Xue Qianxun looked at Tang Xing pointedly and said, "In terms of attributes, many of the storm salamander's unique moves can effectively attack the two opponents, so Dajia will cover you."

"Oh...--" Tang Xing finally understood what Xue Qianxun meant, so he directed the salamander without hesitation and shouted loudly: "Jet flame∥'Roar'" Blood Wing Wyvern gave a sound Exploding roar, he found the alloy cross and opened his mouth to shoot out a stream of hot flames. After the first half of the battle, it has almost figured out Tang Xing's funny fate, and it is impossible to completely count on him .

"I'm really... one" Xue Qianxun was really powerless to complain. Does this guy have any other ideas and creativity besides spraying flames? Such a special type of trick is simply not going to work, won't he even learn from experience and lessons?

"The Rhetters" roared from the Alloy Cross, and a blue light flashed in the eyes, and then used powerful spiritual power to build a superpower shield to block all the flames ejected by the violent salamander .

Xue Qianxun patted his forehead with a headache and sighed: "I knew it would be like this. They don't even bother to hide. They really know your attack routine too clearly."

"Oh, is that so?"

Tang Xing scratched his head in embarrassment, then waved his hand flatly and said: "In that case, Violent Salamander, you can attack freely as you like!"

Ga... Tang Xing's strange way of directing really surprised everyone, and the two sisters, Gongsun Youyu and Gongsun Liyu, whispered: "As a Pokemon trainer, can you still be so willful? I will definitely give up!" Would you believe that such a person would be our father, even a rookie trainer who just debuted would not be so inferior?"

Hearing what the two younger sisters said, Gongsun Qingyang said with a dark face and was very speechless: "The more you say that, the more I get hurt. It's really a shame that we were defeated by such a poor guy in the first half of the game... "

"Roaring people" The violent salamander screamed loudly, flapped its blood-red wings vigorously, raised its head high, and suddenly launched the flaming dragon meteor. Gorgeous fireworks bloomed in the sky, and dozens of flaming The dragon star meteorite fell all over the sky and carried out fixed-point bombing on the ground. I have to say that the combat accomplishment of the storm salamander is really excellent, whether it is against the alloy cross or the slimy dragon, the flame dragon that combines the dual attributes of flame and dragon Meteors are extremely lethal!

Facing the blood-winged flying dragon's magic stroke like a goddess scattering flowers, Gongsun Mengyu ordered the alloy cross to retreat quickly and instantly opened a layer of protective cover to help Nimeilulong resist the covering bombardment of the blazing dragon meteor.And Xue Qianxun, who had been waiting for an opportunity, of course would not give up this excellent opportunity, and with a wave of her arm, instructed Dajia to press on quickly.

Xue Qianxun sneered and said: "Dajia, destroy the dead light to store up the power, and launch it immediately after the Dragon Star Group's offensive subsides!"

"Helo people" the million-dollar man shouted angrily, and a group of golden energy light clusters quickly condensed between the two big horns on his head.

The continuous bombardment of Blazing Dragon Meteor finally came to an end, but just as the smoke cleared here, a destructive beam of destruction shot out towards the gathered Alloy Cross and Nymelulong at an extremely fast speed.After Dajia's million evolution, he has the second characteristic, the sky skin. With the blessing of this characteristic, all the tricks of ordinary attributes it uses will become flying attributes!


"Renee" Just when the million alloy cross had just removed the protective cover, Nianmei Lulong opened his arms suddenly to create a protective cover with a green halo. The powerful million armor The beam of destructive death light was forcibly bounced away, and the gunpowder smoke diffused, and one area of ​​the field where the battle was just drafted here has been destroyed beyond recognition.


It is conceivable that Xue Chihiro's depression was easily dispelled by the opponent's blow that was bound to be won, and he knew that the two on the opposite side were difficult to deal with.Just now when the Salamander used the Blazing Dragon Meteor to bomb the sky, the Alloy Cross and the Nymellow Dragon didn't use their own protective tricks to defend. It seems that they have long been prepared for Dajia's sneak attack from it!

"Alloy Cross, Grating Cannon!"

Gongsun Mengyu didn't have much time for Xue Qianxun to complain, and fought back after Nian Meilulong completely blocked Wan Dajia's destructive death light trick.The cross-shaped steel bar pasted in front of the million-alloy cross shone with dazzling white light, and a bright white energy beam shot out and aimed directly at the million-dollar armor.

