The master ball bounced off with a bang, and the dark Rogia folded its wings and dived into the sea with a plop. It was more familiar with the ocean than anyone else.Long turned around and said to everyone: "We can't just rely on Diablo Rogia, we have to act as soon as possible. We must attack from multiple sides and find the trace of the God of the Sea before the Rockets."

Kona pushed his glasses and said thoughtfully: "According to the legendary Pokemon's hidden character, the four main islands of the Whirlpool Islands are densely populated, so it is unlikely that the God of the Sea will be cruising in the nearby waters, and the Rockets are also Operations should not be conducted in places with large populations."

All the girls, Ryu and Kazuki nodded in agreement when they heard what Kona said, and the Maya priest said: "There is an Oki Island near Silver Rock Island, with a relatively dense population. The figure of the Pokemon, because there is no evidence, so we don't pay too much attention to it, if we want to find the trace of the sea god, we can go there to find clues first."

Li Lin nodded and said to Priest Maya: "It's not too late. Let's go to Chong Island immediately. The fleet will berth at the port of Silver Rock Island for the time being. With our strength, even if we really encounter the Rockets, we will have enough time to fight with them." deal with."

Priest Maya nodded. Everyone had no objection to the news and went directly to Chong Island without stopping. There is an undersea tunnel from Yinyan Island to Chong Island, so it is not necessary to go through the sea.Long looked at Na Zi worriedly and asked with concern: "Are you...does it matter?"

Nazi pursed her lips, bit her teeth and her lips and face were blushing. Girls tend to be thin-skinned when discussing this incident.Facing Long's concerned gaze, Nazi shook her head gently and said softly, "You can't walk too fast, it's just that you don't feel comfortable for a while."

He didn't want Nazi to follow behind and get tired, so Long suggested, "Why don't you just rest in the hotel, this mission has three heavenly kings in charge and the fleet of the Whirlpool Islands is also waiting seriously nearby, so there won't be any big troubles." questionable."

"It's too obvious, it's not good for everyone to see."

Nazi said in a low voice, the Super Queen turned into a shy girl at this moment.In fact, this morning, Nazi's anomaly and guilty expression could not be hidden from the eyes of all the girls, especially Kona, with his meticulous mind and experience of such things, he could see through it at a glance What happened to Nazi.

Just like now, seeing Nazi and Long walking at the back with their ears puffed together, Kona pretended not to see it, but the Ice Queen slowly and slowly slowed down her pace to take care of Nazi secretly.Thinking of it, Kona was still angry. She just relaxed for one night, but the dragon would go down again. Although she would have expected this sooner or later, she still felt a little snacky in her heart.

"What's the matter, Kona?"

Li Lin was keenly aware of the abnormal laziness of his friend, so he couldn't help asking, and then looked at the two people who were whispering behind him, with a look of displeasure in their eyes.Fortunately, she didn't see Na Zi's abnormality, and Kona knew that her best friend didn't like her lover very much. It would be terrible if she got a glimpse of something, Kona quickly dragged Li Lin to talk about it The next task deliberately changed the subject.

In addition, the thoughts of Sakura and Kona are the same, although every woman hopes that her lover can treat herself wholeheartedly, but... no, but, if the dragon is really the seed of infatuation, then maybe there will be no her place of intervention.Neither Master nor Sirona is comparable to her. She felt a little sour and a little unwilling, but Xiao Nizi had to admit that this was the truth. At this moment, she suddenly wanted to become outstanding and it was never before. desire.

As for Lan and Xiaoxue's thoughts, it was much more complicated, and their expressions were indescribably sad.Especially Lan, obviously she was the first to follow Long and give her heart to him, especially when she saw Long's concern for Na Zi overflowing with words, the pain on Lan's face became more and more painful.

Kazmire, Maya and Priest Maya are the most indifferent to the matter of Long and Nazi. First of all, Priest Maya is not familiar with Long at all. The priest decided to dedicate his life to the God of the Sea and to his faith, so Xiaobai, who was just like Nazi in terms of love & love, didn't see the abnormality of the Super Queen at all.

Miss Kazmire went with Long and the others because she was looking for a companion to travel with. The eldest lady has no feelings for the dragon now, so Kazmire doesn't have any opinion on the matter between the dragon and Naz. But I feel a little uncomfortable.Of course it wasn't because of jealousy, as Long himself said, he didn't have the aura of domineering, and he didn't look as handsome as Gong Jin and Zhilong.Kazmire doesn't like the behavior of dragons stepping on multiple boats.

May has labeled the dragon as a satyr & wolf from the very beginning, and I am afraid that the shelf life of this label will not be weathered in ten or twenty years.Now the behavior of the dragon is a testament to her thoughts in her heart, and she can't help but despise this lustful man even more. Although the sea gods are the highest belief in the sea god, this does not prevent her from arguing about the dragon's character in her heart. .In the eyes of Miss Wuyue, any apprentices are misbehaving and just beat Xiaogang to death with a stick.

Long didn't know the different thoughts that emerged in the hearts of the girls, but he still carefully took care of Nazi at the end and supported and cared for her from time to time. In fact, Long decided to let go of his heart and accept the love of the girl he loved When you are ready, you are ready for the day.What do other people's accusations and opinions have to do with me? If there are flowers, they can be broken straight, but if there are no flowers, the branches will be broken.

After going through the long and dark undersea tunnel, the Yan people finally came to Chong Island. This small island and its area are not particularly large, and there are no prosperous towns here, and it does not act as a large warehouse for the Whirlpool Islands like Huangyan Island, so the residents It is relatively sparse, but correspondingly the trees and herbs here are very lush.

