"This... what an amazing power this is!"

The star entertainers and reporters at the scene were all shocked and speechless. The amazing fighting power shown by Million Storm Salamander and Million Bangira had an impact on them that was too great. I can't imagine how terrifying the aftermath of these two guys' fight would be if there was no protective cover to block them, would they overturn the row of people in the auditorium close to the game site?

"Aww!" The storm salamander let out a loud roar, flicked its head and opened its mouth, and shot out a large flame piercing through the smoke and heading straight for the alloy cross. without diminishing its power.

Although the small storm salamander and Bangira are now in the form of millions of evolutions, they do not have the ability shown by the fast dragon just now. After using the powerful trick, they fell into a situation where they could not move due to the side effects.Therefore, neither Gongsun Qingyang nor Xue Qianxun could provide favorable assistance to their teammates, and the game scene became a one-on-one contest between Tang Xing and Gongsun Mengyu, and Old Storm Salamander and Alloy Cross!

"Missing the head hammer!"

The super princess gave a low shout, and saw the four huge claws of the million alloy cross close together in front of her body, the whole body merged into a fist shape, facing the big character flame ejected by the violent salamander Fly over quickly.

With a bang, the large flames hit the Million Alloy Cross heavily, and the scorching flames engulfed the huge body of the golden monster in an instant.However, an unexpected scene happened, and the Million Alloy Cross did not slow down its attack momentum because of this. The rapidly rotating Alloy Cross was like a drill bit breaking out of the hot flame and hitting the violent salamander heavily.

"Aww!" The storm salamander let out a painful roar, and the red-purple colorful light exploded in mid-air, while the huge body of the blood-winged dragon fell from the sky with its head upside down and smashed into a piece of ice rock. on the ground.

Tang Xing's face changed drastically, and all the people in the audience who were helping him in the battle seemed to have suddenly lost their voices. Everyone focused on the million-alloy cross that defied the principle of gravity and floated in the air.You must know that in the battle just now, the old violent salamander defeated the fast dragon and the three-headed dragon almost without damage, but he did not expect such a mighty blood-winged dragon to stumble in front of this steel monster.

"As expected of a super princess, the application of tactics is really eclectic."

As the opponent Xue Qianxun praised Gongsun Youyu without hesitation, "It seems that the iron-walled defense of the Alloy Cross before was just to confuse me, let us subconsciously ignore the ability of this giant gold monster on the offensive end, That's why when the storm salamander hit with all its strength, the opponent was caught off guard!"

"Although the fire-type special move Ozigaki has an outstanding effect on steel-type Pokemon, but the Alloy Cross can form a mental power shield in front of you when it casts the yearning head hammer, effectively weakening the power of the flame special move. More importantly Yes, the burning of big characters alone can't stop the alloy cross that launched a strong impact in that form."

After Xue Qianxun finished speaking, he looked at classmate Tang Xing strangely and said, "What I'm curious about is that you know the sixth sibling on the opposite side better than I do. You shouldn't make such a mistake!"

Student Tang Xing really doesn't know what to say, what does he know, he doesn't know anything at all, okay?Even in the previous battle, Tang Xing himself knew that he didn't play much role at all, and that the storm salamander's ability to win two consecutive cities was the result of the hard work of this little elf with his rich combat experience.

"Wow, meet people" Just when Tang Xing didn't know how to deal with it, the violent salamander roared, and its blood-red wings flew up into the sky with force, and its head slammed into the alloy cross in the midair. The powerful dragon claws spit out green light, and with the roar of the violent salamander, the dragon claws smashed towards the alloy cross with a sharp sound of tearing the air, such a short distance did not give the opponent any room to dodge .

"The Rhetters" violent salamander's sudden violent move is an ordinary Pokemon trainer who may not even have time to give the order, but the alloy cross Hao responded quickly after receiving Nazi's instructions through telepathy, I saw the giant metal monster holding up a thick claw with dark metallic luster and roaring to meet the dragon's claw of the blood wing wyvern.

The electric light staggered, the emerald green light and the white light intertwined and exploded, the violent salamander's eyes flashed, and the sudden force of the arm pushed down the steel claw of the alloy cross.The dragon's claw shone brilliantly, and the Blood Wing Wyvern swung the dragon's claw and directly sent the giant golden monster flying.

"Roarer" The storm salamander that succeeded in one blow took advantage of the momentum, but before it could make a move, a black shock wave pierced through the yellow sand all over the sky and came straight towards it.

