Just when Long was in a hurry, Joey from the Elf Center suddenly told Long that he had a video message. This file was sent by Xiaogang and it was about Alice.This brave little girl thought about running away after hearing that Long was going to send her back to Yixiu, but when she heard that Xiaozhi and the others were going back to Qiancong City first, she moved her mind and followed Xiaozhi and the others on the road to Qiancong City. Cruise ship, wait until Xiaozhi and the others find out that this little girl is already on the cruise ship.

It is impossible to leave Alice behind now, and if she runs away again, she doesn't know where to recruit people.In order to prevent Long from worrying, Xiao Gang specially borrowed the phone on the cruise ship to send Long such a video message and asked him how to deal with it.

What else can the dragon do? Now that there is an emergency on the Whirlpool Islands, there is no time to spare for the time being.Long just ask Xiaogang and Xiaozhi to help take care of this naughty little girl for the time being to save her from causing any trouble. After the matter of the Whirlpool Islands is settled, he will still find a way to get in touch with Master Xia Ka or Grandma Sun , what should be done then listen to them.

The most important thing at the moment is the Rockets side, and put everything else aside.Everyone no longer hesitated, and did not stop after tidying up. They borrowed the private armed fleet of the Sea Clan to leave Red Rock Island and head towards Silver Rock Island.That's right, the fleet!It consists of a flagship, a carrier-based armed helicopter ship, two destroyers, four frigates and even two sea, land and air amphibious space attack warships.

At this time, Long realized how powerful the armed forces of the Qiuhai Clan are. Because all regions and even cities in the Pokemon world have a high degree of autonomy, it is not surprising that the Whirlpool Islands are equipped with such powerful armed forces. .The existence of the Elf Alliance is very special, it looks like a government organization and a non-governmental organization.

This world is not limited to the five major alliances of Kanto, Chengdu, Fangyuan, Sinnoh, and Yixiu and the Orange Islands and a small area. Although the Pokemon world is dominated by oceans and occupies 70.00% of the place, this world still has Many areas are free from the jurisdiction of the Elf Alliance.Because the trainer has an extremely lofty status in the Pokemon world, the Pokemon Alliance was born and gradually merged the continents one by one. This will facilitate the communication between humans and Pokemon in various regions, and facilitate the creation of a harmonious continent. world.

The development history of the Haizhi Clan has been nearly a thousand years. They have been gathering in Yuanzhu City under the protection of the God of the Sea before. Until the disaster 150 years ago forced the Haizhi Clan to migrate, and most of them followed Haizhi. God came to the Whirlpool Islands.But the Sea Clan has never given up their beliefs for so long. While they prospered in the barren island group before, they also established a powerful armed force. This time they finally went out to defend their beliefs.

Coming to this world, dragons have always used the powerful power of Pokemon to fight against the Rockets and other criminals with high-tech modern weapons. Rogia and Cykrom have blasted the space that represents the crystallization of technology in this world. battleship.But this time he can finally use this modern hot weapon to slap the Rockets hard. Long has long been very upset. My sister has never seen the gangsters so arrogant, and now they should let them Have a taste of laser beam cannons and rocket missiles.

The huge fleet sailed into the temporarily vacated port of Silver Rock Island. Long and the daughters of Kona together with Priest Maya of the Sea Clan and Wuyue hurried to the hotel where Lilin and Kazuki were staying. .

This time, the attitude of the Hai Zhi Clan is very firm. They put up such a big battle to completely hurt the Rockets. Of course, this must cooperate with the alliance.

This world is too small. The last time Li Lin left sadly alone, I didn't expect that Long would meet her again so soon. Standing beside Li Lin was Kazuki, the Super Heavenly King from the Chengdu area. No meeting, even Chrysanthemum has met through time and space.

A strange costume and a mask covering the eyes are Kazuki's logo. Kazuki's purple hair covered the left half of his face, causing his left eye to be covered. This hairstyle is very similar to Sirona.Kazuki used to travel around the world, day and night doing superpower Pokemon training journey, and finally became a member of the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu.

