Na Zi said coldly, Long Xiaoji nodded repeatedly like pecking at rice.

The first time I fought hand in hand with Naz was in Dark Town, when Long resolved the battle between the two gyms there and became the nominal gym trainer of Dark Town.As a result, before the gymnasium opened, it encountered a strong enemy. When the giant pincer mantis was defeated by Shawaran, Nazi took the lead alone, and even Keshiba and Lilin with her own strength.This is also the first time that Long has fought against the Four Heavenly Kings. It can be said that Nazi has definitely contributed a lot to the Dark Gym being officially recognized by the alliance.

The "Mime" sun elf was hit by continuous sound waves mixed with dark energy, and his body fell to the side of Shawaran. "Good chance, Chavalan, give it a one-hit kill."

Shiba roared, "Close-to-hand combat!"

If everyone simply thinks that Chavalon, who has the title of "Kicking Ghost", can't use two-handed attacks, it would be a big mistake.Although Chawaran has short hands, he can still swing a powerful fist. Once Chawaran's iconic long legs do not block the opponent and is close to him, Chawaran, who has learned close combat, will use this to kill The move inflicts severe damage on the opponent.

"Dream eating."

Nazi gave an order for the first time after telepathic contact with the sun elves, which meant that the attack was sure to hit. "Sha...--Warang" Shawaran's fist was still a little away from the sun elf and was about to touch the sun elf, but this "kicking ghost" suddenly rolled his eyes and closed his eyes and fell down in a somersault. "Mime" the sun elf rushed over and intersected with Shawaran, and with a "boom", Shawaran fell to the ground hard, and now he couldn't stand up again, and Shiba was out.

"Mime" the sun elf's super power covered the dozens of moon elves, "唰", "唰", "唰"... The shadow clones created by the moon elves disappeared one by one.

"Black" Nazi, the moment the moon elf itself rushed over, she pointed to the void, and the sun elf disappeared instantly with a "swoosh", and the moon elf jumped into the air.

Under the astonished eyes of the two unsuspecting heavenly kings, the sun elf teleported behind the moon elf again, letting it go in the air. Almost at the same time, the green corrugated signal light successfully attacked from behind, and the moon elf, who had exhausted too much energy, wailed loudly. Falling to the ground and losing the ability to fight, the audience was shocked. Long and Na Zi were already sitting on the sofa cuddling each other. The old photo albums of the past were slowly turned out one by one along with the memories, sweet and warm.Na Zi suddenly murmured in Long's embrace: "Do you know when I was first touched, I have been living alone since I was a child, indulging in the world of superpowers without even a trace of emotion. You walked into my heart, little by little gathered into a clear spring to melt my indifferent heart."

Nazi stretched out her white palm and gently stroked the dragon's cheek, raising her head and said softly: "Do you still remember Niijima, no one has ever been willing to disregard their own life for me, everyone is afraid of me. Because I'm Nazi, the indifferent super queen... I've been alone all this time."

"Hmph, the game is over."

Looking at Chaomeng's expression, Long immediately knew it was not good, and hurriedly ran towards Nazi.Sure enough, Nazi seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer suddenly, her body bowed slightly, and her floating body fell to the ground, and she was about to collapse if she couldn't stand still. Fortunately, Long caught up with her in time. Hold on.

"Long, be careful behind you."

The girls shouted in horror, Long looked back and saw that stone pillar was flying towards him and Na Zi, Long subconsciously hugged Na Zi tightly in his arms.With a muffled groan, the stone pillar knocked down the back of the dragon, and the dragon suddenly felt as if his internal organs were about to be displaced.Immediately, a fishy-sweet thing gushed out of the throat, and the mouth couldn't hold back, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.He fell to the ground on his back, and his hands loosened weakly.

0 Since then, your shadow will haunt my heart, and the indifference I have been accustomed to has been broken, which makes me really distressed. "

Nazi smiled and said to Long: "I used to be able to maintain a high level of concentration for several days in a row so as to exercise my super power, but since then, since your shadow appeared, once it started to appear on me again Jumping out of my head and I had a hard time concentrating on myself."

