"Huh? Long, the jewelry on your neck still glows. Is it a gemstone?"

Kazmire suddenly pointed to the crystal-clear elf ball-shaped pendant on the dragon's neck and asked curiously. The girls turned their eyes and found that the blue elf ball necklace was shining with a faint crystal light. , flashing a very gentle light.

Long touched the necklace on his neck curiously. This is not an ordinary pendant, but the girl's wandering soul night. But it still didn't wait until the end of her life and turned into a rock.Since then, the girl's wandering soul has been lingering in the girl's gorge and still waiting for her lover.

Until Long and Sirona passed through the Girl Gorge when they participated in the Kanto Alliance Conference last year, the girl's wandering soul believed that he was exactly the same as the husband she had left, and that Long was the one she had been waiting for for thousands of years.Then, Ye transferred her sustenance for thousands of years to the body of the dragon, turning it into a pendant in the shape of a crystal blue elf ball around her neck.It is something that the dragon wears on his body all the time and never takes it off. Thanks to it, the dragon can carry six more Pokemon on his body.

There was a warm, soft and tingling feeling in his hand, and Long felt that his mind was in a trance, and the surrounding scene seemed to change suddenly.The disastrous walls and old wooden doors, the roof even exposed a few big holes, the surroundings were pitch black, and there was no thick fog or bright lanterns, and the beautiful maid in ancient costume beside Kyuubi disappeared... --Just when the dragon was astonished, the scenery in his eyes changed again. Everything was restored to its original state. The luxurious old house and the young and beautiful maid were still surrounded by a dense fog that made people blind in the dark night.What's going on, Long shook his head in surprise and rubbed his eyes, could it be that he was dazzled just now, and what was the scene he saw before.

"Why doesn't it light up again? Could it be that the battery is used up?"

Kazmire seemed very interested in the pendant on the dragon's neck and couldn't help asking curiously.Long hurriedly slapped away the palm that the young lady stretched out to touch, "I am not the headset you wear on your head, and this is not an electrical appliance without a battery at all, okay? Your thinking is really four-dimensional of."

Kazmire interrupted the dragon to let go of the previous chaotic thoughts in his head. Recently, he was thrown around by the old man in the two worlds, and now he is a little nervous. Even dreams and reality have become unclear and hallucinations have appeared. Really, it was all the fault of that nasty old man.

"Then, everyone, please come and rest inside."

The maid bowed to everyone and led the group inside, with Kyuubi following behind her.The dragon and the girls no longer hesitated to follow into this luxurious mansion. Everyone did not step forward. The gate behind them creaked and then closed with a bang. The sound was so abrupt and so ear-piercing in the silent night.

The girls were taken aback, Xiaoxue asked curiously: "Are the girls here automatic?"

Kazmire patted his chest and said in shock: "It turned out to be an automatic door, so that's fine. Unexpectedly, this mansion not only pays attention to tradition but also adopts modern technology. Well, this Japanese-style building is really unique. The taste is very elegant, and I seem to want a house like this."

Kona has been silent since just now. She looked around and asked suddenly: "I haven't seen anyone here since just now. May I ask if you are the only one in this big house in the mountains?" Do people live here?"

After hearing what Kona said, everyone finally knew what they had been wondering about before.It's really strange, this mansion is comparable to the largest mansion in Wuyue's family in Yuanzhu City.In May, there are only servants and the housekeeper, Katu, and their five sisters. There are dozens of people in total, but this big mansion is unusually deserted. Seeing other living creatures, even cats and dogs didn't see them.

Sakura couldn't help feeling cold all over her body, it was just a feeling for no reason.Xiao Nizi smiled embarrassingly and said: "Really, isn't it scary to live alone in such a big mansion in the deep mountains? I feel that even if I stay in such a house alone during the day, I will feel panicked... "The Nine-Tails walking behind the maid suddenly turned back and gave Kona a farewell look.Kyuubi kept looking at her secretly, as if observing her, what was going on, the performance of this Kyuubi was really strange.

The maid next to Kyuubi who was leading the way with a lantern said, "It's normal for you to find it strange to ask such a question. My name is Luo Ke, a child abandoned in the mountains, and the master will still be in his infancy. I hugged the one back. Because the master went on a long trip and did not come back for a long time. Because it was really too long, the servants quit their jobs and left. Only I, who was in charge of taking care of Kyuubi, stayed here and waited for the master. return."

"Is that how it happened?"

Lan looked relieved and said apologetically: "I'm really sorry for asking about your sadness. But Miss Luo Ke is really kind. You should have been waiting here alone for a long time, but what do you want? When will we wait?"