And Li Lin is still dressed in her usual sexy dress, but the sexy goddess who used to have a seductive and seductive smile on the corner of her mouth is now completely cold, like an iceberg that keeps people away thousands of miles away, especially When Li Lin saw the row of women's legions standing beside Long, his face became colder, and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes at the same time.

Li Lin obviously rejected everyone except Kona, since Sakura and Nazi would not take the initiative to get close to her to see people's cold faces, the atmosphere suddenly dropped to freezing point.And Kazuki was a little unclear, so he had to smile wryly and then nodded to Kona and Ryu. The current situation is not suitable for talking too much, and Kazuki himself is not a character who likes to talk too much, but the doubts in his heart are still there. Lingering.

Last time, Ke Na only scolded Li Lin when she was out of breath, so of course it is impossible to completely break up with her best friend who has been with him for many years because of such a trivial matter.

Kona pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and walked over with a smile to support Li Lin's shoulders and said, "Li Lin, we haven't had a good talk together alone for a long time, and we'll put the matter of the Rockets to tomorrow, so we'll have a good talk tonight Let's talk. I have a gift for you, you left too hastily last time."

"Kona... [-]" Li Lin stared blankly at the friendly Kona, the iceberg expression on his face instantly melted, only when facing her would Li Lin's face not become cold .

Kona's face still had the same light smile as in the past, and the same glance as before, Li Lin felt in a trance, as if returning to the time when the two met for the first time.At that time, Kona walked into her heart with such a smile. Since then, the two women with very different personalities have formed very good friends.

This feeling is very subtle. At that time, Li Lin believed that the two of them would become lifelong friends. The two had many similarities and differences. Although their personalities were very different, they had the same determination to win and lose and the will to struggle. Goal, and successively became the Four Heavenly Kings in Kanto and Chengdu.

The embarrassing atmosphere melted silently like spring wind melting snow, Ryu finally let out a long breath, at this moment he could finally say hello to Kazuki together with all the girls.Long was recommended by Ah Ju before and was selected as the backup candidate for the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu. Although he will undoubtedly challenge the Champions League now, he will still have to fight against Kazuki in the future. It is also very good to know him now.

After greeting Ryu with a smile, Kazuki suddenly turned his attention to Nazi and said, "You are the former Gym Trainer of Gold City, are you interested in fighting with me?"

298 Feng Chen's memory, the king's man Kazuki suddenly opened his mouth and made all the girls stunned, Sakura looked at Nazi and said in surprise: "Hey, the Four Heavenly Kings took the initiative to invite the battle, does Master Kazuki know Nazi?"

"Because I heard Lilin and Shiba talk about a girl who can use powerful superpowers and can communicate with superpower elves, I really wanted to see them at that time."

Kazuki said with a smile: "Right now in the Elf League, there is a second Cattleya who will challenge the Kanto League today, so Senior Shiba is worried every day for fear that he will be allowed to play in the first lottery. "

Nazi frowned and said in a cold voice: "I am the unique Nazi, not Cattleya Di, I'm sorry, I'm not in the mood to accept the challenge right now."

"Uh... [-]" Kazuki was choked by Nazi's words and didn't know what to say for a moment. He was stunned for a long time before he smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm too presumptuous, but Cattleya is the second... I didn't call it out."

Long pulled Nazi and said to Kazuki apologetically: "Senior, don't take it too seriously. Nazi has always spoken very little and is not good at communication, so her wording was inappropriate. Recently, a series of competitions took place in the Whirlpool Islands to cheer people up." Feeling a little tired.”

Kazuki shook his head to indicate that he would not care, then smiled and looked at Long and said jokingly: "I heard that you won the championship of this year's Uzumaki Islands Contest. I really want to congratulate you. Originally, the matter this time should be between me and the Chengdu League. Lilin is in charge, thank you very much for coming here to help this time. You should have a good rest tonight. Let's discuss it together tomorrow."