The storm salamander vigorously flapped its blood-red wings and raised its figure by one meter, which was able to barely avoid Bangira's evil wave, but because of this, the blood-winged wyvern missed the attack on the alloy cross. After chasing, the opponent has readjusted his posture.

However, Bangira gave Little Storm Salamander a chance. A high-pressure water cannon hit the target, and the powerful water pressure hit the sandbag tyrant's body and slid four or five meters away on the ice. Million Bangira finally It actually fell into a deep pit blasted away by the dragon star group, and the body weighing 250 kilograms instantly lost its balance and fell to the ground on its back.

Seeing this situation, Gongsun Qingyang turned pale with shock, but Xue Qianxun was happy, "It seems that you still haven't learned how to be good, as a Pokemon trainer, you only know how to be reckless and don't know how to use the field to fight People who are more talented can only be regarded as mediocre, it seems that your father, the champion of the world, didn't teach you this truth!"

After Xue Qianxun said this, he gave Tang Xing a meaningful look, and then he waved his arms and shouted loudly: "Storm Salamander, concentrate on bombing Bangira, Blazing Dragon Meteor!"

"Roaring people" The million storm salamanders roared loudly, opened their mouths and fired a huge firework into the sky. With a loud noise, the gorgeous Marriage Flower-like dragon star meteorite burst and roared from the sky It fell from the sky. At this moment, the clumsy body of the sandstorm tyrant became a burden. Millions of Benjira couldn't get up from the hole that was less than one meter deep. The flame dragon star meteorite has completely covered this area, even if Bangira didn't fall, it would be difficult to avoid it.

The sound of rumbling explosions was endless, and the flames burst out. Under the bombardment of Million Storm Salamander, a unique move that combines the dual attributes of flame and dragon, the whole day area suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames. The flames and flames raised by the violent explosion Smoke obscured everyone's view.Gongsun Mengyu frowned, and under the eyes of the old violent salamander, the Alloy Cross could not find a chance to help Bangira, otherwise the two Pokemon would fall into an extremely passive situation, because the situation she faced The opponent is no ordinary person!

The horrific bombing lasted for a full minute. When the fire stopped and the smoke gradually dispersed, a piece of dilapidated land appeared in front of everyone.And the sandbag tyrant wearing heavy armor was scorched black all over his body and half of his body was immersed in a pool of water. Under the bombardment of the flame dragon meteor, a large piece of ice was melted. It is said that among the four competition venues, the ice venue and the Grass Fields are the most vulnerable to damage.

Million Bangira raised his head slowly, like a wounded beast, his eyes were frighteningly flickering, but the storm salamander was obviously immune to such eyes, and Bangira wanted to use one look to kill it. It is absolutely impossible to be scared!

Gongsun Qingyang patted his forehead, and Xue Qianxun gave Xue Qianxun a provocative look on the big screen opposite. Because he was an old opponent, Gongsun Gongzi knew how difficult this girl was.What Million Bangira relies on is nothing more than solid defense and terrifying destructive power, but Million Storm Salamander has an obvious ground advantage, and the opponent's speed is enough to blast several streets of Bangira.

Gongsun Qingyang turned his head and said softly: "Meng Yu, it's not good for us to continue this stalemate, so I think we should put all our eggs in one basket at this time!"

The super princess said in a deep voice: "What do you want to do, I will cooperate with you."

Gongsun Qingyang leaned over to hear the words and whispered for a while, not only that, but also secretly looked at the violent salamander on the field with his eyes from time to time, as if he was afraid that the opponent would sneak attack.Don't tell me, seeing the two students Tang Xing whispering on the opposite side, I really wondered if I could take advantage of this opportunity to launch a surprise attack or something, but the steel body of the million alloy cross was lying in front of the storm salamander. Like an impenetrable fortress.


The proud devil girl said disdainfully and said: "In the face of absolute strength, it is impossible to be afraid of what tricks you will play, isn't it?"

Looking at the confident eyes of the devil girl, Tang Xing smiled awkwardly, and was noncommittal about her words. He knew that the reason why the other party was so confident was because of the title of the champion, but it was not related to him. It doesn't matter half a dime!

Just when Tang Xing was thinking this way, the two people on the opposite side also ended their communication and turned their attention to the competition field again.Gongsun Qingyang waved his hand and shouted in a deep voice: "Bangila, go berserk...'Banquila'" Million Bangila roared suddenly, black air emanated from his body, and a huge shadow that looked like a demon descended from the sky On the body of the sandstorm tyrant, the yellow sand was flying, and the aura exuded by Bangira was increasing day by day. Finally, outsiders who didn't know outside the game saw Bangira as if possessed by a demon, completely covering his whole body In a black air.