Hearing what Lan said, Luo Ke and Nine Tails suddenly stopped at the same time, "I don't know, although I thought about leaving, but I still couldn't do it in the end, maybe this is my fate. I will wait forever. , There is no end..." Sakura suddenly tilted her head and thought: "This experience seems very familiar, as if I have heard it somewhere...-Oh, right! Isn't this the legend of Maiden Rock in Maiden Gorge? "

Xiao Nizi suddenly thought of something and then covered her mouth, she almost blurted out but quickly stopped in the middle of speaking, "Could it be that the person Miss Luo Ke is waiting for..." Luo Ke remained silent and didn't say much , just holding the lantern and leading the crowd to continue walking.The atmosphere suddenly became stagnant, and Kona's brows were furrowed even more deeply.Sundae, who had been silent all this time, suddenly walked up to the dragon and whispered: "I think this Luoke is weird here, if it is true that the servants are caused by waiting for too long for the master who did not come back as she said, If people keep leaving then things will be normal here."

Sundae continued: "This mansion is so new that it hasn't been around for a long time, as if it was newly built, and don't you think it's too clean. There are a lot of trees planted in the courtyard, but there is not a single leaf on the ground, The fence and the walls of the house are spotless. Even though Luo Ke is a girl who loves cleanliness, such a big mansion can't be cleaned even if she wants to clean it. And the ancient costume on her is really strange, except for acting I have never seen someone wearing such an ancient style of clothes in real life..." I have to say that Sundae's observation skills are really keen, and even Kona, who kept a vague distance from her, walked over He said in a condensed voice: "This is also where I am puzzled. Everything in this mansion is weird. There is no trace of life, not just humans. If such a big mansion is unoccupied for a long time, there should be many wild elves. I didn't see even a single other elf besides the nine-tailed one..." The dragon stopped and suddenly remembered the other scene that appeared in front of him just now, the ruined house, the dilapidated wall and the lonely as death, listening to the sundae Speaking with Kona, it seems that this should be in line with the scene here, but the atmosphere is really depressing.Long thought suddenly, could it be that the scene he saw before was not a hallucination, but what appeared in front of him now?

"Impossible, impossible, how could it be, I don't have yin and yang eyes, how can I see something messy. And my brother is a typical atheist..." Long thought in his heart, but suddenly felt that he didn't believe what he just said , "If there are really no ghosts in this world, what's going on with the girl's wandering soul..." Long felt cold all over his body, and his spine was tinged with chills. Could it be that there is really something dirty hiding here? Something...--"Everyone, everyone, take a break in the reception room first, and I'll see if there is any food to serve."

Just when Long was thinking wildly, Luo Ke ushered everyone into a large and magnificent reception room, where Long and the girls knelt and sat beside a long table.

"Well, I think we should not bother others here."

Long looked at the girls and said in a low voice: "We'd better camp outside, I'm afraid of the cold..." Touzi looked at Long suspiciously and said, "It's really strange that you speak strangely, uncle, it's still so thick outside. If you go camping outside, aren’t you afraid of getting arthritis and rheumatoid due to humidity? You can’t beg to live in this kind of mountain with such a big and grand house, please don’t be picky, okay, I won’t Thinking about pitching a tent outside."

The veins on Long's forehead were throbbing. This girl really has no taboos. It is precisely because of the large mansion here in the deep mountains that he is at a loss.This world is filled with all sorts of strange spirits. Long felt that he really should instill some horror elements in Hong Kong movies into this girl, such as the old corpse in the mountain village, the haunted house and Yin Yang Road, etc. Let's see if they can do it one by one. Can't get up easily.

"What, are you leaving?"

Luo Ke suddenly floated over like a ghost, holding a plate of fruits and vegetables in Yu Zhong, then looked at everyone apologetically and said, "There are only these things in the mountains, I'm really sorry, please forgive me if I have not treated well!"

Long looked at the smiling and courteous beautiful woman in front of him, and suddenly remembered that he didn't see her figure when his eyes changed the scene before.The eyes turned unconsciously and suddenly saw a large mirror standing in a living room, and the figure of Nine Tails was clearly reflected through the reflection of the mirror.


Long screamed in shock and then stood up abruptly, his eyes switched back and forth between the mirror and Luo Ke, his mouth trembling constantly as if frightened, "Mirror...---Mirror... [-]" "Long, what's wrong with you, what mirror?" ?”

Lan looked at the pale dragon curiously, and all the girls looked at the direction he was pointing curiously.With a creak, Longyan watched helplessly as the lid on the opened mirror closed by itself, just like the front door.

Luo Ke said apologetically: "Ah, it seems that there is a wind blowing in. Occasionally, there will be strong winds blowing in in the deep mountains at night. Sorry, that mirror is very old, and there is a thick fog in the deep mountains at night. At that time, the mirror often couldn't see things clearly. Ladies and gentlemen, it is rare for guests to come here, so please rest here tonight, and I will prepare beds for you."

After Luo Ke finished speaking, he bowed to everyone, then left with Nine Tails and pushed them out.

"What happened to the uncle, I was taken aback just now."

Touzi looked at the dragon and muttered dissatisfiedly that she reached out to grab an apple and put it in her mouth, but was snatched by the dragon.

Long looked at the girls and shouted: "All of you, don't just eat the food here!"