Long nodded and said goodbye to all the girls and went back to their rooms to rest. It seems that Ke Na will have a night talk with Li Lin Bingzhu tonight.After the dragon and the girls bid farewell one by one, they were suddenly stopped by Nazi, and they came to her room with curiosity, closed the door and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter, what's the matter so late?"

Nazi lowered her eyes and remained silent. Long stood tightly in front of her and hugged her and said, "Are you still unhappy about what happened just now? In fact, this is everyone's recognition of you. How can I say that Cattleya is the super king of the Yixiu region, and she has many similarities with you. Of course, we all believe that you will become the unique Nazi!"

Nazi leaned gently in Long's arms, suddenly hugged him with her backhand, raised her head and said firmly, "I'm going back to the Gold City, and I will never travel with you again."

"So fast?"

Long let go of Na Zi in shock and asked urgently: "Aren't you going to subdue a favorite elf with super powers to compete in the Champions League competition? Why are you in such a hurry to leave now?"

Nazi muttered a few times without opening her mouth, and then she finally smiled and said under the gaze of the dragon: "It's not that simple to subdue a super elf that I like, it's just an excuse I made earlier. , I lied to myself because I was reluctant to leave. In fact, I also think about myself. I can’t rely on you all the time, and the sundae is coming back when the time comes...--Hmph, I think you must be now It's a headache, I don't want to get out of the muddy water as soon as possible."

Seeing Nazi's playful look for the first time, Long smiled gently and kissed her nose and said, "I'm really happy to see you like this, I'm glad I made the right decision to send you Brought out from the Gold Gym..." Nazi looked at Long Yi with a tender face and couldn't help remembering the dusty memories before, bit by bit, starting from the first meeting in the Gold City, everything seemed to be a hit Destined to be average.

"Wait, don't."

Long kept shouting but his body disappeared into the field with a "swoosh".

"not good!"

After recovering a little, Guisi's body sank to the ground and disappeared instantly.Nazi didn't care about the fleeing ghosts, but walked to a model town with the doll in her arms.

Nazi brought the dragon in front of her again and said coldly again, "Just like what you did to me just now, I have a very strange feeling in my body and I can't gather my energy to use superpowers. What did you do to me? .”

Long was almost suffocated by Nazi's fiddling with him, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

Nazi suddenly bared her teeth and grabbed the dragon's arm, rolled up her sleeves and gave a heavy bite on his arm. Now she looks like a fearsome super queen, a girl who hasn't grown up. .A year ago, no one would have thought that Na Zi would have such a big change, even Long himself hadn't expected it before.

He suddenly remembered that the first time he was surprised was when he was in Rainbow City, when Nazi and a few girls working in Rainbow Gym had a big fight.Later, Nazi used her superpowers to steal other people's money, not to mention making a fortune on the slot machine.

It's really funny to think about it, the indifferent super queen would use superpowers to cheat, and it was also at that time that she learned that Nazi had the ability to detect other people's thoughts, and since then, Long has never dared to look at Nazi directly. eyes.

Long was about to let Nazi leave, but Nazi handed Long a 1 yuan bill lightly.Long looked at Nazi in amazement and wondered where Nazi, who didn't have any bags or pockets, got the 000 yuan.Na Zi pointed to a guy who was dressed in gold and silver, a typical nouveau riche style. He squinted his eyes and immediately had another 1000 yuan bill in his hand.

Sweating on Long's forehead, he thought to himself, "It's embarrassing for Nazi to steal money with superpowers."

However, what Long was curious about was that Nazi's changes in the past few days had turned upside down and she became more human. Suddenly, Long thought that Nazi had another half of her personality, Gnas. Since that night, Long hadn't seen that person who was completely different from Nazi. My little girl, I don't know when I will see her again.Nazi snorted coldly and said to Long, "It seems that you are really attached to her."


Long was so horrified that he looked at Na Zi in disbelief, "How does she know what's going on in my heart?"

"Hmph, are you wondering how I know what's in your heart?"

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