Gongsun Qingyang showed a victorious smile as if his scheme had succeeded, and suddenly raised his arms high and shouted in a cold voice: "Bangira, gather your strength and use the destructive death light ∥ 'Bankui'" Bangira roared, The huge mouth opened suddenly, and a dazzling golden energy light group condensed in the sandbag tyrant's mouth, and the terrifying momentum caused the shattered ice around Bangira to float up and fly.

Classmate Tang Xing looked at Xue Qianxun in surprise and strangeness and asked, "Why didn't the other party launch it?"

"Do you think the opponent is a fool? He is waiting for the violent salamander to release the protection status before making a move."

Xue Qianxun was almost pissed off by this guy, at what time, this guy actually asked such idiotic questions.Under the extreme anger, he didn't care whether this guy was the champion or not, only to see the girl slapped Tang Xing severely and said anxiously: "Are you going to stare here, the protection of the violent newt is over It won't last long!"

"Oh...--" Tang Xing nodded again and again, and immediately thought of a clever plan to surround Wei and save Zhao, and waved his hand vigorously, imitating the appearance of Xue Qianxun when he was directing just now, and shouted loudly: "Storm salamander, hurry up!" Attack Bangira to disrupt its rhythm!"

"Roaring people" A green dragon claw broke through the boulder pressing on the storm salamander, and the storm salamander's thick and long tail swept across the ground, instantly stirring up a burst of crushed ice. The blood-red wings of the blood-winged dragon flapped lightly The body is like a sharp arrow flying towards the ready-to-go Bangira, and the fierce and murderous eyes lock on the target, and the murderous blue dragon's breath flies and instantly condenses into a blue angry dragon with teeth and claws Sweeping and rushing towards Bangira angrily.

"Alloy Cross."

Gongsun Mengyu narrowed his eyes, swung his arms and shouted in a cold voice, "Billions of Shockwaves!"

"The Rhetters" After receiving the trainer's order, the giant metal monster stopped its output of mental power, and its four claws as thick as steel pillars were closed in front of it. The body rotated along the trend, wrapped in a layer of golden light, and rushed towards the raging dragon roaring like an electric drill.

There was a loud bang, and the blue angry dragon intending to pounce on Bangira was accidentally blocked by the alloy cross. The raging dragon's murderous breath was directly pierced by the extremely powerful hundreds of millions of shock waves, and even formed a The headless blue angry dragon and the million alloy cross collided heavily.The violent collision aroused a violent hurricane, and the murderous blue dragon's breath and the bursting golden light cluster intertwined.

"It's over..." Looking at Chihiro Xue, who was entangled by the alloy cross, his mood sank to the bottom of the valley, and at this moment, Gongsun Qingyang, who had been waiting for the opportunity, ticked his mouth and snapped his fingers lightly.Million Bangira roared suddenly, a destructive beam of energy shot out from the pouring mouth, and the ground under the sandbag tyrant's feet collapsed to relieve the huge recoil caused by using the destructive death light.

The destructive destructive energy light instantly pierced through the sandstorm with the power of destroying the world, and the golden destructive death light beam instantly swallowed the millions of salamanders in the sky that had just been removed from protection.With a loud bang, the powerful destructive death light known as the death penalty hit the body of the million violent salamander and slammed into the quantum shield outside the competition field.The golden rays of destructive energy spread in all directions and finally swept through to cause a violent explosion. The transparent quantum shield was continuously distorted and deformed under the impact of this huge power, giving people a feeling that it would be broken at any time.


The flames dissipated, and a violent hurricane blew the million storm salamander straight to the ground. The dazzling light flowed, and the little storm salamander released the million evolutionary form and returned to its original appearance.The black-clothed referee raised the flag high and announced loudly: "Xue Qianxun's Storm Salamander lost the ability to fight, so he was eliminated!"

"Damn... [-]" the demon girl let go of her clenched fist full of reluctance, Xue Chihiro took out the elf ball and took the violent salamander, who had completely lost the ability to fight, back into the elf ball.The devil girl looked angrily at Gongsun Qingyang who was raising her eyebrows opposite her, thinking of being beaten back to the city by this former defeated general, she felt unwilling. No, Xue Qianxun would never admit that she was defeated by Gongsun Qingyang defeated.If it wasn't for the super princess, if it wasn't for this pig-like teammate, the result would still be unknown!

Thinking of this, Xue Qianxun gave Tang Xing a hard look, "I figured it out, you didn't mean to make fun of me, or you just wanted to see me make a fool of yourself, didn't you?"


Tang Xing, who was accused by the devil's noisy girl, immediately waved his hands to show that he had no such idea at all, but his defense was obviously not very convincing.