Seeing this situation, Tang Xing said anxiously: "Storm Salamander, hurry up and protect Dajia!"

"Roarer" The Blood Wing Wyvern let out a roar, flapping its wings vigorously and quickly inserted the grating cannon that had a body intercepting the alloy cross. The violent explosion spread in the air, and the shock wave formed by the violent explosion would The body of the storm salamander was pushed out from the diffuse smoke, and the powerful physical fitness of the dragon Pokemon was vividly displayed.

"good chance!"

The little princess Xinyu happily slapped the commanding hand and shouted loudly: "Slimy Mellow Dragon, right now, use Dragon's Wrath on the Violent Salamander...'Renee'" Sticky Mellow Dragon shouted angrily, opened his mouth to The storm salamander blasted out a powerful blue shock wave. Although the blood wing dragon flew into the opponent's frontal attack, unexpectedly, the slimy melodragon still hit it with a sweep.

With a bang, the salamander roared and fell to the ground. This blow was different from the grating cannon just now. This dragon-type killer move is definitely effective for the blood-winged wyvern!

"What are you doing!"

Although under the command of classmate Tang Xing, the Salamander successfully rescued Dajia, but Xue Qianxun didn't appreciate it.This guy originally thought he had finally gotten his head around it, but he didn't expect that he was still a two hundred and five.

Classmate Tang Xing understood that Pokemon's body would go into a state of rigidity after using big tricks such as destructive death light and billions of shock waves. That's why he drove Alloy Cross to attack Dajia. With the storm salamander to help his teammates out.Although Tang Xing's guess was good and his motives were good, it's a pity that the order he gave was quite stupid.

From Xue Qianxun's point of view, even if she wants to save Dajia, there are many ways.As long as Tang Xing let the violent salamander use a unique trick such as spraying flames or dragon wave, can he block the opponent's grating cannon?

However, if you look at what Tang Xing did, this guy gave a vague order, and the violent salamander who killed him actually used his body to block the hole in the first place.Pokemon may sometimes be unable to react, but as a trainer, what are you doing? Didn't you let the violent salamander follow Huang Jiguang's example?In this way, although Dajia was saved in the end, the Blood Wing Wyvern suffered heavy losses one after another!

This is a taboo behavior in the two-player Pokemon competition. Didn't you see that in the previous game, the Alloy Cross just sat and watched Bangira being bombarded by the flame dragon meteor? Had I known that it was better not to rescue Dajia when the salamander stem cells were stormed, the losses he suffered might have been smaller.

However, Tang Xing's current level is obviously incomprehensible to such a profound tactic, otherwise, when this guy commanded the battle, he wouldn't just let the violent salamander play freely... When the 080 battle was going on, "Retters ''Alloy Cross let out a loud roar, and four huge claws moved across the sky like a shooting star in front of him, rushing towards the storm salamander. Princess Super saw that the blood wing dragon was knocked down by the sticky melo dragon, and Gongsun Meng Of course, Yu would not let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water. Keeping this guy on the field is always a big threat. As long as this blood-winged dragon is knocked down, the remaining big armor is nothing to fear.

"Dajia, hurry up and help the storm salamander, Yan Fan!"

Xue Qianxun's face changed drastically, and the million-dollar armor quickly flapped the wings as thin as cicada's wings, turned his body in the air and made a difficult Thomas maneuver, and then flew towards the giant golden monster like lightning.Since the million evolution gave Dajia an extra flying attribute, it is only natural that it also masters the special skills of the flying Pokemon.

With a muffled thud, it was undoubtedly faster than Comet Fist Yan Hui, but the strength and power of the unique move was far inferior to that of the opponent.The nearly one-ton body of the Million Alloy Cross collided head-on with the Million Armor, just like a roaring hummer crashing into a speeding motorcycle.

As a result, it can already be seen that the whole body of Million Dajia was violently thrown out by the alloy cross, but the attack of the giant metal monster was slightly stopped by Dajia.Gaining a chance to breathe, the Storm Salamander waved its emerald-green Dragon Claw to meet the mighty Comet Fist.Another loud noise was heard, and under the shadow of the Dragon Claw, several square meters of tall grass in front of the Salamander were harvested, and the turf around the steel-type and dragon-type ultimate moves were turned over.

