of Space looked at the dragon and asked, "You know Arceus, right?"


Long nodded, but he didn't know why the old man suddenly mentioned him.

The God of Space held his hands behind his back, squinted his eyes and said, "You should have seen his power, but do you have an intuitive understanding of his strength, and do you know where his limit is?"

Long was a little confused when he heard the words of the Lord God of Space. He searched the remaining memories in his head and said thoughtfully: "I only know that he blocked the meteorite attack and was seriously injured. His limit should be here. , and then I also saw him use the gravel of the ultimate mystery judgment. At that time, Diablo Rogia, who defeated the unstoppable Phoenix King, was instantly killed by one move. Others, I don’t know..." The Lord of Space squinted his eyes and said: "Arzeus is a pet The most powerful individual in the elf world, Kai in full form can completely destroy the world by himself."

Long's eyes widened in horror, "You're not joking, old man, can Pokemon really be so powerful that it can destroy the world? In the past, even Chaomeng could only yell slogans. Didn't they suffer a lot from the Rockets? Didn’t Arceus also fell at the hands of humans 1000 years ago?”

"You don't understand the real reason at all. Those little tricks of human beings can defeat Arceus? It's still 1000 years earlier!"

The Lord God of Space squinted at the dragon and said: "Before, the meteorites in the B~ll world were not meteorites, but real planets. Now you understand, the one that hit the world is tens of thousands of times larger than Arceus and can really The planet that will destroy the world!"


“在白垩纪末期有一颗直径约1 0公里的小行星撞击了地球,产生的尘埃遮天蔽日。其前端接触地面时尾端还在10000米的高空。它的威力比10000颗广岛原子弹的威力还要大得多。知道你们地球人类远古时期的霸主恐龙是怎么灭绝的吗?如果被一颗等于月球1/3大小的陨石撞上,那地球和那颗陨石将会同时被撞得粉碎。”

The Lord God of Space continued: "If you can block such an attack, how can you ignore the small attacks of humans? If it is not for resisting the attack of destroying the world, the vitality is severely injured and the body is in a period of extreme weakness. At that time, no matter how much human beings use Even the means can’t hurt him, Arceus fell into a deep sleep and regained his vitality not because he was injured by humans, but to recover the pain left by the world-destroying attack.”

Long was dumbfounded in astonishment. It turned out that the planet hit the earth so violently. According to the space lord, Arceus in full form could resist all the nuclear warhead attacks on the earth.You must know that there are less than [-] nuclear warheads in the world now, what kind of abnormality and cruelty is this!

"The source of life is the source of energy in the world, what do you think it is?"

The Lord God of Space looked at the dragon and said: "The power of the part of the jade of life that Arceus separated from his body can restore infinite vitality to the largest desert on earth. If any creature occupies this power, it can rise with the sun and the moon. Live as long as heaven and earth. Gather all the sources of life and create immortality beyond eternity.”

The dragon blinked and stared straight, and when he heard the words of the Lord God of Space, he even germinated and appeared, so he pulled off the 16-yuan right plate on Arceus' body, so that even if the world was destroyed, he could escape the catastrophe Yes, this thing is simply a super artifact.No wonder Arceus is an invincible existence, not only is he a super divine beast, but he also holds a super divine weapon...--Gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!

Long was just obsessed with it, trying to rob Arceus of the source of life, even when he was dozing off, it was more difficult than robbing a Swiss bank and swimming across the Pacific Ocean with 21 lives.The old man told him these things, and he finally figured out a comparison of strengths. Pokemon are the strongest, and humans on Earth in the [-]st century are the weakest. Humans in the world of Pokemon are in the middle.

"Old man, you are the master god of space in all universes, I don't think you will let the world overlap and cause the disaster of the two worlds to happen?"

Long looked at the old man in front of him with piercing eyes, "Countless creatures are in your hands. If you can't even do it, then humans, Pokemon, and the world can only be destroyed."

The Lord God of Space sighed and looked at the dragon and sighed helplessly: "Gods are not omnipotent, just like the gods in the Pokemon world, they master the laws of space but are also restricted by the laws of space. And I am the same, I can stop I will definitely stop it, and even if I can't stop it, I will try to avoid it and think about making up for it to minimize the damage."

"What do you mean?"

Long asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"The appearance of the fossil flying dragon on the earth in the 21st world this time is just a precursor, and the two parallel worlds have begun to intersect..."

The God of Space looked at the dragon with a sigh and said: "All this is due to your time travel, and the law of space has become disordered, which has led to such consequences. The reason why I was summoned back to the original world suddenly this time is because I want you prepare in advance."

Looking at the Lord God of Space silently, Long continued: "Even I can't change the operation of the law of space, but fortunately the two worlds didn't overlap immediately and I still have enough time to take remedial measures. Know why I want to Did I tell you this, I'm afraid you won't be able to relax in the future, and you have to shoulder the responsibility of maintaining peace in the two worlds!"


Long pointed at himself and said uncertainly: "There is no mistake, why is it me? I am not the savior, I am not Wukong, and I am not Team Rocket. I can't do the task of protecting the earth and maintaining world peace, old man. Just go around me."

"That's all there is to say, it's up to you if you don't want to."

The Lord God of Space snorted coldly and kicked the boy with his big feet, the dragon body quickly fell to the same place as before...--336 Mansion in the deep mountains, Nine Tails in the mist "Dragon, how about it, wake up!"

In a daze, Zhonglong felt that he was being shaken and swayed like he was sitting on a swing, and it seemed that someone was calling his name in the mist.

"I'm going to fall to my death, you damn old man..." Long suddenly turned over and got up from the ground and shouted loudly.Before opening his eyes in time, the dragon who stood up suddenly felt a sharp pain on his forehead as if he had bumped into something, and a girl's exclamation came from his ear.

Ryu opened his eyes while rubbing his forehead, and finally distinguished that the owner of the voice was Sakura, and not only her, but all the girls gathered in front of him showing caring expressions.Just now Xiao Nizi got too close and suffered a catastrophe. Long's thoughtless bump seemed to hurt her a lot.

"This...---Where is this place, what happened to me?"

Long looked at the surrounding environment in amazement, the surrounding confused scenery was blurred like a dream.The scene in front of him confused him all of a sudden. Could it be that he was dreaming, but where is the reality?

"What's wrong with the dragon, I checked, the green powder before is indeed hypnotic powder."

Xiaoxue looked at Long distressedly, then stretched out her hand and rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, he's very healthy and very energetic, besides sleeping for so long, he's still very energetic."

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