"Roarer" The violent salamander let out a roar like a sky-shattering dragon, and the blood-winged dragon rushed towards Bangira. Under the eyes of the other party full of shock and surprise, it instantly approached the opposite Standing in front of them, the fierce eyes flashed with terrifying eyes. Gongsun Qingyang and Gongsun Mengyu both shuddered and exclaimed at the same time, "Oops! "

"Aww!" The blood-winged wyvern let out a loud roar, swung its head at a very close distance and opened its mouth, and fired a powerful high-pressure water cannon at Bangira. The violent salamander made Bangira Both Pokemon and Alloy Cross were caught off guard. These two Pokemon had just used their powerful tricks to destroy the death light and billions of shock waves, so they all fell into a state of inability to move.

The powerful high-pressure water column impacted the million banjira, causing it to roar hoarsely. The huge water pressure impact was so strong that the sandbag tyrant's body weighing more than 250 kilograms was completely overturned.At this moment, under the command of the trainer, the Million Alloy Cross, which had finally regained its ability to move, suddenly fired a very powerful grating cannon at the stormy salamander.

"Roarer" The Blood Wing Wyvern roared loudly, its thick and long tail straightened suddenly and was coated with a deep metallic luster. The violent salamander turned sharply and confused the alloy cross with its irregular flight path, Yaobai The grating cannon chased the Blood Wing Wyvern and bombarded it indiscriminately but couldn't hit it, and it happened to be only a little bit short.

"Aww man!" A loud dragon chant echoed in the sky above the competition venue, and the violent salamander suddenly folded the pair of blood-red wings on its back, swung its body sideways, and slammed its steel tail as powerful as a whip. It hit the body of Bangila who hadn't turned around. There was a muffled bang, and the huge body of Million Bangila County was swept away several meters by the violent salamander, and then hit the ground heavily.

The black-clothed referee was very timely, and quickly flew in front of Bangira, who had changed from a million form to a normal one, holding up the flag in his hand and declaring loudly: "Bangira has lost the ability to fight and is eliminated. Because the red team already has three Pokemon are disqualified from continuing to fight, so the game enters the intermission, and both sides take back their respective Pokemon left on the field!"

With the referee's order, Alloy Cross had to stop chasing the violent salamander. Gongsun Qingyang, who took back Bangira, was obviously very speechless. As a result, it was immediately eliminated by the old one.If you want to say that the happiest person is Xue Qianxun, who never thought that this revenge would be avenged so quickly, how dare this guy dare to flirt with her!

Gongsun Mengyu and Tang Xing took back the Million Alloy Cross and the Storm Salamander respectively, and the ice field that had been completely destroyed after the war slowly sank, and the tense and fierce competition finally entered the middle. The intermission time also gave the mesmerized audience of only a few hundred people a time to breathe and adjust. Everyone from SM company cheered as if they had won a battle, and of course there were reporters who wanted to get first-hand information.

No one thought that a game they were not optimistic about beforehand would have such an ending. Tang Xing's violent salamander no longer needs to be described as tough, and the three elves from the elf star trainer in a row, so strong The fierce record simply blinded their titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.This guy is really from the earth, and no one would believe such a fairy tale if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes!

And the people in the DSP company were also shocked by Tang Xing's amazing performance. This guy is definitely cheating. As people on earth, they should cheer for Tang Xing.But seeing his boss, President Li's complexion darker than the bottom of the pot, no one dared to rashly touch his brows at this juncture, it was no different from directly asking for smoke.

In the lounge, the six siblings of Gongsun Shi gathered together, and a big defeat in the first half was enough to make the atmosphere here very heavy.As the eldest sister, Gongsun Qianyu gnawed on an apple heartlessly, as if she didn't feel any pressure at all. Gongsun Youyu and Gongsun Liyu were the first to lose The pair of sisters are in stark contrast.

Gongsun Mengyu, who was the calmest and also the most general-looking, was frowning and meditating, perhaps thinking of ways to defeat the enemy.As the initiator of this battle, Gongsun Qingyang patted the shoulder of the little Princess Xinyu who had not yet appeared. This eldest son of the Gongsun family was encouraging the youngest sister in the family in this way.Even though Princess Xinyu is the youngest among the six, her strength should not be underestimated.

When the news of the contestant's appearance came on the radio, Qian Yu only gnawed half of the apple in his hand, "Don't worry, I'll leave the second half of the game to me. Whether it's Storm Salamander or Snow Chihiro, it's all up to me." Come to defeat, so you just watch with peace of mind."

For Qian Yu's remarks, Princess Xin Yu rarely refuted this time, even though she was unwilling to admit it, it was an indisputable fact that the fighting princess who inherited the name of Sirona was the strongest of the six.And Gongsun Qianyu's ace Tyrannosaurus has the best genes...