"Although we have come to Oki Island, the sea area around here is still very large. Where should we find the trace of the sound of the sea?"

Looking at the situation around Oki Island, Sakura couldn't help but said: "Since the Maya priest said that someone has seen mysterious Pokemon from here, why don't we ask the people nearby."

"Wait a minute, look... [-]" Priest Maya took out a mirror box from his pocket, and it suddenly contained the sea soul orb. It turned out that the lady priest always carried such a valuable thing with her.The sea soul orb shone with blue light, although it wasn't as strong as when the dark Rogia appeared last time, but this flickering light was like a sensor.

Kona frowned and said: "The sea soul was conceived from the depths of the sea together with the sea god, and there is a famous connection between the two, and the appearance of Dark Rogia last time also confirmed this. Now that the name of the sea soul is flickering, maybe it senses something, is it true that the god of the sea is really near Chong Island?"

Nazi closed her eyes tightly with a solemn look on her face, everyone stopped and looked at her intently, no one disturbed her.They know the ability of the super queen, and they can freely establish spiritual communication with the super elves. If it is her, they may be able to find Rogia's trace.

After a while, Nazi opened her eyes and pointed to a small island in front of Oki Island, frowning, and said, "It's very strange, I can feel the spirit of a super-powered elf on that small island. But..." Nazi paused and shook her head Said: "This breath is very weak, but it is not as good as the general super power elf, as if the other party is a newborn child. Lugia is the supreme spiritual power of the super power elf, so this is absolutely It shouldn't be the breath of the God of the Sea."

"So, what you sensed was just an ordinary elf with super powers?"

Xiaoxue continued to ask: "Is there any other super-powered elves around here?"

Nazi shook her head and said: "Although I can use superpowers to sense mental fluctuations, the range is limited, and this method is not as convenient as the waveguide power of Mengmeng and Mewtwo. What kind of elf is that kind of spiritual breath. It is also possible that the god of the sea deliberately restrains the breath. The spiritual breath only fluctuates in a wide range when using powerful superpowers. It should be relatively easy for Rogia to control his own mental fluctuations of."

"In any case, let's go to that small island to have a look. Now Sea Soul has noticed that the God of the Sea is very likely to be nearby, so let's go check it out."

As the dragon spoke, he took out the Poké Ball of the stinging jellyfish.

302 The first encounter, when the little Lugia giant stinging jellyfish swam to the uninhabited island, a group of people saw an eight or nine-year-old boy and a lamp monster playing in the waters near the island, the giant stinging jellyfish The appearance of the boy obviously frightened the little boy and the lamp monster.

Standing on top of the stinging jellyfish, Long looked down at the little boy curiously and asked, "Are you a child from a nearby family? What's your name? Are you the only one on this island?"

"Well, my name is Shuichi, and my family lives on Oki Island, but I often come here to swim and play with the lamp monster."

The little boy looked at the huge stinging jellyfish in front of him and the people on it obviously a little nervous, but he still answered the dragon's question honestly, "There are few people living on our Chong Island, but this small island is in Chong Island. When the sea water near the island is high tide, most of the small island will be submerged, so people cannot live here.”

Sakura couldn't wait to ask the little boy: "We are here to find clues about the mysterious Pokemon. Since you live in Oki Island, you should know about the mysterious Pokemon. We heard that someone here discovered the mysterious Pokemon." I came here on purpose because of the Pokemon thing."

"Mysterious... Pokemon?"

The little boy's eyes flickered, and he took a peek at the stinging jellyfish whose eyes were bigger than a lantern, and then said vaguely: "There is no such thing around here. I have never heard of any mysterious Pokemon."

Kona frowned, not only her, but Lilin, Kazuki, Ryu and Nazi all saw that the kid called Xiu~ was lying, but what was his purpose?Even if this child sees the real God of the Sea, there is no need to hide it. Doesn't he know that Rogia has reservations because of other things?

"Then, have you ever seen a very peculiar Pokemon or heard similar rumors?"

Lan decided to change the way of questioning and continued: "Or have you seen any strange strangers coming to this place and Chong Island?"

"Not at all, and if there was such a Pokemon, it would have caused a commotion by now."

Xiu Yi rubbed his head and eyeballs rolled around and said, "As for strange strangers, I haven't seen them. We have always had very few people here on Chongdao."

"The lamp monster is not an elf of the superpower department."

Xiaoxue tentatively asked: "Besides the lamp monster, there should be other pokemon here, such as super powers?"

", it's just me and the lamp monster. There are no other pokemon."

The boy named Xiuyi was even more nervous this time. Even Sakura, who was slow to respond, and Maya, the kind-hearted priest who didn't want to believe people's lies, could see his expression now.

The kid named Xiuyi seemed to be afraid of dragons and they didn't believe it, so he said with an intention to cover it up: "I advise you not to believe the silly rumors, there are no super-powered elves around here, let alone the mysterious Pokemon you think. I I'm going to swim somewhere else, bye bye!"

After Xiuyi finished speaking, he hurriedly swam away with the lamp monster.

Long, Kona and Kazuki looked at each other and ordered the giant sting jellyfish to swim away, but the little boy named Shuichi and the lamp monster didn't swim far away at all, he saw the stinger jellyfish leaving Finally let out a long breath.

Suddenly, the little boy's body suddenly sank into the water, and after a while, a silver-white elf surfaced with him.Xiu Yi looked at the culprit who pulled him into the water and said reproachfully: "Little Yin, you must not come out, it will be terrible if someone finds out."

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