"It's really my fault for making the Super Queen so distressed, but..." Long sighed before, but immediately changed into a look of joy and excitement and said: "It can make Her Majesty the indifferent queen return to normal people Feelings, even capturing her heart is what I am most proud of, even if I am the champion of the Quartz Conference.”

Feeling the dragon's arm getting stronger and stronger, and hearing him say this, his face couldn't help but blushed.He leaned his body closer to the dragon's arms, pressed his small face against his chest, and listened to the powerful heartbeat.I really want time to stop at this moment forever, as if I have been relying on it like this.

Nazi softly said to herself in a voice that can be heard by two people, I am willing to be the queen, and I want to be your woman, "I will prove it in the Champions League,

Long never thought that Nazi, who was always indifferent, would be able to say such affectionate words, and his heart was so touched that his chest was filled with tenderness, as if it was about to burst.

"Although I am very reluctant for you to leave, since I promised you to let you go and chase your dreams, I will support you."

The dragon hugged Nazi vigorously and let her sit on his lap, with a lock of Nazi's smooth long black hair wrapped around his hands, he said: "No one is like you, we both have the same color. What about the hair?"

Nazi smiled softly, twisted her hair and teased the dragon's face and said, "So I don't allow you to dye your hair into other colors, and it will belong to me from now on."

299 initiative, apprehension and anticipation "Long, I don't want to leave any regrets for myself before I leave, I want to give myself all to you."

Nazi raised her head and raised her small face and said seriously but shyly: "Just like you treated Sirona, Kona and Sakura, let me have you completely, and then leave without any regrets. okay?"

Long looked at the tender girl in his arms in amazement. She knew it was normal about Sirona and Kona, but why would Sakura know about it?Long was a little self-deceiving, he always thought that his relationship with Xiao Nizi was very secret, but in the end he didn't want to be exposed long ago, but this person is still Na Zi who doesn't know much about love & love.

Nazi slowly got up from Long's body and looked at him shyly and said, " put on your body first and then close your eyes, okay, I...-I'm a little scared...--" Long Ailian Scratching Nazi's nose gently, she said, "Silly girl, you don't need to do this. As I said, letting go doesn't mean letting go. Chase your dreams as much as you want, and I will support you silently behind you." You, we are already connected in this life, and we will never be separated."

Nazi bit her lips and shook her head lightly, still looking at the dragon with a firm face, her hands brushing on her chest seemed to calm down her uneasy mood, Nazi's character is destined that once she decides something Then things will stick to the end, and it will be difficult for others to change her mind easily.

The girl in front of her was like a budding flower pistil, her shy expression and blushing face all provoked one's instincts.Is the dragon a restless person?The answer is of course no!Just staring at Nazi silently for less than a minute, he was completely defeated, and his body began to uncontrollably accept Nazi's arrangement and slowly pretend to pass.

He knew that young girls were very shy, and Nazi was not the super queen who didn't understand anything and was almost a blank sheet of paper a year ago, that's why she asked the dragon to turn around.Although I would like to see the beauty lightly untie Luo Yi, but it seems that I can't do it now.

If you don't look back, don't look back, Long murmured reluctantly in his heart, it would be nice to be able to turn his back on her at a close distance, and it would be nice to have a moment of masturbation, if he really made himself abrupt to her, he probably still wouldn't dare.It's just that Long can be regarded as a veteran of Huacong now, but his curiosity and self-control for beautiful women's bodies is still ridiculously weak, and he is not as kind and superficial as when he was a virgin before. It must be inevitable, even he himself is not fully sure. Can hold back and not look back...--300 My queen and my girl hug Nazi and lie face to face on the bed and look at each other. At this time, the dragon can't rush back to his room, and the woman will be very upset after the first time. Min & Sen had to be by her side carefully and tenderly, if she left Na Zi now, it would be a very big harm to her.If everyone finds out, I will find out. Anyway, Long is not afraid of ticklish now that there are too many lice, and Kona and Sakura should not say anything. It's just a matter of time.

After being tired, the super queen curled up like a kitten and nestled in the dragon's arms, gently stroked Nazi's smooth long black hair, pecked lightly on her lips, and said softly : "Sleep peacefully, I will always be by your side."