"Oh... [-]" The alloy cross turned its body back five or six meters away, while the violent salamander stretched out a pair of blood-red wings and slid back a distance of more than ten meters, collapsing a clump. It was only in the deep grass that it stopped its continuous retreat.

The storm salamander panted heavily, and the pair of iconic blood-red wings gently flapped and readjusted its posture and slowly soared into the sky.Seeing this situation, Xue Qianxun frowned tightly. Sure enough, even as strong as a violent salamander, it was about to reach its limit.The repeated battles put a huge test on the Blood Wing Wyvern's physical strength, and the successive injuries in the first half of the game and the battle just now exacerbated the consumption of the Violent Salamander!

"Humph..." Little Princess Xinyu proudly pinned off the princess hat on her head and said with a smile, "It turns out that this Pokemon is not invincible, since it can also get hurt and tired, Then it proves that it is not invincible, it can also be defeated!"

Gongsun Xinyu smiled and said to Nianmeilulong on the field: "Pray for rain∥'Rui Neiren'" Nianmeilulong raised his head to the sky and let out a high-pitched dragon chant, the clear sky was suddenly covered with cloudy clouds, Not long after, there was drifting heavy rain pouring down all over the competition field.

Everyone in the auditorium looked up at the sky and slammed their mouths. This alien species is really omnipotent, even the weather can be changed at will.This is much quicker and easier than dispatching an airplane to implement artificial rainfall. I really don’t know how this Pokemon did it. It really subverts the imagination of people on earth.

The pattering rain was not intended to wash away the traces of battle that these Pokemons had stained due to the great battle. After praying for rain, Nianmeilulong looked up at the sky.The two long tentacles on the snot dragon's head flashed a layer of electric sparks, and a dazzling electric light shot towards the sky. The originally cloudy sky quickly converged into a swirling golden thundercloud.

"What...what is this..." The crowd in the auditorium stared blankly at the sky. Although everyone couldn't guess what Nimeilulong wanted to do, they could guess a thing or two by looking at the posture above their heads. , no one will think that the snot dragon is aimless.

Xue Qianxun snorted coldly, and after praying for rain, used the thunder trick. This is a routine used by most Pokemon. Although it is vulgar, it is really effective.Leaving aside the storm salamander for the time being, but this thunder and lightning trick fell on Wan Dajia's body and would either die or be disabled.

Looking at the thundercloud that was constantly gathering and growing above his head, Tang Xing was a little at a loss, turned his head to look at Xue Qianxun and asked nervously: "What should we do now, is there any way to avoid it? "

"At this time, you actually asked me..." Xue Qianxun rolled her eyes and then said angrily, "This is Thunder and Lightning, not Dragon Stars. Even the fastest Pokemon can't escape the bombardment of Thunder and Lightning. To protect such an invincible defensive trick, all we can do is move as much as possible to avoid it."

As soon as Xue Qianxun finished speaking, he waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Dajia, increase the speed, use the swallow back∥'Heluo people'" Million Dajia yelled angrily, and then quickly flapped his wings as thin as cicada's wings against Shuttle flying back and forth on the ground. Tang Xing, who was instructed by Xue Qianxun, did the same. The storm salamander opened the pair of blood-red wings on its back and increased its speed to the extreme, flying like a blood-red sharp arrow sticking to the ground.

At this moment, the continuously gathering thundercloud in the sky finally finished accumulating energy, and in an instant, one after another lightning bolts descended from the sky and smashed to the ground with great power.The successive thunderstorms shook everyone's eardrums, and within a short while, several bolts of lightning passed through the fast-flying storm salamander and the million-dollar giant carapace. It's so big that you can't look directly at it.

The super princess stared at the two ultra-high-speed flying Pokemon on the field, and suddenly turned her eyes, and saw the eyes of the million alloy cross that were shining with a blue light flashed instantly.The pair of scarlet eyes of the Metagross kept turning, like a target-searching radar scanning the figures of the Storm Salamander and the Million Giant Armor.

A sneer curled up at the corner of Gongsun Mengyu's mouth, and he raised his arms high and shouted in a cold voice, "Grating cannon∥'Ruiter's million-alloy cross roared furiously, opened its huge mouth suddenly and poured out two beams of light!" Bai's light beam scattered and shot towards Storm Salamander and Million Dajia. After bypassing these two Pokemon, the grating cannon turned back miraculously, like two precision-guided missiles killing Pokemon from behind. A return carbine.

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