Lan, Xiaoxue, and Kazmire looked at Long in surprise, not knowing why he had such a sudden reaction, and his face was obviously pale, as if he had encountered something terrible.

Lan looked at the dragon in surprise, and then looked at Kona and Sundae who also had the same dignified face, and asked in surprise: "What's the matter, why is it so sudden..." "I only saw nine in that mirror just now." I didn't see Luo Ke's figure at the end..." Long shook his head and said in a calm voice: "It's too weird, this woman and everything here, I feel that the atmosphere and breath here are too abnormal. Even that Only the most normal-looking Nine-Tails seems to be spooky, I think we have come to the wrong place, here..." Long said that there was already a vibrato here, he already had the aura of being in a horror movie.Everything here suddenly made him feel gloomy and terrifying, the hallucination that suddenly appeared in front of him, and the scene he saw in the mirror just now, all of these have a gloomy atmosphere, making people feel chills all over ...--338 Old House Haunted House, Portrait of the Dead "Hey, Uncle...--You mustn't be dazzled, it's normal for the mirror to be unclear due to fog in the mountains..." Although Touzi refuted Long's words in this way, his tone But she was not sure, and her heart was also beating drums. Just now, Kona and Sundae had analyzed the problem, and she believed more than half of it in her heart, and she was just trying to calm down at the moment.

Kazmire was afraid and couldn't help shrinking his body to Kona's side and tremblingly said: "I always thought it was strange for a woman to wear clothes that were more than 1000 years ago. Is this Miss Luo Ke really a ghost? Well, if she is so beautiful, she shouldn't harm innocent people, and we have no enmity with her at all..." Long was overwhelmed by this novel theory of this eldest lady, the more beautiful a female ghost is, the more she will seduce people, Long I moved out all the horror elements about Hong Kong movies I watched in the 21st century, and finally came to the conclusion that ghosts and ghosts have different ways and most of them are irreconcilable.When this kid was an otaku in his previous life, he liked watching horror movies the most, but he was so scared to death in his heart.

Long hurriedly urged the girls to say: "Forget it, good men don't fight ghosts, and it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's pack up and leave quickly. Don't touch the fruits and things here. It may be some kind of blindfold. What disgusting things have become uncertain, everyone should eat dry food."

Just kidding, although I like beautiful women, if it is a female ghost, then any passion will cool down into a dangerous relationship.After Lin Zhengying's death, there are no Taoists in this world anymore, so it's better to stay away from these things.This has nothing to do with strength, it's just psychological fear that makes Long want to avoid it. It's one thing to like watching horror movies, but it's not good if you replace the protagonist of horror movies with yourself.

Long's proposal obviously got the response of most of the girls. After knowing the weirdness here, Sakura, Lan, Xiaoxue, Touko, and Kazmire all thought of quitting, even Sundae felt strong. Just to calm down.Girls' tolerance in this area is far lower than that of men, and of course very few strong ones can be ruled out.As for other alternatives like Brother Chun, Brother Bi, and Brother Zeng, they can basically be classified into the men's camp.

"Wait a moment!"

Kona stopped the group and said cowardly, "Everything is based on speculation now. It is very irresponsible for us to retreat arbitrarily now. We must find out the reasons for this and find out the other party." Whether it is malicious or not, if necessary, we must properly handle this matter, this is my responsibility as the four kings of the alliance."

"My dear, good wife..." Long almost fell to the ground, although it's really cool for you to say this, but the other party is not a Pokemon of the ghost system, but a real ghost. He won't sell the face of the Four Heavenly Kings, and it's a question mark whether the frozen bird can deal with it.

Chinese people have always been in awe of ghosts and gods since ancient times, especially the seeds of curiosity and fear of ghosts and gods planted by children who grew up in rural areas under the indoctrination of their elders when they were young.This can't be solved by relying on Pokemon. Long would rather fight against the Four Heavenly Kings of the Champions League or the Rockets than to face such things as Lao Shizi may be an old corpse in a mountain village.

Kona seems to be determined, no matter how much the dragon and the girls try to persuade him, it will be useless. It seems that he will never give up if he does not make things here ugly.Long was afraid that Luo Ke and Nine Tails would never have a chance to run away after they came back, so he thought for a while that he might as well just pick her up and run away.You are just the Four Heavenly Kings of the Fairy Alliance, and you don't have peach wood swords, gossip mirrors, etc., and you can't get black dog blood around, so you shouldn't use the Poké Ball to catch ghosts, can that thing work?

"Everyone's rooms and beds have been arranged, you..." At this moment, Luo Ke and Nine Tails came back again, and the dragon and the girls were so frightened that they hugged into a ball and squeezed to Kona's side. , The faces of these people were ashamed, and the smiling expressions were indescribably stiff.

Lan said with a smile, "I don't think there is any need to separate rooms. We are used to sleeping together. Everyone is like this during the trip, so you don't need to arrange more rooms."

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