A happy smile appeared on Nazi's face, she gave a light hum through her nose, and then wrapped her arms around the dragon's neck, and fell asleep quietly in that broad chest.This was the most peaceful night in Nazi's history, she didn't have to think about anything, because she had this embrace that could cover all her troubles.

Long just hugged Nazi so quietly and felt her even breathing. The super queen gradually turned into an ordinary girl in a year, and this girl has now become a real woman...--301 Okishima, super power The breath of the elf "According to the story handed down from Silver Rock Island, the god of the sea once rescued the ship and sailors who were wrecked at sea here and left silver feathers. Because of this, silver feather ornaments made of silver rocks are in the It's very popular on this Silver Rock Island."

Kazuki paused and said: "Although this legend has been accepted by the people of Silver Rock Island, the piece of silver feather dropped by the God of the Sea has never been found. That is an important piece of evidence."

"Silver Feather?"

Sakura pushed the dragon and said, "Could the silver feather Master Kazuki mentioned be the one we helped Miss Lu Jia salvage from the Radsberry last time?"

Hearing what Sakura said, Kazuki and Lilin all turned their eyes to her, and Kazuki asked eagerly: "Have you ever seen the silver feather? Did it drop from the sea god of the Whirlpool Islands?"

"This should be correct. I haven't heard that Diablo Rogia has visited the Whirlpool Islands before. It has always stayed on Asia Island."

Long habitually touched his chin and said, "Even if we find Lujia and Silver Feather now, it's useless. The sea is so big, my wind speed dog is useless even if it has a sharp nose but can't dive."

Kona pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at Lilin and Kazuki and asked: "You just got the information that the Rockets will make a big move in the Whirlpool Islands, but what is their purpose and what is the Rockets' current plan?" You don’t know the trace at all, do you?”

It seems that Li Lin had a very pleasant exchange with Kona last night. Today is finally not as cold as last night. After hearing Kona's question, she shook her head seriously and said: "Although we received news that the Rockets have It is a big move, but the specific situation is unknown, the league is just guessing that the Rockets are very likely to come here for Rogia."

Priest Maya said worriedly: "Then what should we do now? We don't know the traces of the evil organization or the God of the Sea, and we don't even know where to start. Are we going to sit and wait like this?"

"For now, we can only find Rogia one step ahead of the Rockets."

Speaking of this, Li Lin glanced at Long and said, "Of course, we can't do it, it depends on the ability of someone here."

Looking at the eyes of everyone turning around, Long was stunned for a moment, Li Lin still didn't have a good impression of him, and even had someone replace him, if it wasn't for Kona, he might just ignore his existence.Long was depressed. When he met Li Lin for the first time, he was on good terms with him, and the Four Heavenly Kings, known as the Goddess of Sex & Sensuality, seemed to admire him quite a bit. Later, when they met again at Qingcheya, the two of them were also regarded as Relatively harmonious.

Later, when they met in Guono Village, there was a drastic change. Long's biggest guess was that she realized that she had an unusual relationship with Sakura and the others. Kona must have never told Li Lin about his situation, and what Li Lin hated most was Hua... An amorous man can even be said to be disgusting.At that time, Lilin just thought that the news about Sirona and Long was just a scandal, so she jokingly encouraged Kona to "grab" Long over if she couldn't lose to the Sinnoh champion.

In fact, there is another thing that Kona has not told Long. When the news of Sirona's pregnancy spread to the world, Li Lin called her that day. The two talked for several hours. The content of the call is of course conceivable. Know.However, at that time, Kona was already in deep trouble, and she was very stubborn about her feelings, and she would not take the initiative to give in just because of a Sirona.It is because of this that Li Lin knew that the matter was irreversible. Although she could not change Kona, she did not have the initial appreciation for Long. Even after the deep exchange with Kona last night, she still has a grudge.

"A little thing happened before Dark Rogia..." Long paused and took out the master ball in his arms and said, "But there seems to be no better way at the moment. The safety of Rogia is more important now. If The Whirlpool Islands have been harmed by humans again, I am really afraid that the Dark Rogia will break out again, and things will be irreparable!"

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