079 Grass Field The six-on-six doubles match entered the second half, and the ice field, which was completely destroyed in the first half of the battle, has been removed.The pointer rotates again, this time it freezes on a wheel block with a leaf symbol.A rumbling sound came from the ground, and a huge green grass field slowly rose up and appeared in the venue.

The grass field used for Pokemon battles is different from the lawn on football. The grass here is covered with deep grass, and the shortest grass is knee-deep.Moreover, there is a puddle in the middle of a piece of green grass, and on the left and right sides of the puddle grows a big tree that can be hugged by one person.

The black-clothed referee waved the flag to signal, Tang Xing and Xue Qianxun both threw the poke balls in their hands, except for the violent salamander with a god-like performance in the first half, there was another one with a pair of arms on top of its head. The big horned insect Pokemon, Dajia!

On the side of the sixth sibling of the Gongsun family, the two who stood up this time were Gongsun Mengyu and Gongsun Xinyu.A red light flashed, and besides the alloy cross that maintained a million-evolved form, there was also a slime dragon standing at the top of Carlos' food chain!

In the auditorium, a burst of cheers erupted suddenly from the DSP company. Hundreds of people shouted in unison to create a huge momentum in the empty arena.What's even more exaggerated is that this group of guys actually held up a banner more than ten meters long, with a big book on it, Princess Xin Yu, Fighting...

SM company and the reporters at the scene were confused by the people from DSP company, who can tell them what these guys are doing.And President Li turned his head and looked at the employees under his banner who were shouting with great satisfaction and nodded with great satisfaction, but immediately looked at the angry people in SS501 with a tigerish face and said angrily: "Did you guys not eat? As a singer, the voice is so loud!" Xiao, yaxi...--" The furious President Li really wanted to smash this group of unsatisfactory guys to death with a hammer, but fortunately, an assistant reminded him in time, now that he is in public, he should restrain himself a little.And those sad children in SS501 escaped by chance, but they were still photographed by their own BOSS's despicable power and had to open their throats and work hard together with the company's cleaning lady... This is really ruining the image, these few days The sad kid really wanted to ask weakly in his heart, but the status of singers has tempered them to become cheerleaders.

The little princess Xinyu who received the support was obviously very happy, and she took off her own princess hat and waved to her support team.And everyone who witnessed this scene was in a mess, especially the two bosses of SM Company, their keen sense of smell made them feel that this matter was extraordinary.Yaxi, they thought it was strange before, how could those guys from DSP company be allowed to enter here, the inside story is probably serious!

Most people at the scene turned their attention to Princess Xinyu in a white dress in the arena. Reporters from SM Company and the three major TV stations were all guessing what this elf star girl who looked like Snow White had with DSP Company. relation.

"Could this girl be Li Shenghao's illegitimate daughter?"

SM's President Kim just shook his head and laughed out loud when he made this absurd statement, it's too outrageous.

But Director Li's reaction was much more intense, this big boss who has always been happy and not showing his face actually yelled: "Fart, Li Shenghao who looks like a monkey can give birth to such a beautiful daughter? "

Director Li's voice was really loud, which almost made the people sitting beside him burst into laughter. Unexpectedly, this tyrant director would also tell cold jokes. By the way, your old eyes and face are bigger than Li Shenghao's. It's not going anywhere.Of course, some words can only be discussed in the heart, don't you understand the truth that the trouble comes from the mouth?

Director Li narrowed his eyes, while the president of the DSP company Li in the auditorium not far away seemed completely unaware.Speaking of which, the reason why Director Li was so angry was because he had a very bad idea in his heart. Although he tried his best not to admit it, he was very afraid that his guess would become a reality.

Unexpectedly, before the second half started, the tidbits outside the court aroused the curiosity of everyone.However, fortunately, this unexpected move by the DSP company did not affect the few people who were fighting in the arena.Most of Tang Xing's thoughts are on the next battle, so he will have the time to pay attention to these things, and Xue Qianxun has been on the battlefield for a long time, has experienced the cheers of tens of thousands of people, and will be disturbed by these hundreds of people arrive?

Without paying any attention to the group of DSPs in the audience, Xue Qianxun snapped her fingers coolly and said in a cold voice: "Dajia, a million evolutions...'Heloman', this one looks like a longhorn The Insect Pokemon let out a loud roar, and a layer of brilliant light flowed from its body, completing a gorgeous transformation under the eyes of everyone.

The most obvious feature of the million-evolved Dajia is that it has added a pair of thin insect wings on its back, and there are two hard shells growing on these seemingly fragile wings to protect the wings.It's just an extra pair of wings, but Million Dajia has stepped into the ranks of flying pet water elves!

"The Hilo people" flapped their wings gently and flew up to the same height as the storm salamander, keeping pace with the blood-winged wyvern. The battle is imminent!

"Whether it's the Alloy Cross or the Nymelon Dragon's defense is very outstanding, so we must change our strategy in this battle."

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