Xue Qianxun snorted coldly, could it be this kind of self-mutilation trick, let's go. "

"The countermeasures they discussed just now seem to have not reached the end of the mountain. Although Xue Qianxun said so, he did not slack in his heart. Although contempt for the other party is a strategy, the premise is to pay attention to the other party tactically. !

Gongsun Mengyu also reacted quickly after Wanwan turned on the runaway mode. The super princess waved her hand and shouted in a cold voice: "Alloy cross, use the shadow clone with high-speed movement."

"Riter" the million alloy cross roared loudly, and then his figure flashed. The body weighing nearly one ton moved and turned around in mid-air at a speed so fast that it was almost invisible, splitting in the sky instantly. Twenty or so identical afterimages of the alloy cross appeared. The storm salamander rolled its pair of scarlet eyes, and it seemed that it was also confused by the shadow clones all over the sky, and it was impossible to find the real master for a while.

Taking advantage of this gap, Gongsun Qingyang waved his hand and directed Bangira to shout loudly: "Earthquake ∥ 'Roar'" The Sand Tyrant roared, his huge body jumped up and hit the ground heavily. In silence Less than two seconds later, the entire playing field was trembling, the ice layer broke, and the icicles collapsed. In front of everyone's naked eyes, the entire ice field was up and down and swaying from side to side.

Tang Xing was frightened by this terrifying scene and took a few steps back, but what surprised him was that although the shock was strong, the earthquake created by Bangira did not spread outside the competition field.Xue Qianxun, who was standing next to Tang Xing, was obviously much calmer than him, and the two storm salamanders and the alloy cross in the air were even more unaffected.

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

Xue Chihiro looked at the ruined playing field and couldn't guess what the opponent was thinking for a while, but she definitely wouldn't think that the million-dollar Bangira spent so much effort to destroy the playing field. Be more thorough. I078 entered the halftime and when Xue Qianxun was guessing what the opponent's move was, Gongsun Qingyang waved his eyes and shouted loudly: "Yan Beng...'Ban Kuiren'" Bang Jila let out a loud roar , A black hole appeared above the heads of the two storm salamanders and quickly spread to the entire playing field. Rocks that were not small in size but with a minimum diameter of half a meter fell from the black hole out of thin air. Follow the dragon The star group is different, the impact point of the rock collapse ultimate move is completely uncontrollable, and the lethality and damage range cannot be compared with the dragon star group, which is known as the strongest ultimate move of the dragon system.

However, even so, they couldn't turn a blind eye to this large-scale rock avalanche, because for flying Pokemon, the damage that rock-type tricks could do to them should not be underestimated.Therefore, when there were rocks sloping down all over the sky, the two blood-winged dragons simultaneously showed their powerful flying abilities and moved back and forth in the air to quickly dodge the bombardment of the boulders.

"The Rhett" storm salamander accidentally flew to the side of an alloy cross when dodging, but this Pokemon who couldn't tell whether it was an afterimage or a real body suddenly burst into trouble. A huge pincer The claw slammed towards the head and threw the caught-off-prepared storm salamander into the air. There was another bang, and a huge rock that fell from the sky just hit the target, crushing the storm salamander's body and hitting the ground heavily. This continuous blow There is no time for the Blood Winged Wyvern to react, not to mention that it has a trainer who looks like a decoration, how can it be possible to keep it in a single fight!

"Roarman" Seeing his father in trouble, the million violent salamanders were ready to step forward to help him without even thinking, but the speed of the million alloy crosses was faster than it. The giant golden monsters all over the sky appeared There was a burst of dark blue spiritual power, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, only pieces of fist-sized shattered ice shot up from the ground and shot towards the sky. The crackling sound was endless, and millions of violent salamanders Sudden heavy damage, these shattered ice seemed to have an automatic locking function, and they were very consistent in targeting it.

Xue Qianxun's complexion changed drastically. She finally understood the opponent's intention until now. It turned out that Bangira's move that covered the entire field just now was just to create enough crushed ice, and then the Alloy Cross could use it to All the raw materials are manipulated with mental interference, and then they can form an effective blow to the storm salamander in the sky!

"Storm Salamander, quick, use protection!"

The devil girl who figured out the key to this didn't have the relaxed look before, and the mega-violent salamander, which was almost unable to support in mid-air, did not hesitate at all after receiving the trainer's instructions.The body curled up and instantly stretched out a protective cover with a green halo flowing around it, and the continuous rain of shattered ice hit the protective cover like plantains and bounced off all of them.

"I have expected you to have this move, and I am waiting for you to make a move."

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